Mar 202018

For the first time in quite a while, I have been motivated and engrossed in the world of writing.

When I think about what I want to do with my life other than pickle my liver with red wine and maintain a yoga body on baguette and cheese in the warmth of southern France with my love πŸ˜› , I always always always come back to writing.

Although I have said it before and taken action before, I am back on the wagon of making it actually happen. I mean, this time, I am researching HOW to actually do it well so that I can generate money online and also where I can become a contributor to online publications.

I love that the editor of April Magazine puts up with me and gives me so much writing freedom. So, fingers crossed that there are others out there that are willing to be as patient with me. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Therefore, while I start to piece together all the different aspects of my interests from travel, to tips’n’tricks, to social issues related to identity, social norms, and the like, to psychological matters on identity building, the voices in our heads, coaching and so on, to adoption, to health and wellness, I am starting to sort out how it might all go together under one umbrella…..

Originally, I thought of the OSH Network as a way for yogis and other health and wellness people to come together, but the creative storm brewing in my mind right now is that perhaps the network of opening the sunshine β˜€οΈ into our hearts πŸ™πŸ½ is all within the strings of my own mind and life….πŸ€”?!

So…the synapses are firing away with the slight possibility of something actually happening sooner than later…but we shall see – we know how my phases can go… πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€


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