Sep 032013

So, the new academic year is approaching. Classes start off next Sunday morning – bright and early.

This week has actually been a nice transition so far.

On Sunday, we were expected to appear at some point in the day. So, I went and was seen..aka made the rounds – asking/answering the same questions – “How was the summer?” “What did you do?” “How about you?” “What level are you teaching this term?” and then “Okay, cool. Will catch up with you again soon.” In other words, I may not see you again until the winter break…. After that was done on both campuses, our new young ladies’ club met for coffee and chit-chat. πŸ˜‰

Today was day two and there was again no expectations of us other than to be present. So, I went and started to actually think about classes. Our coordinator sent us the location of the texts and materials, thus I looked into that after a little more catching up with those I missed yesterday. In the end, I was a little productive as P and I decided to share our classes as it makes lesson planning much easier and we are similar in our styles it seems. So, after setting up a few things and getting the books, I also realized that my second term ever here at ZU I had taught the exact same course. Nothing has changed with the textbook or materials. The curriculum has been pared down slightly, but all of the materials that I had stored away all these years can still be used. Is that good or bad? Depends on your perspective. πŸ˜‰ At the moment, I’m taking it as GREAT! I can adapt old materials and focus on making them a little better without having to re-create as past courses have been. Whoot!

Anyway, so far so good. Tomorrow begins real meetings and serious planning, so I suppose the lazy days are starting to fade away….

-T πŸ˜€

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