May 222012

I was visiting with friends yesterday who are leaving the UAE next month. We were overdue to catch up, but seeings how they just had their second child, it is natural that time has passed so quickly without hanging out. It was amazing to reminisce that in the time I met them and we became friends, they have had two children and now are moving on in the world. It’s always sad when people move on and away…, but this is the life of an expat.

In any case, I was sharing with them about my past search and my friend asked if I was journaling and keeping track of all these things. I realized that it had been over a month since I last wrote in my paper journal and that this is the only place that I actually keep up. Even that is pushing it a bit….

While I have been busy with work and study, I think that it has also been convenient for me to ignore and process. So, I imagine that once summer holidays start I will be flooded with all my processed thoughts and feelings!

πŸ˜€ -T

 Posted by at 17:15

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