Jan 182014

Wow, it’s been a rough few weeks…. Aside from my personal life dramas, I took on a book to summarize in late December and it kicked my arse. I thought it would take me two weeks, but three weeks later and barely within the deadline I finally got rid of it. I will do some make-up posting later of these books, but for now I’m just happy to be free of that. Hopefully, I’ll have a week or two free from the book briefing.

In other news, I have a move-in date. The 25th my apartment shall be free. My new mattress will arrive on the 26th and hopefully so will my bed and other furniture I bought. I will have a proper guest room again and I bought a sofa that turns into a bed so that I can have visitors – hint hint!!! In lieu of visitors, I will definitely do the couchsurfing thing again as it is a great way to meet new people.

Everything else has been fine in general. Life goes on as they say. I go up and down with my emotions and haven’t had much time to think too much really, but that will come later.

So, for today, at least I’m going to relax and try to catch up on some of the other things I have been putting aside. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 07:56

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