Well, on April 25th I posted about my iPhone being stolen. It was a sad and frustrating day on the 24th. While I had hoped that eventually my phone would be returned to me, I waited a few days to no avail.
Finally, I called and cancelled the SIM card to ensure I didn’t get charged for any random calls. People wanted me to go to the police, but I wanted to give it enough time before going through that hassle. So, when I had finally given up hope, I went to the Khalifa City Police Station on Wednesday, May 9th only to find that I had to bring the original box. (Good thing I hadn’t thrown that away!). Thus, I went back on Thursday, May 10th and completed the police report. It is apparently illegal to provide a copy of the police report, so I am suppose to take their word for it and wait until someone contacts me at some unknown time in the future…gotta love ambiguity!
In any case, I’ve done as much as I can at this point and must accept that the phone is gone.
Despite my attempt to last with my old Nokia phone, I found that I’m much too spoiled by the iPhone to live long without it. So, I went to Etisalat to find out how to get a new one.
Turns out that because I am still on contract with the stolen phone, I cannot:
*pay to end the contract early without having to wait until the contract period comes to a close (June 19th)
*start a new or different contract with a new phone while I am still paying for a phone on another contract
Therefore, either way, I have to complete my payments for the rest of the contract and then I will be eligible to get a new phone while renewing my contract. Complicated!
So, R was kind enough to lend me back my old 3G iPhone until I became eligible for the new phone next month. The plan was to wait it out – despite it’s slowness compared to my 4G.
A week or so ago a friend mentioned that Apple now sells iPhones unlocked in the States. She had obtained one that allows her to use Facetime with her family and friends since it came from the States.
Of course, I had to check it out! Sure enough, they were easily available and much much cheaper than buying one here even under the contract (as you pay monthly for the device). Therefore, I ordered the 64GB White iPhone 4S, which is an upgrade in capacity and model from the stolen phone. Although waiting for it to be delivered here was a bit of a test of patience, – I do love new toys! – it arrived with basically no difficulty, minimal shipping and customs costs and now I’m a happy camper again!!!
This one will NEVER leave my sight!!! π