Dec 302016

In general it is no secret that I am not a fan of cooking. When I was about 12 I determined that I would find a man who would cook for me. 

Post college I found friends who cooked for me and managed to convince most that I could not cook at all. 

When I was in Japan and decided for sanity-sake to quit working full-time (sound familiar?!) I figured I should probably give my ex a break and do the cooking since I was home all day. 

It was then that the truth came out that I can cook – just I don’t like it. 

So when I met M, he was a gem in that he likes cooking, does it fast and pretty well. Although I no longer claim I cannot cook, I do quickly admit it is not my favorite past time nor a role anyone should assign to me as default. 

Still, I do occasionally enjoy being domestic and spend some time making treats or nice meals. It is usually during the holidays or vacation periods that I get in touch with my domestic goddess. 🤣😇

This was a turkey pie I made with leftover turkey bits🦃 after having boiled down the carcass from our Boxing Day dinner. We now have some great broth as well as loads of turkey that wouldn’t have gotten eaten otherwise. 

I do enjoy baking. So I made pumpkin pie with pastry from scratch as was the pastry in the turkey pie above. 

With the cookies 🍪and other kitchen activities I have now spent more time cooking in the past few days than I did all year. 

Although I might ponder🤔 the idea of a food blog especially with healthy diets, I know that when I hear the successful bloggers spend every day in the kitchen, this is not going to be me.🙅🏽 

So, for now M is enjoying a bit of a break from his chef duties👨🏾‍🍳 and I shall ride the domestication wave 👩🏽‍🍳while it lasts – which I imagine is just a few more days (optimistically) to go…. 😜

~T 😀


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