Feb 022024

It went so quickly, this past month. We were relatively busy with settling back into home life whilst also preparing for our upcoming trip to Australia and planning the rest of the year. I have a feeling 2024 is going to go fast and I’ll start sounding like a broken record about the speed of passing time.

So, to counter that, I am going to give myself a February challenge of sitting in meditation once a day. The sits have no parameters on length of time or when in the day it is done. Rather, I just want to re-train the brain to pause, not get caught up in the energetic chaos that can come from others, and to find the small things in which I can find contentment and/or gratitude. Thus, my posts in this next month will include some particular moments in which I felt present and aware of life’s blessings.

1st – catching up friends for the first time this year and since we have been back. The conversation flowed naturally and it was a nice, chilled time.

2nd (today) – after nearly two years of taking yoga classes with the same people, I finally sat with them and began to learn who they are as individuals with whom I share space with in not just yoga, but this world and community.

It is in this vein that I leave January behind and look forward to what February brings.

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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