Sep 172016

It has been a while since I have posted on the fur balls (okay, maybe only a month ago… πŸ˜› ), so I thought it might be time to share a few recent pics.

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine here who is starting a pet photography business (Shim Photography) here came to do a photo shoot with the munsters to beef up her photo gallery. It was almost as if they knew that they were doing a photo shoot because they were amazingly sweet and calm while she was at the apartment taking photos. The black and white ones are from her photo shoot and the two colored ones are from this morning.

Although they do drive me crazy, or rather Pippi drives us mad with her crazy cat howls, they are also a sweet addition to the house. Sometimes I miss not having cat hair all over the furniture and my clothes, or being able to put out nice things on counters, or to leave dirty dishes in the sink (nah, who am I kidding on that one?), etc. However, when I come home in the afternoons and little Mia comes to greet me at the door or as I sit on the sofa reading a book or taking a quick afternoon nap, I realize just how much I do love my kitties.

I think because I am married I cannot technically be called a “crazy cat lady”, but I might be somewhat close! πŸ˜› M says I am funny about the cats, but it is more that I have ‘rules’ for them – like no giving them water from our bathtub or no people food! Isn’t that just normal? Maybe not. In any case, I do try to have some boundaries for them. πŸ™‚

So, there it is – my cat love. What’s not to love after all?

~T πŸ˜€

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