Mar 162014


_The Barkeep_ by William Lashner

I finished reading this a couple of months ago now as the last book review until the company gets back on track. I am not sure if the job will be returned or not. In any case, I am enjoying my time off from it, I must admit.

So, this latest book by William Lashner was an easy read. I had not heard of this author before, but it seems that he has done a fair bit of writing before.

Here’s my final recap –

The Barkeep tells a story of Justin Chase. Having learned how to be an ideal barkeep after finding his mother dead at home, Justin struggles with his conviction that his father was guilty of having his mother killed.

Just when Justin thinks he has a handle on his life, an old man named Birdie Grackle enters it and starts Justin on a new path of discovery and acceptance.

While Justin looks for the truth following Birdie’s breadcrumb trail, he and his loved ones face more death and danger. However, eventually the truth really sets him free and Justin finds the peace he had been looking for.

Lashner does an excellent job of keeping the reader questioning truths and considering how perceptions can be confused when looking for the truth. Although a story about a crime, this is also a story of how we can accept reality for what it really is.

Overall, it was a plane/trip book and engaging enough to keep the pages turning. Enjoy! 😀



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