Jun 202016

Today’s world allows us to be “connected” at all times. Yet, what is it that we are connected to?

We have the ability to message friends and loved ones around the world 24/7 and yet communication is still difficult for many of us.

To me, it does not matter how much technology we have or instant methods of communicating, if we do not actually communicate none of it really matters.

It seems that despite all our ways to ‘connect’ with one another, people are so over-saturated that when true, deep and meaningful connections are attempted to be made through open communication, it is received with so much more impact than when we merely had telephones and letters.

I recently lost a friendship because I was too honest and too open. Of course, I have already written about the form of communication not being desired; thus, exacerbating the problem. However, the truth is that being open about how I felt was what was really not desired. People no longer want to hear truths if they are negative. We only want to hear the happy stories, the feel-good stories, the ones that always have a “happily ever after” ending.

Because there is so much negativity in our virtual lives, we do not know how to handle it in our real lives. We no longer possess the skills to communicate openly with one another so that problems can be worked through and growth can be allowed on both sides. It has somehow become too scary or too overwhelming to be allowed to express ourselves in any form other than “see how amazing my life is” or “look at how happy I am”.

If we were all actually so amazing and happy, then why do we fight and often feel alone in the world? Perhaps it is time to disconnect a bit more often and learn how to openly communicate to those who are actually around us in our lives….

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 192016


_Zealot: ย The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth_ by Reza Aslan

The author of this book appeared onย The Daily Show about a year ago. As a student of religion and spirituality I was really interested in reading this despite its seemingly ‘academic’ nature for a pleasure book. ๐Ÿ˜› (When has that stopped me before, right?)

Aslan writes about Jesus’ life, not as the Messiah, but as a man during the period in which he lived. Jesus is presented as a zealot who was then held up as the son of God by his followers.

This is really an interesting text considering the historical context, the Gospels which are accounts of Jesus’ followers, and the man himself according to others’ accounts. From a non-Christianity perspective, it is very informative and interesting to consider Jesus as a man rather than as the son of God. It is curious then to consider at what point and why it was then put into the New Testament that one must believe that Jesus is the Son of God in order to call oneself a Christian. Could it just be like any other religion adding on rules to join the “club”?

I think that this has continued to convince me that one particular religion cannot be THE religion and that we must focus on spirituality and foster love and compassion for others as fellow human beings. <3

Definitely a good read if you are into these kinds of things.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€


Jun 182016


_My Story_ by Elizabeth Smart

Although I do not really pay attention to the news and never really have, I do remember big stories, especially those around kidnappings or killings of children. I still follow the JonBenet Ramsey story even today.

So, when I saw this book, I only faintly recalled what it might have been about. However, as I read Elizabeth Smart’s account of her kidnapping, life during this time and eventual rescue, I was moved. What an amazing story and how incredibly sad and scared she must have felt. Yet, her outlook is positive and calm – or at least as portrayed in this book. She doesn’t condemn her captors nor even seem to send negative feelings towards them, which is admirable.

This is a story worth reading even if you do not know anything about it. We hear these kinds of events happening and maybe see them on the news, but rarely do we hear a grounded retelling of the story from the victims themselves. I was impressed and in a way it inspired me to reconsider more seriously telling my own story – though it has never been ‘newsworthy’.

In any case, I recommend it and hope that Elizabeth Smart continues to live a peaceful, loving life quietly.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 172016


_The Four Agreements_ by Don Miguel Ruiz

A while back a friend of mine gave me this book as she was required to read it for a leadership course she was taking.

Don Miguel Ruiz offers a great deal of wisdom in this book that is summed up by the image below:


Each one is explained in detail in the book, but living by these four agreements definitely puts a change on the lens in which you see other people, respond to them and live life in general. I believe there is a reason that number 1 is the first to work on as it seems to be the hardest for me. While I do generally try hard to be impeccable with what I say, I do find it easy to fall into gossip or to let loose a negative thought towards someone (especially driving on the roads in AD!). However, mastering this really allows for love and compassion to be present.

The other three are less challenging for me as coaching training has helped me with them previously. I am not saying that they come easily – just not as difficult as being careful with my words. ๐Ÿ˜›

Writing again definitely helps me to recenter and refocus on the words that I use and the effect they have.

So, as you go forward today, consider these four agreements, maybe even pick up this book and start to change your own lens of the world around you.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 162016


_NYPD Red 2_ by James Patterson

I am not sure if I have written about the first NYPD Red book in the series, but I have now read the second one in the series. ๐Ÿ˜›

This new series is entertaining enough, though not meant to be overly enthralling I am sure. It was a good way to pass the time and I got through the pages quickly. So, that is really all one can ask for in a ‘holiday’ reading book, right?

Do I recommend it? Sure, why not? Patterson writes well in this one and so I will likely look forward to reading number 3. ๐Ÿ˜€

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 152016

It is generally my policy to not to keep up too much with the news. I rely on other people to tell me what I should know either on FB or word of mouth. My husband has what I deem an addiction to the news – he reads it every hour or more…. There is so much negative energy in the news that I choose not to fill my mind with such images or thoughts.

However, there are times when I do need to pull my head out of the sand and pay attention, form an opinion and participate in the global society. There is a massive storm brewing with the US presidential elections, shootings and unruly sporting behavior on a global scale.

While we could argue over the pros and cons of gun laws, more gun laws, or banning of guns altogether, we would be missing the greater and more important discussion. While we could argue over why one candidate is quite possibly the antichrist and the other is a seasoned politician who may or may not be ‘good’, we would be missing the greater and more important discussion. While we could argue whether one country of sports fans are worse than another’s, call names of each other, and so on, we would still be missing the greater and more important discussion.

What is the greater and more important discussion?


Where has the humanity gone when we have people who are willing to kill other people – no matter the reason, no matter the religion, no matter the country, no matter the WEAPON? Why are we in such a state of rage towards our fellow human beings that we think it is okay to kill? Why is it okay to discuss the killing of animals and then take action byย turning vegan or vegetarian, but we do not discuss or rage over the killing of people and take no action against it other than to argue for laws/bans?

Where has the humanity gone when we allow – yes, we have allowed this to happen – a candidate who has proven time and time again that he is not the ideal representative of what the United States of America stands for? Why are we in such a rage against an African-American president that we will allow anyone to run in the race for the highest office of the country? Why is there so much hatred that we cannot discuss the real reasons why someone has risen to such power with very little other than money?

Where has the humanity gone when sporting events, which are meant to be gentlemen’s competition to celebrate talent, cooperation and unity, turn into battles of rage towards another person who supports their own team? Why do we think it is okay to support our teams the way we want, but cannot tolerate that other people are doing the same for their own?


There is so much anger in the world that we have lost our humanity. In losing our humanity, we have lost compassion, love and connection. It is no joke when I often say that people are assholes. I WANT to believe in the power of man and I WANT to see mankind rise above all this rage and nonsense. Yet, there are times when I take a step back and my heart aches and my soul cries at the mess that us humansย are making of ourselves.

So, I hope in meditating and learning to calm my own mind and heart that I can inspire others to do the same. As the movement grows to be more mindful and connected, we all hope that the rage can be addressed, dissipated and resolved so that true humanity can return. <3

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 10:09
Jun 142016


_The Psychology of Everyday Things_ by Donald Norman

Over a year ago, a colleague recommended this book when we were having a philosophical talk about the world. It took me quite a while to get through the book, to be honest as it was written in 1988 by an obvious academic. Despite the very old looking pages and black ‘n’ white photos in the text, it was actually a very interesting read.

The purpose of the book is to understand how the design of everyday things in our lives can cause unnecessary confusion or waste of time due to poor design. Norman argues that in many cases the designers do not consider the end user. Or if they do, the design may be changed due to a companies decision to save money leading to an important loss for the user.

Some examples he provides are door handles. Ever been caught pushing instead of pulling despite the sign right in front of you that says to Pull? Or what about looking at a device with an instruction manual and not knowing how to make heads or tails of it?

Many of his examples resonated with me despite the old “age” of the technology cited as I remember thinking “How do I use this thing?” before.

As a bit of a ‘geeky’ person, it was a really good book. As someone who is left-handed, it also gives some satisfaction to know that I do have something to complain about! ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 132016

This weekend was my eighth yoga weekend for my 300hr teacher training course. It was our last before our week-long retreat held in Bali in August; and then after that, we only have two more weekends before our evaluation weekend for certification! The time is really flying by.

My introverted nature dreads each of the weekends in having to make the 1.5 hour drive to Dubai, socialize all day whilst doing yoga, then drive 1.5 hours back and repeat for three days in a row. However, once I arrive and see the friends I have made, all that dread just washes away. One of my yogamates commented this weekend that she was glad to spend time with me outside of our training times (ie. during lunch) because she found that I do smile and laughย a lot, but I am always so stern and serious in class. This made me laugh because I know it is true. When I am being studious, I am very serious. Outside of that? Well, I think I’m fairly easygoing – though my husband might not agree! ๐Ÿ˜›

This weekend was a short two-day instead of the usual three-day, which was kind of nice as the focus was on relaxation for most of the weekend. We took some turns teaching to each other, aligning and assessing alignment for our future private lessons.

In the afternoon of the first day, we had a lesson on the Hindu gods and where some of the names of the poses came from. It was really fascinating to hear the stories as there is a lot of overlap with Asian mythologies, Western religions and cultures around the world. I realized I love these stories so much and the application to the poses is what makes it even more fun!


On our second afternoon, a beautiful soul named Zarine came to do a Gong Bath Meditation with us, which was absolutely amazing.



Using these bowls and instruments, Zarine took us on a guided meditation known as Gong Bath (bathed in the sounds of the gongs / bowls / chimes / etc.). It is based on the idea that life originated with sound and every vibration has an effect on our bodies, so using sounds we can heal our bodies. I am not quite sure about all of that or how it might actually work, but it is interesting nevertheless. The sounds that were created were absolutely beautiful.

The mediation itself was also quite powerful and revealing to each individual. I have become a very serious fan of meditation and its powers in calming the mind, changing our way of thinking and even bringing about our desires. Much like a prayer to the Lord can be answered, so can the visualizations of a meditative experience.

So, much was revealed to me yesterday; thus, it is time for me to start taking some actions towards manifesting it all!

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 122016


_Welcome to Dubai, Baby!_ by Janet Elizabeth Schrum

Being a self-published author and trying to break into the literary market is a challenge. I admire everyone who tries and perhaps one day I will make this attempt myself. A former colleague and a friend of mine wrote this book, published it on Kindle and still aspires to have her future novels published.

If you are a fan ofย Sex and the City, then you will definitely love this story. Set in the UAE and following the lives of expat women here, Schrum humorously and adequately weaves a tale of the lives that many lead here in this strange Arab desert country.

This is an enjoyable, easy read especially if you are looking for a ‘holiday’ book. I highly recommend it! Although, I will warn that it is more of a ‘chick’ book than a guy one, though that is not to say at all that men would not enjoy it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Jun 112016


_The Boy on the Wooden Box_ by Leon Leyson

As time passes, we hear fewer stories about World War II and the atrocities done to the Jewish community due to the ageing population of those who experienced this time in our history. However, it is memoirs like this one by Leon Leyson that are needed to continue to remind us about the beauty of humans even in difficult times.

Leyson shares his story as a young boyย and his family being saved by Oskar Schindler during the time of the Holocaust reinforcing other stories that we have heard about Schindler saving so many Jews during this horrible time.

It is a very good read and moving if you are interested in these kinds of stories. Really everyone should make a point of reading memoirs and accounts of this time in human history to remind ourselves that there is always hope for man to rise above the ‘social norm’ of the time to be humane and loving towards others. Although it might be easy to focus on the negatives throughout history or even current times, it is these stories that give us hope and faith in the potential of mankind to be more.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€


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