Mar 172014

Yesterday, I hit a little slump. However, I think I’m over it now – not sure just yet. πŸ˜‰

There were a number of things that hit me for some reason….

*Change to my schedule at work – I really do not do well with sudden changes. It unsettles me at my core. Of course, I like to think I am flexible or open-minded, but am I? I guess it depends on what it is. I’m pretty flexible and open-minded with people. I generally do not expect much (at least not any more). However, my time is something I tend to be more controlling over and so when it requires alterations I’m a bit unnerved.

*Influences of others – For a while now I have really been trying to sort out what I get from people in my life. It’s always good to reflect and after ending a four-year relationship it is a natural reaction to figuring out what happened and how the past four years have affected me. I find that I am drained at times being around others. Although most of my relationships seem balanced, they really are not – or at least not enough for me. I need more and need to learn how to demand it. Perhaps the truth is that I need to spend less time with others and more time with me…?

*Fear of both being alone and being in a relationship again – I am very independent. I like my alone time. I like my things to be just right. Having cats has slightly altered that, but in general, I like my space A LOT! However, I also like being with someone. I enjoy companionship as most normal people should and do. Still, I want more in a relationship than I have perhaps ever had. I no longer feel guilty about that nor do I feel as if it is over-reaching. In the past I have settled for almost or good enough. This time I don’t think that I should or can. Now, that’s not to say that I am too picky, because I don’t think that is the case. However, I do need someone giving and taking on an equal level (maybe even giving a little bit more just to me! πŸ˜‰ ) So, there’s a fear that I’ll be alone forever coupled with the fear of losing myself in a relationship again. Can you say bipolar?! (Oh wait, I am! haha)

Anyway, those are the top three at the moment. Now that I recognize them and acknowledge them, I know how to climb up the other side of the slump and feel victorious!!!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:32
Mar 162014


_The Barkeep_ by William Lashner

I finished reading this a couple of months ago now as the last book review until the company gets back on track. I am not sure if the job will be returned or not. In any case, I am enjoying my time off from it, I must admit.

So, this latest book by William Lashner was an easy read. I had not heard of this author before, but it seems that he has done a fair bit of writing before.

Here’s my final recap –

The Barkeep tells a story of Justin Chase. Having learned how to be an ideal barkeep after finding his mother dead at home, Justin struggles with his conviction that his father was guilty of having his mother killed.

Just when Justin thinks he has a handle on his life, an old man named Birdie Grackle enters it and starts Justin on a new path of discovery and acceptance.

While Justin looks for the truth following Birdie’s breadcrumb trail, he and his loved ones face more death and danger. However, eventually the truth really sets him free and Justin finds the peace he had been looking for.

Lashner does an excellent job of keeping the reader questioning truths and considering how perceptions can be confused when looking for the truth. Although a story about a crime, this is also a story of how we can accept reality for what it really is.

Overall, it was a plane/trip book and engaging enough to keep the pages turning. Enjoy! πŸ˜€


Mar 122014

Brain went into a bit of overdrive yesterday. There’s a fair bit on my mind, but nothing bad. In fact, quite the opposite.

Anyway, nothing to write at the moment. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:35
Mar 112014

So…a couple of years ago I went with R to Abu Dhabi Gourmet. I guess I didn’t write about it, or at least couldn’t find it right away in a search….

Anyway, it was an expensive evening, but quite wonderful. So, I have been wanting to go again. Last year, we didn’t go because R couldn’t find anyone he was interested in experiencing their food with. However, this year I knew I was on my own.

I got a friend from work to go with me. We checked out a Korean-American chef. It was a smaller event and much cheaper, but tasty all the same! I’m so glad I got to try something from the event. Here are the pics! πŸ˜€

Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 18:56, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 2000
Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 18:56, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1250
Edward Kwon's special degustation dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
Edward Kwon's special degustation dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 18:56, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 500
Edward Kwon's special a la carte dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
Edward Kwon's special a la carte dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 18:56, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 640
2nd course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
2nd course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 19:38, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 800
3rd course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
3rd course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 19:49, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1600
4th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
4th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 20:01, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1250
5th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
5th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 20:10, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 800
6th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
6th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 20:30, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1250
7th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
7th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 20:43, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1600
8th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro
8th course of Edward Kwon's special dinner at Park Rotana's Teatro07-Feb-2014 20:53, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1000
Mar 102014

It is true that I feel quite good about my life right now. My dad said I had a glow back in my eyes after we chatted last night. My friend said I seemed happy. My new special friend said I seem as if I am good with who I am and where my life is going. All true!

It seems somewhat hard to believe that I was ending a relationship just about three months ago. I guess it was a true sign when I didn’t really cry that it was time for it to end.

We are still friends or some form of friends. However, for me I am good with it. Maybe I would consider or hope for more if I saw potential transformation for him on the horizon, but it does not seem to be the right time for him and so that is fine.

As for me, I am doing what I do. Aside from having some issue still with my PhD progress, I am happily moving forward with my life. I go out. I am dating and slowly getting to know someone I like. I am working without much angst or issue with the job.

Overall I have nothing to complain about! What?! πŸ˜€ It’s all goooood.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:27
Mar 092014

It was the kind of weekend I really needed after last week.

Friday –
*Had a morning coaching session planned, but rescheduled so I watched some Ted talks and relaxed
*Went to yoga and felt really good
*Went to the mall for my nail appointment, had Argo tea afterwards – I love that place!
*Relaxed in the evening waiting for new CSers to arrive and my friend for dinner
*Had a fun evening!

Saturday –
*Slept in!!! (until nearly 7 – okay I was awake around 5.30 and dozed until finally getting up just before 7)
*Had breakfast, and waited for the cleaner to arrive
*While the cleaner did her thing, I went to the pool and swam 20 laps and soaked up some sun
*Cleaned up and met a friend for a wonderful catch up over lunch
*Headed to the mall and found some white shoes and got suckered into buying a really cute little purse… 😐
*Tried to get my teeth cleaned, but had an insurance glitch (the only annoying part of the weekend!)
*Went to a friend’s for dinner
*Came home early and relaxed before bed

A very full and fulfilling weekend!!! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 05:55
Mar 072014

…are interesting.

Often I consider how I feel about people as individuals as well as a human race.

As a human race, there’s much to be disappointed in when we look at politics, religions and social norms. Yet, within that there is much hope for what the human race is capable of should it ever figure out its power.

As individuals, it’s a tossed bag isn’t it? Some people are beautiful souls. Some people are pure evil. Some people are genius. Some people are not. Most people are just confused and trying to make it through this world wondering where their place is. Many people delude themselves into thinking the life they have now is good enough….

For me, life has always been a challenge. I’ve looked at it as a kind of game with one competitor – myself. I always want to challenge myself to be more, to be better, to give more, to do better. Yet, there are times when that wears me down. How can I fight the fight when I feel alone in it? I don’t want to fight other people….

So, people make me tired. I need them, yet I could do without them. πŸ˜‰

Last night I went out and met up with someone whom I had met at the last InterNations event I attended. It was mostly fun, but in the end I was happy to return home to the comfort of my bed and my space. Some people just do that, I guess.

Anyway, all is well. This weekend is all about taking it easy, relaxing and reviving from the week so that it doesn’t repeat next week. πŸ˜€

Happy weekend!!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:41
Mar 062014

The week really flew by, but still I am soooooo glad it is nearly over.

I feel as if I have been in a whirlwind at work – putting in way too many hours for very little gain. So, I need to re-sort myself out with that one. Nothing matters that much is my mantra! πŸ˜‰

My personal life has been full this week as well. So, my plan is to take it a little easier next week and try to focus more on my other work.

Overall, I’ve got no complaints. I’m just a little bit tired and hope to relax a lot this week to recoup. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:29

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