Feb 142014

For a while I have been thinking about unplugging for one day a week. Of course, I have been putting it off because there is always something to be done. However, with this past week being what it was (busy!) and my life adjusting to new patterns, I thought it would be a good time to just give it a shot.

So, I am thinking that Saturdays I will unplug. Of course, I can’t not be available via phone or Skype, but that will be my only exception.

What will this unplugging look like?
*No FB
*No blogging
*No Internet surfing
*No phone use except to Skype or make necessary phone calls, but definitely no texting (guess I better warn my friends! ;))

*Reading books
*Relaxing in person with people
*Enjoying the sunshine and outdoors (within reasonable temperatures)
*Getting out of the house and away from digital distractions

Even as I write this, I’m pretty excited. So, I guess that means I better finish my briefing today so that I can comfortably unplug tomorrow!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:33

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