Jun 242013


_The Power of Now:  A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

I think I’m on a bit of a self-help kick these days. Mostly, it’s to avoid doing my dissertation work, I think. However, after reading _A New Earth_ a few months ago, I decided that I wanted to keep exploring this idea of finding peace within oneself and controlling the self in the moment.

While not exactly the same as _A New Earth_, the themes are similar in _The Power of Now_. This one, though, focuses on keeping your mind in the present and not allowing the past or worries of the future affect your responses to the world around you. Tolle speaks about Being and suggests that our concept of God or the spiritual is not to be found in some external energy force, but rather that we are God within ourselves. Now, this is not like a cult following, but rather that we should embrace that we are all part of God’s creation and that our search for heaven/paradise can be found within ourselves when we acknowledge the Now and are present.

Some people might take this as seizing the moment, but that is not at all what the purpose and point is. Rather, if we acknowledge our feelings and responses in the moment, then we can also pause and reflect enough to see how these feelings and responses affect our identity, our relationships, our interactions with the world. Tolle makes an interesting point of how not everyone is willing to embrace this way and that it is okay. Those who do should remain patient and aware that others do not think or feel the same. This awareness can then cause a change in our interactions so that fights do not occur, but understanding can evolve.

I’m sure that I am not explaining it well enough, but I do feel as if this is the spiritual understanding I have always felt was missing in churches and those who are ‘religious’.

Anyway, I highly recommend this for those seeking enlightenment. There is one more in his series and I will probably read that over the summer holidays. 😉

-T 😀

Jun 232013


_The Great Gatsby_ by F. Scott Fitzgerald

With the movie coming out, I thought that I should actually read this often-talked about classic. While I did not actually finish it before I saw the film, I was not disappointed by any gaps between the film coverage of the story.

I have not read much literature from this time period as I never really got into the American authors from this time. However, as I get older I guess maybe I’m more prepared to read their work. Occasionally, I think I want to read more, but then I change my mind. 😉

Anyway, I don’t really need to give a synopsis of the story since the movie is available now and in today’s media-saturated world, the film will probably be more known than the book in the future.

It was a good story. Some people had said that they had really hated reading it in high school. I feel as if I might have been one of those people had I been forced to read it. Kind of how I feel about Melville’s _Billy Bud_. Still, I am appreciating simpler days when life was still complicated, but with the simpler matters of life – relationships, love, growing up, and life.

-T 😀

Jun 222013

The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted…

_The Primal Wound:  Understanding the Adopted Child_ by Nancy Newton Verrier

Over a year ago, I found my first foster mother in the States. In our first telephone conversation she mentioned this book to me and recommended it. When I was in Korea in 2009, someone there had also mentioned this book saying how it really opened her eyes to her adoption experience. So, I ordered it and began to read it last summer.

Since it is a paper book, it took me longer to get through than if it had been on my e-reader. Also, it is not really one of those books that you can read straight through as it takes time to digest aspects of what Verrier is saying. So, finally last month I finished it.

The basic gist is that when a child is taken away from its biological mother there is a wound that develops that will never heal. For many adoptees this wound is deep and reopened regularly. The biological need to feel the connection to the person who provided shelter and security for nine months can never be replaced. Due to this wound being inflicted at such a young age, it affects every following relationship with females as well as future friends. One’s identity is also further changed from this broken connection.

There’s much more to explain, but that’s the overall theme. It was an eye-opening read as I had always felt that I was alone in how I felt about the world and the people in it. However, as I read, I realized I’m actually quite ‘normal’. 😉

I am taking the book home to give to my mom to read so that she may find some comfort in knowing that my distance from her growing up was not a personal affront to her as my mom, but just the mere fact that she was there. Maybe it will help. I also recommend my friends to read this as it may help them to understand me that much more. 😀




Jun 162013

Missing In Insanity….Yep, that’s me.

How did June already fly by so that it is more than half over and I have not written a single post all month?! Wha…what?!

Yeah, so I’ve been a bit busy. And…a little depressed I think…And a little bit sick or full of stomach bacteria that is… Maybe I’ll do a whole posting on that later.

Anyway, I’m just trying to get through the next week and then I will be on a plane and able to breathe a little bit. I’m definitely NOT where I wanted to be with my dissertation work, but I think I should just accept it for now and work like a fiend when I have the time over the next two months when I am not also dealing with work….

So, that’s my current update. If I don’t write again for another week, don’t be too surprised – but then I’ll be back full steam!!!

-T 😀

 Posted by at 15:39

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