Aug 262024

This might be the only post until next week as we are currently on vacation on a boat in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Croatia.

We drove from our house to Bari on the east coast of Italy, which is about six hours away, caught an 8-hr ferry to Dubrovnik and stayed one night there. We didn’t see anything as we will visit again on the way back and wanted to do a leisurely drive up the coast toward Split.

Mostly taking the coast road, we broke up the four-hour trip with stops in Ston and the Makarska Riviera.

Ston walls

Eventually, we arrived in Split, which is a cute old town. Our hotel was nicely located near the Diocletian Palace square.

We explored the marina and old town for a day, then headed off for the main event of our holiday – the yacht. We are on the boat for a week with friends joining us this evening (after two days with just us).

So far, we have been swimming in the bays, relaxing and soaking up the sun during the day. Then, we either dock or moor in the evenings with dinner somewhere on shore. Just so days in and I’m loving it!

Thankfully, I prepared for the potential sea sickness and am using pressure point bands and did some training beforehand. I’ll write more on that in another post when we are back. In any event, I feel alright even after one bumpy ride last night. So, fingers crossed 🤞🏽, it remains this way for the rest of the week.

More when we return! Until then, stay tuned. 😁

~T 🔥🐉♋️

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