Nov 302013

This year we were too busy to think about having a big Thanksgiving bash at home. So, when Time Out Abu Dhabi decided to issue 2-for-1 coupons for a nice buffet lunch, we decided to celebrate there with friends.

We had gone before earlier in the month and loved it, so it was pretty exciting to go again. πŸ˜€

It was a really lovely time and nice to feel like our international family here can fill the void of missing loved ones at home.

Here’s some pics of our wonderful crew!

The ladies!

Here are the beautiful ladies.

Da boyz!

Aren’t the boys ever so handsome?

A good time was had by all!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:08
Nov 292013

A few days ago I posted this link about Internet porn addiction on Facebook. A colleague at work made a comment and I responded saying how my ex was/is an addict.

This morning, a former colleague and FB friend whom I only ever talk to at a conference once a year, but used to be our mutual friend sent me a message chastising me (in few words) about ‘outing’ my ex for his addiction.

At first I thought oh how nice he wrote to me. Then, I re-read and realized he still was taking L’s side after all these years. Because it is an addiction and something a person needs help with, he is still the victim – not me. He tried to patronize me by saying he was sorry for my side of it, but the truth is that he was writing to me to chastise, which is not a sympathetic expression of our friendship. Typical of his behavior and attitude at the time that L and I were separating.

The truth is that it is time for me to ‘out’ him and to talk about it. People should know the truth. It has been 5 years since our official divorce and nearly 11 years since I found out the truth about him. For 16 years, I have said very little. I have been okay with everyone thinking I was the bad half of our marriage. I never stepped out to make him seen in a negative light at all. Now, he is married again with two boys and no one I know now even knows him or has ever seen him. Therefore, why should I care about protecting him? If he has chosen to continue to live a life of darkness, that is no longer my problem.

So, I wrote this back. I also explained that I appreciate his opinion, but that it is indeed just an opinion to me as we are not really friends and he does not actually care about my side of the situation. True friends do not chastise while pretending to care when they have never once tried to fully understand the situation they think they know everything about.

Today’s rant finished. πŸ™‚


Nov 272013

Some great news to share!

First, surprisingly within the amount of time we were told we would get feedback, I received an email that I had been offering the Apple Professional Developer position. There will be a contract to sign and then my name will go on a list for potential clients or I can try to go out and get them on my own. However, this is a great step forward. If things go well, then I could potentially do this ‘full-time’ and leave other time for me to write. So, we shall see and start envisioning a lot of work coming my way! πŸ˜€

Also, all my hard efforts last week in getting up and submitting job proposals has paid off with two paid jobs. One is doing voice recordings of some English sentences, which is fairly easy, but at least gets my portfolio going on the site. The other is much more interesting in that it is writing a book review and summary of each chapter. It just happens to be a book I have already read, which is great. If this job goes well, I can potentially get more like it. Getting paid to read and write?! What?! Awesome! So, my next hour before hitting the pool is to get started.

Everything is starting to pick up for me and I’m quite happy. I have decided to finish the PhD, though I will work on it when I am motivated whilst focusing on the writing. So, as long as I finish by my 2016 deadline, I will be content. Hopefully, it will happen sooner, but it gives me peace to feel content with that decision for now. πŸ™‚

Off to write….

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:16
Nov 262013

Phew, last night was a toughy and I am not sure how much detail I will write as it focused a lot on love.

There were two events yesterday that sort of opened my eyes wider to my relationship causing me to think more deeply about what I want and, more importantly, what I deserve.

We went back to the J-days in college and how my heart still aches for him. Of course, we have both moved on, but we still care for each other deeply. Therefore, Karen told me to “get complete” with it as I am not taking responsibility fully for why I ended the relationship back then. At first, I was a bit peeved about this since I do feel as if he knows why it ended and how. However, when she switched the perspective from him to me, it became easier to see that it has not really been completed. In doing so, she stated that I will gain the transformation I need to ‘source’ someone who is worthy of me and available to be with me on an equal level.

So, what does this all mean? I am not quite sure just yet, but some movement is happening in my heart and mind. All is still well, but it will be even better in time as I continue to take action for me in my life. πŸ˜€


Nov 252013

Ages ago, B and I planned to go see Alicia Keys in Dubai. This is the only concert I had agreed to go to this year as I am often disappointed by the performance as well as the atmosphere.

Since it was in Dubai, I thought I would give it a chance.

Well, it was not that much different from the concerts at Yas in Abu Dhabi – lots of people squished around without any etiquette. Plus, there were teens and not so ‘mature’ adults singing songs off-key in my ear or screaming at unnatural pitches. So, that was pretty lame.

On the other hand, Alicia Keys was amazing. She has a beautiful voice and her songs are lovely overall.

15-Nov-2013 21:50, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 80
15-Nov-2013 20:51, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 3200

In the end, I am glad that I got to see her and hear her live. However, I’m fairly certain that is the last concert I will be attending unless I pay for seats, where it is somewhat more civilized. Must be getting old or something…. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

Nov 242013

This weekend was a friend’s birthday party in Al Ain. I wanted to do something nice other than just show up and crash at her house. So, I offered to bake a birthday cake as it has been a while since I have done some baking. Since she is also doing a Paleo way of life, I found a few recipes that looked promising.

If you want the recipes, check my pins on Pinterest.

Here are some pics:

21-Nov-2013 18:34, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 250
21-Nov-2013 18:34, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 80
21-Nov-2013 19:14, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 50
22-Nov-2013 11:31, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 50
22-Nov-2013 11:31, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 160

The last pic was of the trial cake. R asked for a special one for us at home and it was a good opportunity to test it out before serving it to people. In the end, it was delicious. The coconut flour gave it a coconut flavor and aside from icing sugar, there was no other sugar used, instead it was maple syrup and honey. So, it seemed to be a huge hit and I will probably use it again for future sweet-tooth satisfying endeavors. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 05:57  Tagged with:
Nov 222013

Yep, so like I said, once I do something a couple of times, my body figures out the habit expectation. This morning, I awoke at 5:48am and without hesitation I was out of bed and eager to get my writing on. That’s not to say I won’t be back in bed soon, but it is good news for my writing habits.

This morning I submitted a few more writing proposals, so now I shall wait and see.

One person did write me back to get a voiceover sample, so I will do that a bit later after I am more awake. Also, other options in writing and education are coming to me allowing me the choice to do them or not. My journal writing this morning made me wonder if, indeed, the life coaching is working in this area – drawing more opportunities my way by sending energy out that I am open to it? In any case, I am feeling happy with things in this area.

Yesterday, we had a rare rainstorm pass through. It was pretty amazing causing a great deal of craze with both the locals and expats who are missing their grey and gloomy homes this time of year. As for me, I just wanted to be off the roads from the crazies (can’t count the number of accidents we saw or heard about), but it was definitely a nice change of pace.

21-Nov-2013 06:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 400
21-Nov-2013 06:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 125
21-Nov-2013 06:42, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 100
21-Nov-2013 06:42, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 100

Thankfully, today is another beautiful day in the desert!

– T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:43
Nov 212013

Yes, I am celebrating after three straight days of waking up early to write! The writing production itself is not quite happening yet, but I have successfully submitted a number of proposals for possible writing jobs in hopes of making some mulah in writing! I realize that I definitely need more practice. With the practice will come more confidence.

However, now that I’ve put in some proposals, I am geared to get The Universal Asian going. Plus, I am even planning on refocusing on the PhD to get it over and done with. No promises on the time frame, but I am not worrying about that just yet. πŸ™‚

If I watch only two hours of TV a day and the rest of my time is spent writing or studying, I should be unstoppable! hahahahha! See, these early morning sessions make me giddy.

Now, it’s time to get ready for work. πŸ™ My dream is to never have to say that again from my condo in Hawaii. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:13
Nov 202013

My head got distracted doing online shopping even though I have no intention of buying anything. I had plans to do some work for school and then write, but I feel the TV drawing me in. I may just go get a cup of ice cream and call it a night. πŸ˜›

 Posted by at 19:59
Nov 192013

So I am a little behind in updating on the coaching sessions. I am continuing although I do sometimes go back and forth on whether or not I should due to costs. However, as I often say to people there is no price limit for mental health and stability. Plus, Karen is good at reminding me how without the coaching my subconscious mind will continue to win over the conscious one. πŸ˜‰

In session 8 we addressed some of my issues with Halloween and dressing up in costumes. I had been feeling like it was time for me to admit that my hatred for the silly holiday was imbedded in other issues. In talking about how I dislike pretending to be something that I am not even for a day, we discovered that there are a couple of incidences: “The left-handed incident” and “The China-doll incident”.

“The left-handed incident” is about me being punished for being left-handed when I was in my second adopted family. I was told that the reason I was bad because of something that is natural. They would tie my hand behind my back so that I could not use it. From this I began to believe that I was bad and that there was something wrong with the natural me. Once removed from that I determined that I would no longer be anything but me – ie no costumes!

“The China-doll incident” is about when I first moved to the Bilyeus and my mom thought it would be a nice costume for me to dress up as a China-doll. I remember not being wholly into it in the first place, but then after going to houses and having to explain myself I felt awful. Besides that, I’m not even Chinese! Thus, I again reaffirmed that no one was going to get me into another costume or force me to be something I am not.

In fact, I often think other people are crazy to want to enjoy Halloween or dressing up. So, the separation of truth and fact is that no where has it been said that I cannot be me or that the natural me is bad. People dress up for fun and to enjoy themselves, so I should be happy for them with confidence in the fact that I can choose not to participate for equal reasons. πŸ˜‰

Session 9 was last night as I chose to skip last week due to feeling stressed out and worried about the Apple training. Karen wanted to focus on that as she felt that my fatigue was coming from a ‘virus’.

Seems she was not wrong! Although the Apple training is definitely a great opportunity, a part of me feels torn about it because my true love is writing. While I would love to move into consulting rather than doing what I do now, it is still not the answer to following my dreams. So, I struggle with the idea that I need to make money and a belief that I cannot do it by writing. Where did that idea come from?

From the time I was eight-years-old I knew that I wanted to be a writer. I remember a conversation with my dad about it and him telling me that it was not a bad dream, but that I should look for something that makes money. That practical and guiding statement crushed my eight-year-old dream. It was not intentional by any means; but how did I know that I could not make money writing? I did not. However, I told myself this by letting that statement block me from pursuing a future in writing for real.

When this came out, I felt a little sad. It almost feels as if I have been wasting my life…. Of course, I do not regret or discount what I have accomplished in my life. Yet, I could have been making good money writing for a living had I not let myself believe that it was not a viable option for my future. However, now I can make that dream into reality. So, that is the focus of my future now.

Although I felt quite tired when I first began the 9th session with Karen, by the end I definitely felt better and more inspired to look at ways to put my dream plan into action. Thus, credit must be given to this coaching process!

-T πŸ˜€


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