Sep 192016

Cannot quite decide on what topic to write about today, so will go with some jumbles.

First, as promised, here is my dinner from Day 1 of the 21-day Sugar Detox. It ended up being quite tasty though it could have used a bit more flavoring. Still, not a bad recipe for Spinach-Cilantro Meatballs. I could not bake, so I did a quick fry in a pan to brown the meat and then boiled them in beef broth. Also, I used a mix of ‘greens’ other than just spinach. πŸ™‚ There were plenty for dinner, some for lunch and I’ll be using the rest to add to tonight’s dinner. πŸ˜‰

In other news, trying to transfer money from overseas – more specifically the US – is a pain in the posterior. It takes a week for money to transfer…even though they say it may transfer sooner. Now, I understand why and how Western Union came to be and why and how they can charge so much for the wire transfers because if you want money fast it is the ONLY way. So, despite optimism trying to prevail, we are at the whim again of timing waiting for the transfer to go through before my visa processing can commence…. <deep and long breaths> πŸ˜›

Somehow, I have become a socializing networking machine! This past weekend I met up with people whom were mostly new to us every day!!! Yep, me! I do feel a bit exhausted from it and perhaps my fever blister break out is a sign of that, but it is all for the good. I am making new friends, staying active AND getting potential new clients. Gotta keep at it!

So, this is my update for today. Tomorrow, I will start earlier when my mind is fresh to write on something more ‘interesting’. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€


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