Jun 242024

The winds of change are afoot for a young 18-year-old who is about to set out into the world as a college student this fall. His transition will be smoother than some since he’s used to summers on his grandparents’ farm and having extended family nearby. His US-based support network is wide.

Before embarking on this new life, he came to see us in Italy as his second trip outside of the US and Japan. The first was to our wedding in Abu Dhabi almost ten years ago. This time, he was old enough to fully appreciate all the offerings of a country with both historical roots and modern contributions.

In a similar fashion, his mother took advantage of an opportunity to travel once more with her son before he leaves the family nest. Sadly, his father had to stay in Japan and work. Still, we endeavored to show them as much as we could in terms of highlights of the overview tour of Italy and a slice of our lives in our home. It seems this was a success.

Ten days flew by with the visit of my BFF and her son, my godson. It was such a lovely time with the two of them. We did a lot, talked a lot, laughed a lot, ate a lot, but only drank a little.

I’m excited to see what the next phase of life brings to them both and feel contented that we could share a special time together in the transition. Good luck, E with your next steps into adulthood. Good luck J and K with your return to the two of you and your life together as empty-nesters.

With love always,

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Jun 142024

I’m not sure who is more excited, me or my BFF and her son. They are coming for a ten-day visit that will undoubtedly pass quickly.

This will be their first trip to Europe and only third time to visit me in my location. The first was a girls’ trip in NYC before E was born, and the second was the whole family for our wedding. Of course, I’ve made sure they get to see as much as possible without completely exhausting them, despite what M seems to think as a ‘backseat organizer-not-organizer’.

Anyway, it’s going to be a busy couple of weeks, so may be a little spotty posting. Will try to share as we go along.

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Jun 122024

Well, my grand ideas of being on top of posting and writing have all gone by the wayside these days. It’s been busy around here, so I’m finally taking a couple of quiet days during this short lull between visitors and activities. I say “lull”, but we do have quite a bit of socializing coming soon. In any case, I’m here now. So, let’s catch up!

While still recovering from my trip home, we had M’s cousins here for a weeklong visit. This included two littles, which requires a surprising amount of patience and energy! I’m not used to small beings who also are testing out their independence, pushing boundaries, and yet cannot do that much for themselves. πŸ€ͺ

This also meant that I did not have the time, space, or energy to get my own things done which don’t take that much time or effort, but still require a bit of focus. Still, it was really really nice to catch up with them – haven’t seen two of them since we got married! Visiting with family always has a comforting aspect to bring perspective into our lives. ❀️

Despite their visit, I still went away for the weekend. My friend in France, P, and I met up in Lucca (near Pisa and Florence) to see Ed Sheeran.

It was a lovely weekend and the concert was ace! He is extremely talented as a musician and his songs are always fun to sing and dance to.

So, all is absolutely grand in the world around here. β˜€οΈ More fun to come!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Jun 012024

Well, it’s been a hot minute since I last posted. Fortunately, it was for good reason! I got to spend two weeks with my family and catch up with friends in Oregon.

First, there was my dad’s 75th birthday. Normally, he doesn’t do a big show of his birthday but as he’s had a few moments of facing his mortality, he decided it was a good chance to open up for some recognition for the good life he has. There were a mix of people from his past and present who came to celebrate, including his older sister and brother. It was a lot of fun for me to see them!

Then, there were the two cutest newest members of my family and friends’ circle (matched with the blankets I made for them):

Oh my goodness, do I love a bit of bebe snuggles!

Finally, but definitely not the least, was a mother-daughter trip to Vegas to see “Beatles Love” and the amazing Adele.

Every time I go home I feel like it’s the best time. I cherish the moments I get to spend with my family and my friends. It’s a blessing to be able to make regular visits to Oregon, share experiences and conversations, and reconnect with my childhood home.

Now, I’m back in Italy. However, it’s going to be a busy month of June with visitors. We are looking forward to it! Hopefully, I’ll be posting regularly again, though. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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