Feb 082010

In all my life,
I’ve wanted to be
as I am with you

– Just me.

In all my life,
I’ve wanted to share
as I do with you

– Just me.

In all my life,
I’ve wanted to love
as I’m loved by you

as just me.

~February 8, 2010

Feb 062010

A year ago
I was starting an adventure
A year ago
I was buzzing with the unknown
A year ago
I was longing for what I was leaving behind

Then, the year passed
in a blur
The year passed
with great perplexion
The year passed
with the future always unsure

Now, somehow
the world is spinning a little slower
life here is a little less annoying
my reasons for being here are a little clearer

To get here
I had to hurt
To get here
I had to hurt others
To get here
I had to endure
To get here
I had to be endured

But, at last
I’m here.
I’m happy.
I’m content.
I’m free.
I’m me.

~February 6, 2010

Feb 062010

Passion and comfort
Excitement and stability
Spontaneity and consistency
Newness and trust

Balances to be made and found
Bringing my ideals to the ground
Of reality

Is it too much to want it all?
Is it too much to refuse to fall
Victim to hope’s demise?
Surely there must be a compromise….

~January 20, 2010

Feb 052010

What happened to my dreams,
Where I used to imagine were in the clouds?

What happened to my faith,
Where I used to see His face in the clouds?

What happened to my voice,
Where I used to speak and sing to the clouds?

What happened to the joy,
Where I used to find in the clouds?

~written in December, 2009

Feb 052010

The words echo throughout the town
En masse the people stop to pray

Where has the voice gone?
From whence does it come?

Do they all believe in the call?
Will these boys become men if the time came for them to stand
for honor, country and Islam?

Amidst the words, the voices, the prayers
Where am I?
Where do I stand?
Where is my Father, Lord of all?

~written in December, 2009

Jan 062010

It wasn’t until the end was near
That it became so clear
Our hearts are intertwined
So strong is the connection of our minds

A friend, a lover, a confidante
A laugh, a kiss, a shoulder to cry on
All these moments we share
All these emotions seemed to come from nowhere

Yet as we weave our way
It feels only natural each day
To allow ourselves to do
Whatever it takes to say “I love you”

~January 6, 2010

Oct 182009

Caught in a whirlwind
You aroused feelings I never imagined
Could be
Inside me –

raw anger
deep hate
strong loathing
only disdain

for you

Once you were my only one
I never thought these emotions could come
Was it so hard to see –

my love
my devotion
my pain
my suffering

for you

Now you can only point a finger
Now only in the photos does our memory linger
Of what once was and will never again be.

~October 17, 2009

Aug 312009

Oh how the tears wet my pillow
As my arms ache in the absence
That makes my heart droop like a weeping willow

As the sun sets each night
I dread the darkness rolling in
Knowing its the shadows I have to fight

Every part of me misses your presence,
Your eyes, your smile, your smell, your touch
Your breath, your laugh, your very essence

I try to stay active and busy
I try to plan things to do
I try and try that I go dizzy

But despite all my cries
All I can do
Is wait for the sun to rise

~August 30, 2009

Jun 242009

Almost a year ago a drunken statement made
Put into motion the uniting of our hearts.
Though time would pass and plans waylaid
To keep us physically apart,

Nothing could stop the emotions from colliding.
Nothing could stop the tears from falling.
Nothing could stop the aching.
Nothing can stop the loving.

Now we move forward at a rapid pace
Hoping for a future with each other
Planning how to always be face to face
And knowing somehow we’ll find a way to be together.

~June 23, 2009


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