Sep 122010

1. As I was telling my BF the story I wrote about the taxi driver, it occurred to me that while I took it as a positive story it didn’t sound as such as I was sharing it. In fact, it just sounded like another one of my crazy taxi ride stories in this country…<sigh> Which way should I think of it…?

2. Lately I’ve been using my birth name to log in to some writing sites that I’ve started publishing articles on and as I clicked on the “Remember me” box, I found it rather ironic or fitting somehow that I click that box as I begin a writing journey on my adoption experience.

3. I’ve been reading a lot of adoptees blogs lately and admit to being quite surprised at the anger and hurt that is coming out in their written words. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve buried similar feelings, deny them or if I have somehow gotten over it…if it should even be gotten over…?

4. Setting goals puts the world in a sad realistic viewpoint.

  • Money – not enough of it and need to cutback.
  • Career – not content at the moment and have to work harder and more productively towards getting where I want to be.
  • Love – totally happy and going with the flow, but do I want more…? (still thinking on this one)
  • Location – here for a few reasons, but it’s not ideal. Yet, I don’t know where I want to go….

5. Relationships in general are both complicated and simple. Good friends make the relationship simple and easy. These are so hard to come by and I so wish that more of my close friends were nearby, especially my BFF. Other relationships can be complicated either because they are developing friendships with potential to be good ones, they will merely be acquaintances never to become anything more, or not meant to be anything at all. Finding the right balance, knowing how and who to invest time/effort in is a complex task. Simple is best, but I also hate to be closed to chances of developing ones to become great….

Well, anywho those are my random thoughts of late. Now, I will try to catch up a bit on my postings from the summer holidays!

More to come…


 Posted by at 14:08

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