About to head off home for the next week or so, but wanted to get a post out to maintain a sense of normal. So, back to previously scheduled programming on health – my health.
This post, I’d like to talk about fibroids. If you’ve never heard of these lovely items in the human body, let me give you a brief. More properly known as uterine fibroids, they are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus made up of muscle and fibrous tissue. Another name for them are uterine myomas or leiomyomas, if you do ever hear of them this way.
Apparently, fibroids are pretty common and perhaps extra estrogen along with your genetic make-up can cause them to be a part of the female reproductive system. Who knows how long they have been part of me, but it could have been a reason for not getting pregnant when I had wanted to. Otherwise, I feel as if I really have had no major issues with them except for my yearly visits to the doctor when they pointing them out to me.
When I started my peri-menopause, I got some hot flashes, which took me to a doctor in Japan. She noticed the growths and offered a new treatment for reducing their size, but this increased my hot flashes. Thus, I did not continue the treatment since hot flashes are probably the worst side effect of peri- / menopause, in my opinion. However, since then, it seems that these lovely tumors of the non-cancerous type have enjoyed being hosted in my uterus so much that they have grown and multiplied.
Again, I have not worried nor paid them too much attention. Also, with menopause approaching, I looked forward to their shrinking since the lack of estrogen should discourage their habitation. Well, last year, menopause came, at last. The hot flashes increased. Other minor symptoms presented themselves. So, I researched about hormone replacement treatment (HRT).
Chemical HRT did not seem the way for me.
So, I studied bio-identical HRT and began treatment. My gynecologist here warned me that the fibroids would grow again. I dismissed her concern. Treatment started and proceeded great. My moods were better, hot flashes gone, all looking good. That was, until I went in for a checkup after starting the new meds.
Concern showed on my new doctor’s face. An ultrasound was booked. Then, an MRI with some lighty-up fluid was booked.
The result? I’m off the HRT treatment. I’m on some natural supplements to reduce hot flashes in hopes that they will not return. Seems all good, right?
Well, the doctor has recommended that I have the uterus out completely. The estrogen supplements is not ideal since the fibroids are so prevalent and strong that they will continue to grow. However, I do not feel that I have many other symptoms to convince me to remove it altogether. Of course, there is still risk of uterine cancer and I could avoid that risk. There’s probably other benefits, but as expected, there’s a balancing effect of negative risks, too.
So, what to do?
I’m not sure yet. I’ll share in an upcoming post about my back pains and how they may likely be related to the fibroids. I have time to think about it. I think I will see how the growth is in six months. If it isn’t better or has worsened, then I guess that I can reconsider. It has been advised that if I do end up doing it, the winter time is better to rest in recovery, so I have time.
That’s the brief of it. Fibroids. Who knew, eh?
~T π₯πβοΈ