Feb 192013

Whenever I watch a film on adoption, I begin to ponder the issue of having community and wondering why I always feel without one.

The truth is that I have a pretty good community of friends now as an expat. So, I shouldn’t take that for granted. Living as an expat is definitely a certain mindset and way of life. Most people back home cannot understand or appreciate the lifestyle and experiences. Thus, we tend to stay away where we are understood.

However, this is not the community that I crave…. R asked me if I talk to or keep in touch with other adoptees and the truth is that I don’t really. The few adoptees I do know are part of an anti-adoption sentiment that I do not fully embrace. Some parts I do agree with, but others not so much. The blogs I read or even write on are very active, but not necessarily in the way that I need for fulfillment or sharing of my adoption experience. This, it is hard to find connections and mutual understanding.

It’s a strange parallel of being taken from my biological community and never being to feel fully part of a non-biological one. Perhaps I would struggle with this even if I weren’t missing the biological roots, but there’s no way of knowing the truth.

So, I continue to wonder….

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 15:11

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