Sep 142013

When I arrived back ‘home’ after two months away I was disoriented and unsettled at being back. The apartment did not feel as if it was my home. Everything felt wrong from how I left it, though it was just a matter of a bit of messiness due to R being around after I left. πŸ˜‰

Still, I felt strange in the space.

So, when R headed back to NJ for his mom, I spent the day rearranging.

Now, the apartment has had a few different setups since moving in because I generally feel a need to refresh the space every few months or so. However, this time the changes were new – as in never been setup quite this way before. I am satisfied for the time being, but who knows how long it will last. πŸ˜‰

Here are some pics:

Living room changedLiving room changed
Living room changed31-Aug-2013 15:24, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 32
Dining area stayed the sameDining area stayed the same
Dining area stayed the same31-Aug-2013 15:24, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 32
Bedroom changedBedroom changed
Bedroom changed31-Aug-2013 15:25, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 160
Bed movedBed moved
Bed moved31-Aug-2013 15:25, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 250
More space here in bedroomMore space here in bedroom
More space here in bedroom31-Aug-2013 15:25, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 250
Office decluttered under deskOffice decluttered under desk
Office decluttered under desk31-Aug-2013 15:26, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 32

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:00
Sep 132013

Does being on my own cause my bipolar tendencies to act up?

This question came to my mind today as I contemplated my sort of manic feelings of needing to accomplish a lot. Here’s what I did today:

*Slept in (9.30) for me…
*Search for a number of TV shows to download and began the downloads
*Met a friend for lunch
*Went grocery shopping, shopped at Daiso and bought two pairs of new shoes (shoes were generally unneeded, but kind of needed for work…or so I say…. ;))
*Marked almost 40 paragraphs whilst talking with my BFF and surfing the Internet
*Organized our freezers and cupboards a little bit
*Made homemade peanut butter whilst sauteing shrimp (for the first time ever) to put into my salads for lunch during the week

Makes two full jars
Makes two full jars13-Sep-2013 19:29, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 250
Big batch of peanut butter
Big batch of peanut butter13-Sep-2013 19:26, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 250
First time cooking (sautΓ©ing) shrimp
First time cooking (sautΓ©ing) shrimp13-Sep-2013 19:25, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 3.3mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 80

*Heated up leftover chili and watched a TV show
*Faffed around more on the computer and am now writing this post

When I write it out all like this, I realize this is WAY more than I normally do in a regular day when I am not on my own. Since I realize that I have also been having down spells, I am wondering if my ups and downs are coming about more due to my sense of solitude…. I will need to watch myself and be careful. There is indeed much to be done, but probably not to this degree…? Maybe? πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

Sep 122013

It’s a strange cycle of life that we go through as teachers or maybe as expats in general. From an academic perspective, we work for 10 months with a few holidays here and there, then have nearly two months to ourselves and then return to another 10 months. While the rest of the population might envy our holiday time (2 weeks a year is unfathomable to us!) and some people might even think the only reason we chose this profession was for the holidays, I think that this cycle is just one its pitfalls as all jobs have.

It usually takes me somewhere between two and three weeks to completely relax and let go of the stress of work, thinking about work, planning for work, etc. Unfortunately, it only takes about two or three days for all the relaxation and stress-release to be mooted as if it did not ever happen. πŸ™

Dealing with a roomful of semi-adults for 3 hours and 20 minutes a day without a turn-off switch and then using the 2hours and 40minutes break to eat lunch, plan upcoming lessons, collaborate with colleagues or have meetings is a lot to ask of a person five days a week. Those who get a mere two weeks off a year, generally have a lot more ‘down’ time during the day than someone like I do.

Now, I wouldn’t trade my job for anything. I enjoy my students. I like most of my colleagues. My workplace has improved for the time-being. And, yes, I love my holidays. Still, the first week back in full swing is always a killer!

The good news is that it only gets easier from here on out! πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 19:48
Sep 052013

R & MJ


Last night, R’s mom passed away from liver cancer. She had outlived her husband by 17 years and survived breast cancer. MJ’s outlook on life was always positive and she embraced the beauty in the world and people.

The last time I got to see her was Christmas 2011 when she came to visit us for two weeks. It was a treat for us all. Sadly, her physical presence is no longer with us, but her spirit will live on.

May she rest in peace and be with the glory of our Heavenly Father for all eternity.

 Posted by at 08:44
Sep 042013

_The Year of the Flood_ by Margaret Atwood

_The Year of the Flood_ by Margaret Atwood

Since I still had the freedom to keep reading, I decided to go ahead and read the second novel in the MaddAddam series. The first being _Oryx and Crake_ from a few weeks ago.

The second novel is told from the perspective of two other characters who live through the “Waterless Flood” or pandemic that occurred in the first novel. The characters in both books overlap, but in a very general way. The overlaps leave enough curiosity in the reader to wonder if the characters’ paths will eventually cross or not by the end of the novel.

What I found most interesting in this novel is that one character’s perspective was told from the first person while the other was told in the third. Therefore, it was not always clear exactly who was the narrator or audience, which kept the novel going for me. Also, the first novel was from male perspectives while this one was from the female side. Atwood has really done an amazing job of intertwining the storyline, but keeping them unique enough to really get the sense that a whole world is being revealed through the series rather than a continuation of a story as most series are written.

So, as usual, I will not go into much detail about the story itself as I think that is up to an individual on finding out. However, I have been generally impressed with the writing and style of Atwood. The third and final(?) novel of the series is set to come out in November, I believe. Should be fun to read that!

-T πŸ˜€

Sep 032013

So, the new academic year is approaching. Classes start off next Sunday morning – bright and early.

This week has actually been a nice transition so far.

On Sunday, we were expected to appear at some point in the day. So, I went and was seen..aka made the rounds – asking/answering the same questions – “How was the summer?” “What did you do?” “How about you?” “What level are you teaching this term?” and then “Okay, cool. Will catch up with you again soon.” In other words, I may not see you again until the winter break…. After that was done on both campuses, our new young ladies’ club met for coffee and chit-chat. πŸ˜‰

Today was day two and there was again no expectations of us other than to be present. So, I went and started to actually think about classes. Our coordinator sent us the location of the texts and materials, thus I looked into that after a little more catching up with those I missed yesterday. In the end, I was a little productive as P and I decided to share our classes as it makes lesson planning much easier and we are similar in our styles it seems. So, after setting up a few things and getting the books, I also realized that my second term ever here at ZU I had taught the exact same course. Nothing has changed with the textbook or materials. The curriculum has been pared down slightly, but all of the materials that I had stored away all these years can still be used. Is that good or bad? Depends on your perspective. πŸ˜‰ At the moment, I’m taking it as GREAT! I can adapt old materials and focus on making them a little better without having to re-create as past courses have been. Whoot!

Anyway, so far so good. Tomorrow begins real meetings and serious planning, so I suppose the lazy days are starting to fade away….

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 03:54  Tagged with:
Sep 022013

Book of Tea

_The Book of Tea_ by Kakuzo Okakura

Since early in my Japan days and the days of Loren, this has been amongst my books to read, but never got to for various reasons. When I saw it was free to download on Kindle ages ago, I got it for that aloof ‘someday’. Well, ‘someday’ arrived this summer when I was nearing the end of my purchased books and I was not yet sure if I should start reading longer books when I have many pages to write and articles to read.

However, after quickly finishing _Stillness Speaks_ and not being overly satisfied, I opened _The Book of Tea_ to see how long it would take to read. Surprisingly, I found it was a very short read. So, I read on.

Okakura talks about the history of tea from China to Japan and how the aesthetics and appreciation of tea used to be founded in the Song and Tang dynasties, but was then lost. When Japan took on the art, it took on religious implications of acquiring a zen spirit as well as added in the appreciation of nature and true aesthetics to the point of it becoming its own religious rite in many ways from the arrival to the tea garden, to the entrance of the tea house, to the accepting of the made tea and appreciation for the maker.

It reminded me of some of the more beautiful aspects of Japanese culture that I had come to understand and really enjoy amidst much that I did not like as much. I am glad that I was finally in the right mental space to enjoy the read and find that it has a deep and poetic meaning for a much under-appreciated art form.

-T πŸ˜€


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