May 302012

So, it’s official, I hit near bottom last night with a minor meltdown. First, let me say that when someone is having a minor meltdown it is best to not try to aggravate them even more, no matter how much you think you are trying to help. Why? Because either it just elongates the meltdown or if they are like me, it will get suppressed to boil into an even larger one at a later date.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the later one never comes and that a bit of talking has helped dissipate it….

Anyway, it is important for me to keep note of the symptoms of when the low is coming. A while back I self-diagnosed myself as bipolar II. After that I sort of forgot about this and have been somewhat lax in keeping track of my mental state. However, I did start to remember back when I was being overly productive and noticing how my sleep was becoming less than it was.

Therefore, here are some of the signs for me when I am on a ‘high’ –

*Sleeping six or less hours and still feeling strangely energetic
*Being much more than normal productive and seemingly happy
*Feeling the need to be on the go all the time and thinking that it is just me enjoying being social or out of the house
*Exercising like a fiend

Although none are bad things in and of themselves, together it makes for what appears to be slightly strange….

It all makes sense when the ‘low’ comes –
*Easily irritated by everything
*A feeling of being out of control in all areas, especially of myself
*Frustration with small matters
*Feeling of being picked on, bullied or misunderstood in everything
*Tension in neck, shoulders and lower back
*Begin to lose motivation previously had for exercise and socializing…

Of course, on top of this, it is also important for me to be aware of my natural inclinations towards being both introverted, homebody and conflicted with wanting to be somewhat social….

So, if you haven’t already guessed that I am a bit of a nut – which I embrace fully – it is just good that I am aware and can reflect on ways of dealing with this.

In the back of my mind, I am a bit concerned that if my birthmother is actually the said woman I may have found who lost her mental state a few years ago, it would mean that I am only about ten years away from the same age and perhaps the same fate if such things are genetic…. So, although she may not actually be my birthmother, it is another thing to keep in mind…

Anyway…this blog sort of keeps me one step closer to ‘sanity’….

πŸ˜€ -T

May 272012

Well, the high is wearing off as I suspected that it might. I’m working on ensuring that I don’t drop too far below the line of ‘normal’. At least I’m still keeping busy and exercising (skipped this morning for no real reason other than I wanted to sleep longer…).

So, I’m trying to keep myself in check and hope this is a short dip… πŸ™‚


 Posted by at 07:07
May 252012

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World…

_Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking_ by Susan Cain

When I am running on the treadmill I generally read since I’m not really in to watching TV and now it’s too hot to even think about going outside – not that I would anyway….

A while back, I saw a Ted Talk with the author on this book. Then, when I was in Philly a woman mentioned it in one of my workshops as a way of understanding people. So, I thought I would get it when I finished my last one.

I have always known that I am quite introverted and although I like to be social at times, I generally prefer to be in my own head. It was nice to read that I’m not totally crazy and that as I’ve often wondered, the world is not fair to those like me. We’ve known from the time of Freud and Jung that people are different with preferences on how social we want to be, yet somehow the world has lost balance in appreciating our differences.

Cain did a nice job of including all her research as well as interweaving stories of people she had interviewed about their extrovertness or introvertness. Although I admit I got a little worn out by the end of the similar arguments, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book for a few reasons: 1) I felt somehow validated to continue to be introverted, but with desired balance; 2) It’s a great resource to add to my reading list for my dissertation since it goes to recognizing and appreciating the differences in people as a leader; and 3) I just enjoy discussions sociological and psychological in nature. πŸ˜€

In any case, a very nice non-fiction read. It seems I’m on a non-fiction kick these days…. However, I have some fiction saved up on my iPad for the summer holidays! πŸ˜‰

More to come…


 Posted by at 09:38
May 242012

I’ve been trying for nearly four months now to get in to see my therapist. I don’t go regularly anymore as we agreed that it was okay for me to come when I just felt the need to talk and let out thoughts. However, she’s a very popular counselor with a limited schedule, so the times that are possible for me (the evenings) are all booked up. So, I have begun to wonder, maybe I don’t really need to see her…or maybe I’m just trying to convince myself of that.

In any case, despite my sporadic postings this month, I have been very active lately, which I posted a little about a few postings ago. The course I took for six weeks is now complete. I’ve done three phone interviews for my data collection, but need to send emails again this weekend to try to get more responses. Work is going as usual, though extremely busy with meetings and plans as iPads become our main technology focus next year. Best of all, 29 days until summer vacay!

I can hardly wait. In the meantime, I’m going to ride this high of mine in productivity as long as it lasts and try to keep on a truckin’!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:56
May 222012

I was visiting with friends yesterday who are leaving the UAE next month. We were overdue to catch up, but seeings how they just had their second child, it is natural that time has passed so quickly without hanging out. It was amazing to reminisce that in the time I met them and we became friends, they have had two children and now are moving on in the world. It’s always sad when people move on and away…, but this is the life of an expat.

In any case, I was sharing with them about my past search and my friend asked if I was journaling and keeping track of all these things. I realized that it had been over a month since I last wrote in my paper journal and that this is the only place that I actually keep up. Even that is pushing it a bit….

While I have been busy with work and study, I think that it has also been convenient for me to ignore and process. So, I imagine that once summer holidays start I will be flooded with all my processed thoughts and feelings!

πŸ˜€ -T

 Posted by at 17:15
May 192012

This is the last weekend of the course I was taking for the past six weeks. Now, I will have to focus on readings related to my doctorate again, but I’m up for it.

One of the good things about taking the online course is that by procrastinating on my tasks, I got a lot of other things done around the house.

For some time now I’ve been wanting to rearrange a couple of the rooms in the apartment. It just felt time for a little bit of change. The white walls are starting to get to me as well, but first I thought I’d adjust the furniture….

Living/Dining room BEFORE

23-Jun-2011 22:58, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.3, 6.3mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 800
The open space living/dining rooms and kitchen
The open space living/dining rooms and kitchen23-Jun-2011 22:57, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.3, 6.3mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 160
23-Jun-2011 22:57, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.3, 6.3mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 800

Living/Dining room AFTER

Living room makeover 2
Living room makeover 219-May-2012 13:05, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 100
Living room makeover
Living room makeover19-May-2012 13:05, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 100


The office - we are still working on the drapery issue...
The office - we are still working on the drapery issue...23-Jun-2011 23:00, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.3, 6.3mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 800

Office AFTER

Office makeover
Office makeover19-May-2012 13:06, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 64

I have become interested in open space layouts lately, so this is where these arrangements stem from.

My gardening has focused mostly on ensuring the tomato plants survive as other vegetables seem to not be conducive to my gardening methods, but I am still trying:

Tomato corner
Tomato corner19-May-2012 13:05, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 64
Trying other plants still...
Trying other plants still...19-May-2012 13:05, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 64

So, this is what has been keeping me busy – on top of cleaning house, shopping and the other mundane weekend activities!

πŸ˜€ -T

 Posted by at 13:25
May 152012


Well, on April 25th I posted about my iPhone being stolen. It was a sad and frustrating day on the 24th. While I had hoped that eventually my phone would be returned to me, I waited a few days to no avail.

Finally, I called and cancelled the SIM card to ensure I didn’t get charged for any random calls. People wanted me to go to the police, but I wanted to give it enough time before going through that hassle. So, when I had finally given up hope, I went to the Khalifa City Police Station on Wednesday, May 9th only to find that I had to bring the original box. (Good thing I hadn’t thrown that away!). Thus, I went back on Thursday, May 10th and completed the police report. It is apparently illegal to provide a copy of the police report, so I am suppose to take their word for it and wait until someone contacts me at some unknown time in the future…gotta love ambiguity!

In any case, I’ve done as much as I can at this point and must accept that the phone is gone.


Despite my attempt to last with my old Nokia phone, I found that I’m much too spoiled by the iPhone to live long without it. So, I went to Etisalat to find out how to get a new one.

Turns out that because I am still on contract with the stolen phone, I cannot:

*pay to end the contract early without having to wait until the contract period comes to a close (June 19th)

*start a new or different contract with a new phone while I am still paying for a phone on another contract

Therefore, either way, I have to complete my payments for the rest of the contract and then I will be eligible to get a new phone while renewing my contract. Complicated!

So, R was kind enough to lend me back my old 3G iPhone until I became eligible for the new phone next month. The plan was to wait it out – despite it’s slowness compared to my 4G.

15-May-2012 07:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 80
15-May-2012 07:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 80


A week or so ago a friend mentioned that Apple now sells iPhones unlocked in the States. She had obtained one that allows her to use Facetime with her family and friends since it came from the States.

Of course, I had to check it out! Sure enough, they were easily available and much much cheaper than buying one here even under the contract (as you pay monthly for the device). Therefore, I ordered the 64GB White iPhone 4S, which is an upgrade in capacity and model from the stolen phone. Although waiting for it to be delivered here was a bit of a test of patience, – I do love new toys! – it arrived with basically no difficulty, minimal shipping and customs costs and now I’m a happy camper again!!!


This one will NEVER leave my sight!!! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 07:50
May 102012

After my post yesterday, I thought perhaps I should seem more positive. So, this morning I am thinking of the good points of life and the day:

*It’s Thursday, which means the weekend starts after just two more classes. πŸ™‚

*I’m going to eat Korean food tomorrow as I catch up with a friend/colleague, which will be nice.

*I love my bf, bff, family and lifestyle.

*There are only 43 days left of work until a 2-month summer holiday.

*My data collection is moving forward now that I’ve finally gotten my butt in gear again.

*In another week I’ll be finished with another online course through TESOL, which will pad my CV and has given me motivation, resources and contacts in my professional world.

So, there’s plenty to truly smile and be happy about! Just gotta refocus my attentions on what really matters!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:11

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