Nov 162016

As I said yesterday, the weather has started to become amazing again. Now, we have about five months of perfect temperatures.

Our running group went a different direction around the Corniche this week toward the National Theatre. We got a couple of nice pics from that.


National Theatre 2016


View of Corniche corner from National Theatre 2016

Also, the other night I was driving back from a lesson and passed by the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. I pulled over to the side of the road and captured this.


Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque at night 2016

It is times like these that I truly appreciate where I live. It has been a trying six months and it does not seem to be getting easier – just yet. However, I am choosing to focus on the positives of life here and around me. In time, we will have our day! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

Nov 152016

This morning I felt a cool breeze as we were waiting for our morning walk/run. It was such a nice feeling and a relief given the seemingly lingering heat this year – although I’m sure that is not the case. πŸ™‚

One of the events that we do every year as a bit of a kick-off of the cooling weather is Taste of Abu Dhabi.


We always have a good time with friends – drinking, eating and shooting the breeze in the cooler temps (it is still warm). It is one of my favorite events because we can sit outside, take off our shoes and enjoy each other’s company.

This year was a bit different…. First, the group was different due to friendship loss. Second, a new person was invited to join and well…that did not go well…. While we had met her just a couple of days before, she chose to show her true colors after a number of drinks.

Not knowing M very well, she asked him to not talk about our president-elect as it upset her because her husband is a minority in NYC. How the two were related was not clear. M being M pushed her on it, but nicely without his usual ‘taking the piss’ attitude. Well, she did not get it and continued to claim how he (a minority British man just coming out of the shock of Brexit) that he could not possibly understand the kind of danger she (a well-educated white American NOT currently in America) felt for her husband – the minority.

Now, earlier in her more sober conversation, we discovered that she is also adopted, which was an interesting coincidence. She also asked me where I was from – “originally”; with a later follow-up question on whether or not I was Filipino…uh…?

At some point, I had heard enough of her ranting about her poor husband and how worried she felt. She was raving at M about how he was being disrespectful to her. I was no longer willing to listen to her privileged white American (dubbed PWA) rant about how she basically did not have enough respect or belief in her husband, who has probably spent his entire life being threatened or disrespected for being a minority, to take care of himself in a city he grew up in. Her argument against discussing the president-elect had nothing to do with the greater social issues or worries for the nation as a whole, but for her poor poor husband. To this, I said she needed to get over herself. Her husband, and even her as a woman, were not the only people in the world to be free to worry. She could not claim to be superior to anyone else or try to stop someone from having a discussion – how is that any better than the way of lifeΒ he is promoting?

She told me that I was obviously NOT American or at least did notΒ love HER country just because I did not want to waste a lovely day out talking about politics – even if I might have agreed with her.

She walked away at least three times, but kept coming back to continue her argument. Each time we and others in the group told her to drop it or to let it go (I might have said “Get over it!” :P). In the end, she left and then proceeded to send our mutual friend messages continuing to rant about how terrible of people we were ridiculing her. I was “evil” for laughing at her pain – I laughed at her ridiculousness, not her pain (admittedly I did not see how she was in pain…).

In any case, the whole event made me realize that the ‘winter’ that our president-elect has touted throughout his campaign is going to come. In a way it is already here. Facebook has people posting from all extremes. People are raging on both sides. The division is coming and there is very little to be done because compassion and cool-headedness is being lost. Everyone is about being right rather than finding logical productive agreements to our differing opinions. So, it is all the more important that I avoid these conversations and, generally speaking, drunk Americans. πŸ˜‰

So, in temperature, winter weather is here. In temperament, temperatures rise as winter draws near….

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:52
Nov 132016

Well, last week I was rather tired. While I do believe it was due to recovering from travel and yoga as I wrote about, I also think there was a lot going on. All that goings-on contributed to catching whatever bug M brought home from work.

So, most of the weekend was spent feeling sick and tired with sneezing bouts, stuffed up noses, scratchy throats and coughs. After a bit of sleep, I feel definitely on the other side of it today; though I cannot say that I have been ‘resting’. πŸ˜›

The weekend was full and fun. We went to our yearly “Taste of Abu Dhabi” event with friends. As usual it was a great time and good fun to spend a day outdoors with grass under our feet, bevvies and food all around. Unlike most years, I did not drink much as I am trying hard to stick to my plan of not over-drinking anymore.

I had a couple of lessons as usual on Saturday, plus an early sun-rise yoga photo shoot (pics to come). When we could, I rested, watched some TV and enjoyed down time.

There really is no time to be truly sick or truly tired, unfortunately…. In any case, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, mind over matter as I like to say!!!!

More to come regularly this week – fingers crossed. For now, I’m on my way out…. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:52
Nov 092016

Well, it has been announced officially – President Trump – will lead our country for the next four years.


When he announced his candidacy, I honestly thought it was a joke. It appeared that all throughout his campaign, he felt the same. No one that I know ever imagined that it would ever become a reality that he would step into the White House. Yet, today, the democratic process has proven that you cannot predict the behaviors of people no matter how many polls are taken prior to election day.

Some people have said that they just want change. Some did not bother to vote anyway. Others voted for the other two candidates because they did not want to choose one of the “lesser of two evils”.

Women that I know have said with tears in their eyes that it is a statement against gender and race. Trump represents a step back nearly a hundred years for minorities, women, and the global society. Or does he? Perhaps he is just an exacerbation of the reality that we have been pretending does not exist. Perhaps he has worked to open our eyes to the real truth – racism and sexism have not changed that much.

While I am sad about the results because it is a disappointing statement of humanity I cannot be disrespectful enough to say those who voted for Trump or not for Clinton are ‘stupid’. People made choices and that must be respected. I am curious to see what he is going to do now. The past 19 months have been a shocking display of his lack of respect for women, immigrants and even the U.S.; however, he claims he is “going to make America great again”. So, now he has to step up. Let him bring it!

Honestly, I think when you look at his face, he looks scared sh*tless. It does not look as if HE actually thought he would make it all the way.

Around the world, people are worried. Markets have dropped. There are predictions of WWIII. Yet, it is an opportunity.

Let us keep our fingers crossed, positive energies and prayers for peace, acceptance and moving forward in a way that brings people together. May the time of division come to an end at last.

My name is Tara Footner and I am waiting to determine if I approve or not! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

Nov 082016

In light of the soon to be barrage of news reports on today’s election results, I thought I would write a little post about words. It is a title and topic that came to mind a while back, but I had not quite decided what to say.

In consideringΒ the past 18 months of campaigning by our two party leaders it is an interesting matter – how words are used. The United States is heavily divided along party lines because of the misuse and abuse of words by both candidates.

Trump abuses words, women, immigrants and the like regularly, which seems to appeal to a number of people who would equally want the U.S. to be better than it already is.

Clinton misuses words with her email scandal, politicking, and the like, which seems to not faze most people when faced with the alternative in wanting the U.S. to be better than it already is.

Either way, the media is absolutely warping the words of both candidates to exacerbate a story depending on the networks’ political bent. It is events like this that causes historical shifts in the way that words are used and understood in the future. Society places meaning upon words that are benign on their own, but get infused with either negative or positive connotations and nuances. What is forgotten amidst it all is the commonality that we all want the U.S. (or read human beings) to be better than it (they) already is (are).

The beauty of language is that it is indeed alive – new creations come about regularly and shifts in use ebb and flow as frequently as the tide changes. However, as a lover of words and language, I feel a need to remember that at the end of the day, words are just words. Instead of blaming how someone spells a word or misuses or abuses a word, let us put the onus where it belongs. The intention of the user and the user him or herself.

Let’s remind ourselves that at the end of the day we all want the same thing – a better world to live in. There are no other words to describe that. πŸ™‚

~T πŸ˜€

Nov 072016

As the weather is cooling down now in the UAE, more and more activities are happening outside.

I have written before about my running group I joined filled mostly with moms, but they accept this non-child lady. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, a while back one of them asked me why I do not sign up for a 5k or 10k run now that more and more of them are coming up here and in other locations around the world. I smiled and said, “no thanks”.

One of the reasons is that I am extremely competitive. I always want to win. However, I also know my limits. I am not willing to train to be the fastest or best runner at any distance. Therefore, I will not find it enjoyable to run for fun at a ‘race’. πŸ˜›

Instead, I enjoy running a short time on the treadmill or meeting the ladies for a gab once a week with intervals of running/walking. It is enough for me.

It has been about a month since we stopped going to the gym. M had a brain turn and so we both stopped going because I generally exercise every day anyway. However, I have a new fitness goal for myself that is simple and mostly just motivates me to get to the gym. If I am only competing against myself, then I can manage. πŸ˜€ So, I was back in the gym this morning instead of making the long trip to Yas mall for walking. I just wanted a quick workout so I could some other things done. It was good to get back in to it and it has now hopefully sparked my motivation again to get to it even if M doesn’t.

So, even though I am overly competitive with others, which keeps me from races or fun-runs, I am still enjoying staying fit and moving the body regularly. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

Nov 062016

It is always amazing to me how long it takes to recover from busyness, travel or any upset to a routine. I often wonder if it is an age thing or if it is perhaps more of a statement on the toll of having structure; in other words, perhaps life should really be a bit more carefree if it is such a struggle to get back ‘on a schedule’?

For someone like me, coming to this realization is a difficult one as my life is ruled by schedules, structures, alarms, etc. Without it I feel a bit loss, disjointed and most importantly, unproductive.

With that said, sometimes I need this as well to bring balance to my life. This weekend was a perfect example of this.

My only plan this weekend was to sleep and rest to recover from the week. With the long yoga weekend last weekend, which normally takes me about two or three days to recover from, then the quick turnaround whirlwind trip to Egypt; I had no time for recovery.

Therefore, in between my regularly scheduled lesson and sessions, I was napping on the couch in front of the TV. We did go out to see a few friends during the day, which was very chilled out and relaxing. Although our normal weekends are quite full, it was most definitely needed and appreciated to have a more flexible and quiet one.

Now, I am refreshed and ready for the week ahead. It is time to re-engage and focus on drawing in more clients for the business and getting my writing done – am a bit behind in meeting my regular article deadline….

So, it is back at it!!! Life is good, though – very good.

 Posted by at 12:09
Nov 012016

It is a new month, new moon (by a day or two) and lots of “new” going on around here.

October ended with a bit of craze, but it was good to highlight some of the areas in which I need to be careful to not get burnt out with all that I am doing.

This past weekend was my second-to-last yoga training weekend. We only have one more in 2.5 weeks and then it is exam weekend! Eeks! Hard to believe it has already been a full year since I embarked on this change of life…. πŸ™‚

I am also off tomorrow to Egypt for a quick 24-hours to do some Apple Education Training. I have managed to put together my presentation in record time, and am actually ready to go. I will see if this is worth the effort, but could be a great beginning to another source of income.

The best new news is that we are back in the ‘modern’ day life! I am typing on my computer from my home using our electricity and Internet. We have A/C, lights, contact with the outside world, gas to cook with, a fridge to chill our food and near-sanity back! Of course, it is going to take some time still to get used to it as we sometimes still forget that we can turn on a light switch rather than use the phone for light. πŸ˜›

All this has made me fully appreciate these luxuries of life. I am grateful to not have to hang out in someone else’s home (the generosity is not lost!) or a cafe to do work. I am thrilled to be able to spend my days on my own big screen and watch my shows as I work without spending extra data! πŸ˜€

At the same time, all this new-ness points out where I was doing more than necessary to keep myself busy outside of the house. Now, I do not need to do this anymore and can allow myself to find real balance of my ‘inside’ time with my ‘outside’ time. So, my schedule will be adjusting slightly over the next couple of weeks.

Hopefully, I will also return to regulated writing again! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:54

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