Mar 042014

A little bit weary today and had thoughts of staying in bed all day, but there’s much to do and a full day ahead. So, I’m gonna have a great day thinking about how half the week is finished! πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:54
Mar 032014

Although I was quite happy and content with my previous relationship, I often felt taken for granted for the many things I did. Most importantly, I felt as if my body and mind were not fully appreciated. When I changed my diet, my body changed. When I started yoga, my body changed. For someone nearly 40, I think I look pretty good. πŸ˜‰

It became fairly apparent that I was not being appreciated when I went to a brunch a few months back wearing a dress I had bought and saved up for when I was feeling pretty confident about my looks. I put it on and all I got was a stare and ‘that looks nice’. When I arrived at brunch with my girl friends, they were oohing and aahing at how amazing I looked. It surprised me and I felt a bit sad I had not gotten that from the man in my life. Just another sign that things were off between us.

Now that I’m back on the dating track – and having fun with it. It is nice to be told that I am attractive and hot. I find it rather ‘cute’. πŸ˜› I believe I have worked hard to maintain my looks and while I know I’m no supermodel, I do think I’ve done well with myself. So, it’s a nice feeling to flirt and be comfortable with my sexuality.

My younger years were froth with issues about being taken advantage of or of trying to hide what I had to offer. Now, I believe I am confident and aware of my boundaries so that I can flaunt and trot all I like with pride and joy! hahahhaha. It’s funny to even say that, but you know what I mean. I’m just enjoying being wanted! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 06:07
Mar 022014

There was a lot of booze consumed by my body this weekend. Not really a good thing. Even after a full day of trying to recover I feel as if I still have alcohol in my system and I gotta say it doesn’t feel nice….

Somehow I have really lost tolerance for too much booze. I can handle a couple of glasses of wine or maybe a bottle of cider, but when shots happen and mixing of liquor types start up – it’s all downhill.

So, on Thursday, I went to another Internations event. A couple of friends joined and we had a nice time. We met some new people and then some people from the ZOO joined us. I didn’t really know them as they work in different departments, but I had at least had conversation with a few of them before, so it was a lot of fun to catch up with them. Somehow, I ended up getting home around 2am!

Friday was a relaxing day overall. I ended up resting in the morning and set up another date. Then, had my massage – which I really needed. In the evening, I went on my first date since R. We had a lot of fun, but again the poison took over my body and I have vague recollections of sharing my dinner out the window of a cab…. πŸ™ Oops.

That meant that yesterday, being an unplugged day, was easy to stay unplugged as I recuperated on my couch – sleeping, drinking water, taking aspirin, and keeping the kittens from pouncing on my sensitive stomach. I was pretty miserable most of the day and by the time I started to feel human again, I swore off booze! Not really, but at least not so much. Fun is fun until it isn’t anymore. πŸ˜‰

So, thankfully I felt pretty good in the evening and managed to get myself into bed at a decent hour and back up to start off my day and week with a positive look on life. πŸ˜€

Not sure I need another epic weekend for a while, still, though!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:45

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