Aug 082017

Well, it has now been five days since being back to Tokyo and it is start to sink in. Having visited the office of my new/old company made it feel a little more real. πŸ˜€

Luckily, I have been walking a lot lately to fend off the lack of healthy eating for the past couple of months. Even since returning, I have been enjoying the cuisine of all that Japan has to offer. πŸ˜‰

Also, even though the humidity is absolutely deadly to me, I have been making myself walk to explore the city especially since we are so close to the downtown area. Yesterday I did about 6km walking around the area where M's office is. He's got a nice area near Shiba Park. This is a pic from the other side of the park from his office.

Today I got in about 5km so far walking from the new office toward 'home' checking out some shops and the area. Everything is very walkable despite the sweat that pours after about ten minutes outside. There is a nice breeze though today from the aftermath of Typhoon #5, so it is fairly pleasant and I am accepting the stickiness that occurs. Besides, if I walk between places, then I can afford all the coffee stops I make throughout the day to get work done and escape from the 40m3 1R/K place we are staying in temporarily. πŸ˜›

Still, we have agreed to make the most of our time here by ensuring that we go out exploring, travel and really enjoy our new life. We left behind a lot of negative experiences leaving us ready to build a happy life together here. So far I am enjoying it. Since I cannot work until my visa comes through I have plans to explore, drink coffee and hang out. My BFF and godson will be back soon as well, then the real fun begins!!! <3

~T πŸ˜€


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