Aug 052024

I’ve been in the marvelously cooler UK for the past five days. So much of my mental state has shifted in this time, just by being in the lower temperatures.

What was I doing in the UK you ask? Where did I go, you want to know?

Let me sum up, then.

I went to Reading, pronounced [redding] not [reeding]. It was a kind of ‘bucket list’ visit since I have memories of playing Monopoly and getting the chance-card that would say something like “Take a ride on the Reading Railroad, collect 200 if you pass go.” So, it made me smile to pass the railroad station and I actually rode the train from the station.

My purpose was to learn a bit about trading based on AI trading algorithms. I have actually been manually trading for ‘fun’ for a few months and wanted to know about how it all works. Mission accomplished. I’m not quite sure what I will do with the knowledge now, but at least I have a bit more info.

After that, I went to Bristol to visit a friend. It is just under an hour away on the train, so it would have been a shame to not make the visit. We had such a nice time exploring the area and catching up.

In addition to all of this was my refreshed mind in not feeling overheated all the time, sweating out of every orifice unnaturally, and hiding in dark rooms as an attempt to stay cool. So, while I am not super excited about returning to the heat, I am looking forward to going home to see my man, the pups and cats, and see what progress has been done on our pool area.

Sometimes, a little break gives a positive perspective on all that we have.

~ T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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