Mar 092017

Back when I first started my life as a ‘lady of leisure’ I joined up with the American Women’s Network. Now, I was a bit hesitant then as I had had a less than ideal interaction with them when I first arrived in the UAE over 8 years ago.

However, I really enjoyed the vibe of the Coffee Mornings and the few people I met. After joining a couple of activities – book club, golf – I decided to attend a luncheon to see how I might get involved with helping out in the group since volunteering is a good way to stay active within my varied availability. Although I just attended the luncheon to see what I could do by expressing my interest in computer work or things done behind the scenes, I found myself soon becoming more involved than expected.

Before I knew it I was tasked with helping with the webpage since the existing webmaster had recently gone back to work and could no longer keep up. Once I took a look at the site, I suggested moving the site to a blog format and increasing their social media presence. This was looked at favorably and by the beginning of the year, I was working on a new site.

Just after the new year, I became the sole webmaster since I was offering to make some big changes to the site.

After a few days worth of work and addressing some other technical matters, the new site has been completed, gmails created and the Board members trained. 

Everyone seems happy, which makes me happy. Check it out here.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:37

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