May 132017

It has been a slow exercise week. I am struggling a bit in getting myself into a proper workout routine outside of the yoga sessions. Perhaps I will be able to find some focus after we get away this weekend. 

I did try a new sequence used by the Ashtanga primary series via YouTube, which I enjoyed and felt the benefits of. So, I imagine I shall incorporate that more into my exercise regime, but I still need to get myself to the gym as well…. Always goals to be met! πŸ˜‰

May 7th (Sunday)

  • 60′ Ladies’ Wellness Yoga

May 8th (Monday)

  • 60′ Private yoga session

May 9th (Tuesday)

  • 65′ Ashtanga primary series via YouTube
  • 60′ Private yoga session

May 10th (Wednesday)

  • 60′ Men’s Wellness Yoga

May 11th – 13th (Thursday – Saturday)

  • Away on vacation in Fujairah….may do some practice but any exercise will likely consist of dips in the pool or raising the glass to my lips and back to the table or flipping from my backside to my front side. πŸ˜›

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