Dec 172016

Since they are basically part of the family, it is important to regularly post on the fur balls, right? 😛 Well, even if not, I will because well…they are just soooooo cute and sweet. I do love my kitty witties!

As the temperatures have dropped – yes, dropped, I tell you! – the fur balls look for more and more ways to get warm. While it is fairly easy to get sweet pics of the Pipsqueak “Pippi” because she likes to curl up close for love while she sleeps, it is much more difficult to get Mia in her relaxed moments.

Here she is sunning by the window behind the desk. It was very difficult to get the photo of her as she jumped right up once she heard me trying to get into position. The LAN cable is in the way, but it is otherwise a nice shot of the kitty.

I did manage to move the cord a bit, but then she decided to be camera shy or perhaps she was going for the artsy look of the side-eye? 😉

Anyway, just a boring post for those of you who read and have no interest in cats or pet posts, but oh well, that’s the joy of having my own blog, isn’t it?!

More next month and will see if I can capture Mia a bit more chilled out. 

~T 😀

 Posted by at 09:15
Dec 162016

Well, it has been three months now of my golf lessons with the AWN Golf Clinics. I have only missed a few lessons, though one would not know it from my lack of progress… 🙁

However, I am still enjoying it fully.

We have moved along together in our group and are now starting to practice on the course doing a group play method – play the next stroke from the closest/furthest ball in the group. So, we are all having a good time.

Still, I do believe I need to consider stepping up my practice time in order to properly improve. Therefore, a few of us are considering hitting one of the ‘easier’ courses in the city. If nothing else, it will be a great laugh! 😛

So, amidst my moments of ‘woes’ there are these blips of smiles and good times.

~T 😀

Dec 152016

This morning, M and I drove to Dubai together. He had an appointment and I have a half-day training (more on that later after the training is finished). 

Usually, I have most days to myself and can store up my energy or only communicate via writing (texts, what’s app or emails) so that the energy and tones I expend are fairly limited or tweaked according only to what is needed for the limited communication. Therefore, by the time I see my high-energy husband, I am ready to go with the drama or mood that comes.

Unfortunately, this morning I did not have enough time to prepare myself for the car ride with him and so we had some tension due to his extremely stressful energies. There is nothing more than the usual (of late) stressors, but the truth is that I probably do not get affected by his coping process during the day because he is not around and he can diffuse it through work or stirring the ‘busy’ pot. Thus, by the time he gets home he has worked through it a bit for both of our sakes. 

Although I have done quite a bit of study and acknowledging of the fact that I am an introvert who needs to reserve energy or recoup energy on my own, I have not fully worked through the fact that different energies can greatly affect me. There is something to be said about having to be out in the “real” world regularly for those like me as I had to just cope each day when I was going to a full-time job. Even though I could hide in my office, I still had to be “on” throughout the day, which now I do not. 

So, the more that I am allowed to be “off”, the more I realize just how much the energies of others can affect me – especially the main person I see most days; my husband. 

While it is not for me to sort him out or to teach him how to channel his energies so that they do not affect me so much, it is for me to work out how I can learn to respond better when we are lucky enough to be around each other during the day or if I happen to get clients or work that requires me to be in the energy space of others. I cannot be a hermit forever, right?! 😛

Despite lots of advice on how to stay positive or healthy saying that one should start to cut out the energy drainers in your life, the reality is that we all have to learn to get along. Since I maintain that chaos always wins over organization/stability, it is important to be so grounded that when the storms come I am not uprooted but stand firm in who I am, what I am doing and where I am going.

In the end, the goal is that my calming energy will eventually win over and the stress will dissipate like vapor into the air.

~T 😀

 Posted by at 11:38
Dec 142016

One of the challenges to having married someone with a birthday in early December is having to wait to start the Christmas decorations and celebrations!

Although we had much different plans for Christmas this year, there is no point in wallowing in the “what could have been” mindframe. Instead, we are here now and should enjoy the season.

Therefore, as will be forever our tradition, December 13th means the beginning of the true 12 days to Christmas started by decorating the tree. While I had thought perhaps I would be left to do it on my own during the day (today), I decided to start it last night even though we could have easily sat in front of the TV instead.

Also, M got to help. We had Christmas songs playing to create the mood and had the tree up in no time with lights and stockings hanging waiting for Santa’s goodies. 😉

So, we can focus on enjoying the holidays here in the desert as there is much to take advantage of during this time of year. We are together, healthy and as happy as we can be at the moment. We have each other and we know we are loved near and far. Therefore, let the holiday spirit begin!

Now, the only question is what do we do for the 11th day of Christmas…? Perhaps some cranberries, orange, cinnamon and spices to fill the air…? Hm…

~T 😀

Dec 132016

It is hard to believe that I have only known this man for just over three years. Somehow we started a tradition for his birthday in me making him pottery pieces.

The first year he must have requested shortly after we met the casserole/casale dishes and by some miracle I finished them in time.

December 2014

Shortly after his birthday the first year, he put in a request for a jug for “mead”. Yes, he actually said that! My first attempt turned into a gravy boat and this was my second attempt, which he got by his birthday time.

December 2015

At some point during the year, he actually got a proper size jug, though we never use it because as it turns out this size is big enough to hold probably two bottles of wine, though we only do one at a time. 😉

Of course, what should follow a mead jug? Why, mead mugs, of course! Obvi!!!! 😛

December 2016

Unfortunately, these are my first attempt and turned out to be various versions of average to large coffee mugs…. 🙁 So, I am in the midst of making version 2 in hopes that they are a bit bigger – though when I Google sizes, these are not actually that far off. 😉

Anyway, yesterday was M’s 46th birthday. He is still a kid at heart, but said that he feels like he is actually in one of the best states that he has been in for many years despite all our stresses. So that is good news. I look forward to at least another 40 more birthdays with this crazy kid.

~T 😀

 Posted by at 15:27
Dec 122016

Just over a year of serious yoga study from practice to philosophy has come to an end. It is only the first chapter of my yoga story, but very significant.

When I was feeling miserable doing my job and wondering at the future of my career in TESOL, I received an email about becoming a yoga teacher focusing on therapeutic yoga. Making an impulsive decision to go for it and having no idea how I was going to make it work, here I am a year later no longer working full-time and having started my own business.

Although I had some ups and downs with the training itself in terms of time, effort and even my own motivation, I am so glad I did it. M asked me if I felt proud of myself and while I am not sure it is pride, I do feel a sense of accomplishment. It is the first major thing I have properly finished since completing my master’s in 2006. It only took me ten years to be able to finish something else. 😛

As I said yesterday, I had really mixed emotions on Saturday when it all came around. I was fairly depressed and down all day with the weight of worry on my shoulders. I tried to just stay focused on the exams and enjoying the day. However, while my yogini-mates were full of smiles and joyful tears, I was in a dark cloud. When it came time for me to share my next steps, I could not stay on the upbeat tune that everyone else was on. Luckily, I went first, so the grey cloud over me could be forgotten by the time we went around the circle.

I am blessed to have come across these ladies with whom I have spent the year sharing our life’s joys and challenges. 

We shall, no doubt, stay friends throughout as our paths have crossed and connections have been made during an important time in all of our lives.

So, my first formal document as a Footner is now framed in front of me and I am indeed excited about what the future holds. In January, I am starting the 200-hr course to work towards a 500-hr certification to eventually become a teacher trainer later. As I said, it is only the first chapter. For now, I celebrate 300-hours completed!!! 🙂

~T 😀

Dec 112016

Last night I cried and ranted at my husband.

There was no trigger other than his caring kindness forcing me to explode. 😜

It was an important day – I’ll write on that tomorrow – and I did not feel joy but sadness. It frustrated me to not want to jump up and down for joy. Instead I just felt sadness.

When I got home my amazing man had prepared a bath for me and suggested takeout so we could relax together. When I was not so enthused he kept asking what happened.

I remember when I was in middle school and I’d be in a mood and one of my friends would keep pestering me about what was wrong, was I mad at her, etc. It used to make me explode with annoyance.

It happened again last night. I do not usually do this and despite all of our stresses I have avoided doing so. However, his persistent questioning made me go over to top.

After some tears and yelling, I calmed down. We talked a bit and then it was over. We enjoyed our evening together.

M claims that sometimes you just gotta pop the balloon, so that is what he did.

Now I feel much better and feel as if the fog is lifting. I am realizing that I have dropped the ball on a few things but will work to catch up tomorrow. 😬

~T 😀

 Posted by at 18:52
Dec 102016

My yoga teacher said to me in a recent Whatsapp conversation  “I think ur just not a socializer…. I think ur an artist. U need to write and be alone a lot”.



I very quickly have gotten burnt out with the networking activities for business. Now, I know that people say that you cannot wait for the clients to come to you; you have to get yourself out there and promote yourself; talk to people and tell them what you do; etc. I know this is true – in part. In another part, I also know what is true for myself – I am not a talker, go-getter, attention-grabbing kind of person. I never have been and not likely to change that any time soon. Now, this does not mean that I cannot or still should not. However, it does mean that I am not going to like it and if I do not like it, that becomes clear at any event I attend and attempt to speak to people…. Therefore, this is counter-productive to my purpose.

How can I then still get clients and still be me?

Well, one way is through writing and the Internet. Another way is to hire or ask someone nicely to be that person for me. M is a good one, though busy with his own work. There are possibly others I could entice to be a word-of-mouth promoter for me and I shall definitely be pushing that – again nicely. 😀

Still, my passion inclination is to write. I am a writer. Jeff Goins starts his very first book out with this simple statement – First to be a writer you have to call yourself a writer. Just over three years ago I posted about this and had started my way along this path, but got sidelined again. Yet, it continues to return to my mind. Write, Tara, for god’s sake, WRITE!

When K said the above to me the other day, I again came back to YES, I am a Writer! So, start acting like one!

I cannot be a writer if I do not write. Therefore, I have decided that while the time is quiet with the yoga business, I am going to return to working on my novel(s) and look to publish them as Kindle books. It is a free enterprise and though I may only make a small amount of money, I can say I have done it. Besides, who knows…it may just take off!!!

This blog is like my sandbox where I let loose unfiltered thoughts and process in digital writing what I write by hand in my paper journal. So, I am grateful for this space and anyone who actually reads my nonsense regularly. 😉 Now, you may be able to read a whole book by me in the near future! 😛

So…I am an artist – I am a writer!

~T 😀

Dec 092016

I think a short while back I wrote about a quote I had seen saying not to give up until you find your tribe because it is out there. I cannot recall when that was to link up here, but anyway, I am certain I at least made a comment somewhere recently.

In having changed my life completely with marriage, quitting work and trying to start my own business, I have lost my tribe a bit. Plus, some friendship changes really shook it up. So, I have been trying hard to keep up the search based on my new life. There are definitely some lovely new people in my life through my different activities and I am staying open to meeting even more wonderful people.

However, tribes take time and effort that is not always easy to put in. It is also hard to replace ones that existed before when they were so amazing. Being an expat and living a semi-transient life makes this even more true.

Still, there is nothing like meeting up with those whom you can love and be loved back unconditionally.

Although we were a bit slow in getting together, my closest gfs got together the other night to finally celebrate one of them finishing her PhD (over a year ago) and getting her work promotion (a long stressful process that came through last week!). We had not met up for months – maybe before the summer holidays, in fact! So, it was so so sooooo nice to hang out with them – to laugh, tease, joke, be serious and share each other’s lives together despite our long time going at it on our own. I have met with them separately, but there is something different and warming about coming together as a community – no matter how small it is.

Then, I went line dancing on Wednesday. I had decided to do it on my own. I had met the teacher before sort of by chance at golf the week before. Even though it is not exactly like me to try something new alone, I had been interested and felt it was a sign to go when I met the teacher. To my surprise and happiness, one of the other ladies I golf with each week was there. It was such a nice chance to speak with her individually and get to know her a bit better. We have things in common and she is so welcoming into the things she does. It made the line dancing event better as this is not my usual group of people at an event. So…my tribe can grow and be enriched through these kinds of pushing of my boundaries.

Therefore, while my business networking may have gone a different way, finding my new tribe or an expansion of my old one is full of exciting opportunities. It lifts my spirit to have these small social victories. 😉

~T 😀

 Posted by at 09:30
Dec 082016

Seems like most days this is how we are hanging on.

Although a fog has lifted from my mind the past couple of days, I feel as if the strength I have in me is weak and fragile. Each day I wake up a little happier, but then something can be said or read or done and I struggle with the possible spiral that will shift my mood downwards. It is a constant struggle to stay on the positive side.

M and I were discussing suicidal thoughts and whether or not it is a normal thing amongst people. Is it common or is it strange to have them come up especially as an adult?

I have had them more recently, reminiscent of my darker unaware days. It is a sense of guilt towards those who would be left behind that keeps me present in this world – to be completely honest.

Yet, a voice inside says “Yes, but their lives would go on.”

While another voice says “True, but how would I affect the trajectory of their lives by not being here or taking it away on my own…can I live with the eternal or next life consequences? Or can I just push through to see this life by giving it the best that I can?”

Perhaps this is simply my ego talking – after all who am I to think I would have any effect at all…?

Often I wonder at those who do take their lives. What was it that finally pushed them to take action in such a way? What was the justification that gave them the sense of okay?

M says my/our brains are just wired this way – to be strong, to find a way through. My question is then – to what end/purpose? Why am I not yet fulfilling my life purpose? What am I meant to be doing or sharing with the world still that my mind says “No, it is not yet your time.”?

He wants to believe that everyone thinks about taking their own lives at different moments in life. I tend to think this is not the case or that it is a matter of degree in which the thought is given brain time.

I believe some people never even have it cross their mind once in life. Those people I envy immensely. I imagine some people may have had thoughts as teens during a first heartache or drama and then never thought it again because life does go on. Then, there are those who perhaps at some point in teenage years or early adulthood who faced it head on. Perhaps, like me, the pills were piled up and ready to be taken. Or, it was just a flash of a moment when an action could have ended it then.

However, as adults, we never really talk about suicidal thoughts or tendencies. We are deemed crazy or in need of psychological treatment – which still may be true – if we do, but perhaps for some of us it is just one of our challenges to be dealt with periodically. If this is so, then the answer for M is that “no, it is not common.” Yet, as we continue living we do find a way and a reason to get through the days until we forget these thoughts for this cycle.

As I work through this phase of it and look for my greater purpose, I come closer to realizing I need to share my story – in other words, write more and publish it for others. It is time. I am old enough to be heard and brave enough to let it out. Perhaps then I will feel and know – to what end.

Until then, I hold on to the bare threads with all the strength I have got.

~T 😀


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