Nov 222016

So yesterday I wrote about my lack of certainty mostly regarding what I am doing with my life. As I spent most of the day on my own and processing my thoughts – fighting with the dark and light in my head – I came to some new realizations. Let me share a few.

*I am not accustomed to things being difficult in life or my career. For the first time, I have taken a path that does not involve it being ‘easy’. So, perhaps I need to just push on through, learn, grow and embrace the challenges.

*My passion is truly truly in writing. Therefore, I definitely want to work towards making a major source of income to be from that. Whether it is by writing my novel(s), blogging here or for the business or for a new (sort of new) site. It does not matter where as long as I can generate income from a true passion of writing to help others.

*I need to focus on attracting the type of clients whom I want to work with. Ones that will not drain me, but will bring me equal joy and satisfaction as I can give to them through our working together. The realization in this is that while I may come across a lot of people, I cannot look at the limited numbers who may want to work with me as a kind of failure, but rather as a way of being choosy and making the best choices for enrichment.

*My time shall be used more productively and wisely in nourishing relationships that are mutually beneficial in energies, intellect, personal development, and joy. All those that drain me or cause me to give more of myself than I receive shall be less of a priority – for my sanity’s sake. πŸ™‚

In short, yesterday was a good day for awakening to some realities of myself again. I have had some confidence issues and of course the current stresses of life situations do not help at the moment. However, I am re-focusing, re-centering and re-energizing. More to come, no doubt! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:32

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