Jul 302017

When you watch the Oscars, have you ever sort of felt sorry for the supporting actors/actresses? Maybe not because they are still being recognized with an award…. Still, they may have just been the main reason why the winners of Best Actor/Actress win.

Lately, I have felt a bit like this through our crisis situation. Whenever M talks about it, he speaks as if he was the only one going through the situation. I appreciate that his experience was his own and it was tough. However, he was not alone through it all and I was also extremely stressed and am still traumatized by the entire situation. Now that he is dealing with more things on his own – because he can now – it is as if he thinks I do not understand the stress of it. It feels as if he has forgotten that I experienced it first throughout this whole ordeal because he could not at that time.

It is not a competition on who has experienced more or worse – not by any means.

However, it is sometimes a very meaningful gesture to be recognized for the role that I did play when it was needed.

It is still a tense period for us. Although things are falling into place, patience is required beyond our known capacity for it. Each day is a game of waiting while trying to stay productive and busy. Thank goodness for my online work to allow me to feel as if I am being useful.

Anyway, more to come…

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:53
Jul 292017


July 23rd (Sunday)

  • 58:52 5.21km on treadmill

July 24th (Monday)

– Treadmills were all taken due to some maintenance in the gyms, so had to do a short 20' workout

  • 60 30kg total abdominal crunch
  • 40 back crunches
  • 20 4kg tricep curls (each side)
  • 12 4kg bicep curls (each side)
  • 30 20kg chest press machine

July 25th (Tuesday)

  • recovery from sore heel

July 26th (Wednesday)

  • 46:43 4km on treadmill

July 27th (Thursday) – July 28th (Friday)

  • Rest days

July 29th (Saturday)

  • 39:06 3.06km on treadmill
Jul 282017

Two days before the darkest days of my life started I began a new round of anti-depressants because as I had written, I was considering it based on my up and down moods.

Luckily, they kicked in on the day that I had to cope to distract me from the reality of our situation. It has now been just over a month and I definitely notice the change this time around.

While others around me are extremely emotional or responsive to things, I am not so affected.

In yoga philosophy, we often discuss a state of “detachment” which is described as not having emotion one way or the other as a reaction to life happening around us. Some who are not ready for such a thing imagine being a robot without emotion and despise the idea of it. Others, like me, crave it because I am a bit desensitized, which is good being a fairly sensitive person to my surroundings.

I truly sense my detachment toward results, other people’s behavior, etc. It does not mean that I am emotion-less, but just that I am not taken into extreme moods so easily. I also recognize when I need to keep my mouth shut because the emotional response I might get is not really worth it.

When I took these anti-depressants before, I did not know what to expect or what to look out for. However, this time I am definitely more aware of the effects on me.

Some side effects, though, are that I am much more tired than usual. So, now like an old lady I need an afternoon nap and I sleep a great deal more at night than usual. Of course, this might be stress as well since it is not yet over. However, I can also feel my head zapping now and then…. Thankfully, my headaches are no more.

So…although I do not plan to stay on them for too long, I am glad I decided to go back on them again especially during our crisis. No doubt I might have gone to some other extreme had I not started them. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

Jul 262017

It has been years since I wore proper trainers/sneakers to work out in. Ever since I discovered Vibram Five Fingers, I never really looked back.

My love for these kind of shoes started with my love for what I call ‘toe-socks’ which are popular in Japan. I still wear them around the house or especially on flights as it helps my feet. They are also great for yoga to train the toes to open out wide giving a nice base for your feet.

However, there are times when my heels start to hurt as I tend to be a heel-toe walker rather than the other way around. Therefore, not having enough support/cushion can leave it bruised or sore.

Participating in the MRTTAD Summer Challenge where we are in teams to try to see how many kilometers we can get in has been a challenge indeed. First, I had stress. Then, I got sick. This week I finally got back to it, but then hurt my heel….

So…I had been contemplating going back to ‘normal’ shoes again especially since we are likely moving to a country where I’ll have to actually put coverings on my feet. This seemed like a good time to take the plunge.

Determined not to spend too much on some new runners, I went shopping yesterday with only a set amount of money in my wallet. In short time, I found these lovely Adidas for just the right price!

They have been given a go today, so will see how my heel feels tomorrow, but overall, I am happy with my purchase. Still, it is going to take a bit to get used to wearing coverings on my feet again! πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

Jul 252017

Throughout our experience over the past month (yes details will come soon-ish), I have come to understand the human condition a little bit more. I must say that it is not a positive understanding….

We all have a fight or flight instinct about us in times of crisis.

We also have different ways of responding to crises moments.

Ultimately, our true characters come out when these crises hit us directly or to those around us. I am sure that there is some psychological or sociological study already done somewhere explaining the nature of people in these moments; however, my own recent experiences allow me deductions about those in my world.

Let me digress slightly first –

It is not an unknown or surprising fact, if you know me even a little bit, that I generally dislike people. It is not that I am anti-social nor is it that my introverted nature makes me feel this way. It is more my early upbringing and exposure to a world of interactions that has proven to me that in general people are a**holes. That is, of course, a huge generalization and I leave room for the exceptions. However, for me, it is easier to work myself towards liking someone knowing that disappointment is inevitable rather than being optimistic that everyone lacks the capacity to be disappointing. I am cynically optimistic towards my fellow humans.

With that lens in mind, when it came to needing support and help during our recent crisis, I should not have been as deeply affected by the lack of compassion, empathy and unconditional reaction towards my requests, questions or unspoken needs.

In the end, I have found that my tolerance for others who cannot or do not step up with honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy and positive reactions has pretty much dropped to zero. What do I mean by this?

*I no longer put myself out or forward when someone asks me “When are we getting together?” If you want to get together, then you should provide some specific days and times in which you are available and follow through with the scheduling without making it my responsibility to respond or follow up. I would do the same if I wanted to hang out. The fact that I haven’t followed up to that kind of question should inform you of the amount of effort I am willing to make in response to the lack of effort involved in the question.

*While I might appreciate intended emotion behind “Let me know if I can do anything” or “I would if I could, but…”, I lack the capacity to be responsive to such statements. If you want to help, tell me exactly what you are willing and able to do. Or, better yet, just do it. By putting the onus on me, it just adds more thought (stress) to an already stressful situation that is unnecessary to me. It also requires me to make you a priority even though the situation is not about you at all. Instead, I would just prefer to know your thoughts and love are with me or know what specifically you have to offer to me in the situation.

*Never again, will I ever say to someone, “Keep me posted.” What a line of BS. Again, this puts the responsibility on the person in need to keep you informed of a situation that may or may not actually involve you nor require you to know about. If I am not updating you, then there is probably a reason for it. Either, I do not have the time or energy to do so or you simply are not a priority at the moment to be deemed worthy of being updated. I know that sounds harsh, but crisis situations are not normal ones and adding more to someone going through the situation does not help. If you want information, then ask for it regularly by checking in. Do not leave the responsibility up to the person who is actively going through it all and probably needs to know s/he is supported more than being the giver of information.

*The art of asking questions is a fine one. Providing unsolicited advice in question form such has “Have you…?” “Is so-so helping?” “What about…?” etc. is not helpful. Allow the person to provide the information s/he has and believe that they are doing everything already known to be done. If you truly believe that there is something being missed, then you can ask by offering to do it yourself…. In this way, you are stepping up to take a real action but also putting it out there as an option to be done.

My litmus test for people I allow into my inner circle are people who fulfill a “Yes” to my question of “Would I want this person on my lifeboat?” It may seem rather strange, but the truth is that if survival is our basic instinct in life, then this is a fair question. Crises show us who we really are. Falling apart or running away solves nothing. Putting off responsibility, getting angry or waiting for someone else to take action serves no purpose. Everyone has something different to offer based on their character and skills. I do not expect everyone to be like me by any means.

Still, I do expect those upon whom I put my trust and unconditional consideration to fulfill certain expectations. Although I may not cut off everyone who does not, I do start to question their value to my life ultimately. The world is both large and small, but life is short. I want my life to be full and fulfilled by those whom I surround myself with so that we all help each other to live in a way that gives maximum joy to ourselves and the world around us.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 14:55
Jul 232017

A friend of mine keeps posting regularly on FB and brings up in conversation a lot regarding her sense of being all on her own. She feels alone struggling through her current situation in life since she has no partner, few close friends nearby, no family around and her beloved pet not with her. As she moans about her lot in life, I draw comparisons to my own life and recent circumstances.

Despite my general dislike for social interactions and trying to fit in to what is deemed 'normal', I have to say that I have never truly felt alone. Even with the past year being one of the darkest of my life, I have known that I have friends and family both near and far on whom I could count on. Never have I thought to myself that I am alone.

With that said, at the same time, I have been very much on my own throughout our most recent ordeal. In fact, I am still processing it and have only just begun being able to journal about it. It has taken me into depression, isolation and a sense of hiding back into the "womb" to recover and heal. Only in the past few days have I been able to inch my way towards taking baby steps out of the dark hole I have burrowed into for safety. Even still, I am not quite ready to fully embrace the outside world, but I sense my courage returning.

What I have come to understand is that we are only alone if we push everyone away. I cannot express enough the true gratitude I feel towards those who offered to help in whatever way they could and to those who dropped everything to be at my side when I asked or even when I did not. The love and support I felt without pressure or questions, but just concern for me helped me to maintain the precarious balance of sanity I needed to survive. If I had been alone, I would have never eaten and lost far more than the 5 kilos I lost in two weeks. If I had been alone, I would have probably collapsed into a nervous breakdown or who knows what else.

Yet still, while I was definitely not alone, I was most assuredly on my own to deal with everything and to live the experience I was meant to live. The support of those around me allowed me to take care of what needed to be on my own. No one else could or would do it. No one else answered my constant prayer of having someone say to me, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything for you."

In the end, this was okay because I was not alone.

My take-away from this whole experience is that no one can experience my life for me. This means that instead of wishing that someone else would come along and take control of it, I can only do my best to get through the experience with integrity, honor, love, compassion and as much success as possible. If I survive, then I can share the story to perhaps help others go through similar experiences a little bit easier or faster than I did.

The saying that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger has some truth. Though it is often used as a consoling or trite phrase, the reality is that through the growth, I can not only say I survived, but also do my best to help others do the same. In this way, we are never alone, but left to survive on our own.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 20:12
Jul 162017

Sometimes feeling as if you have hit rock bottom can feel optimistic as the only way to go is up. 

Although I can imagine life could have gotten worse and I do fully appreciate that many others are worse off than we have ever been over the past few weeks, I also know that I can only handle so much. Even a week later, I am still recovering mentally and physically.

I am working on a post that will reveal all the nasty details of the past few weeks, but the ordeal is not yet over and will only be published after we are settled elsewhere. In the meantime, you’ll just have to accept the unknown of details.

In the meantime, I am slowly crawling out of the pit of despair and although I probably still have some PTSD that is not quite over with, I am hopeful that it will all be a very vague memory soon. 

This is the first time I have been on the computer/iPad properly in three weeks, so that is definitely a good sign. The fog in my brain is also slowly lifting….

At the moment, we are planning on flying by the end of the week and keeping fingers crossed that everything to make that happen will go smoothly and quickly. Your positive energies and prayers are definitely welcomed!

In the meantime, I hope to get myself back on here regularly again….

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 12:57
Jul 022017

I have been unable to focus long enough to write or to gather my thoughts in a way that is comprehensible. I still cannot share the details publicly on what is going on, but what does not kill us…, right?

My patience has been tested and is still in tact. Short meditation sessions are helping me get through the days and having a new MRTTAD Team summer challenge gets me to the gym.

So, trying to focus on our big move out and slowly get things done helps me a bit. When I can update I will…


 Posted by at 13:20

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