Apr 082024

This image about sums up my world these days – a bit of chaos, distracted by the sun, the world keeps on moving, emails and writing take up the time I do find myself with before other things come up to take me away.

Life is good.

The sun is shining most days now. The temperatures are rising. Social season has begun and the flowers are in bloom. Aside from my allergies not cooperating, everything is beautiful.

So, I am still writing and doing work, but less so in some spaces. We’ve also had visitors and been socializing more so that my usual schedule is a little off. With more travels coming and taking in as much of the lovely weather as possible, I may continue to be a little more sporadic, but I’ll post when I can!

Off to warm up in the sun!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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