May 112024

Well, it was just barely a week – perhaps not quite since I braided on Wednesday and it was out on Tuesday…. Yup, it is what it is.

Sadly, my sensitive skin and physical nature just doesn’t like natural fibers or foreign products. When I say natural fibers, I mean things like wool which makes me super itchy. Foreign products that are not natural or organic however are my enemy.

While it is possible that the braiding was just too tight, whatever it was, my head broke out in hives slowly but surely. I gave it a few days with attempts at treatments, but alas, it was not to be.

So, this last Tuesday evening, I made M help me as watched TV together and five hours later, the braids were gone. On the plus side, my perm stayed and my hair seems to be a bit happier to be free so it is looking nice on its own. I also have a renewed appreciation that it is, at least, not straight.

Anyway…no more braids for the foreseeable future. If I ever do the style again, it will have to be with my own hair at a long length without any extras unless it is added at the end of the hair rather than near my roots. I cannot say that there will never be braids again, but I can say that my new aim is to grow the hair long and then see where my whim takes me!

Thus ends, the hair saga for now….


  One Response to “My Hair Saga”

  1. Your hair saga was very interesting! At my age 81yrs, mine is falling out

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