Jun 122024

Well, my grand ideas of being on top of posting and writing have all gone by the wayside these days. It’s been busy around here, so I’m finally taking a couple of quiet days during this short lull between visitors and activities. I say “lull”, but we do have quite a bit of socializing coming soon. In any case, I’m here now. So, let’s catch up!

While still recovering from my trip home, we had M’s cousins here for a weeklong visit. This included two littles, which requires a surprising amount of patience and energy! I’m not used to small beings who also are testing out their independence, pushing boundaries, and yet cannot do that much for themselves. πŸ€ͺ

This also meant that I did not have the time, space, or energy to get my own things done which don’t take that much time or effort, but still require a bit of focus. Still, it was really really nice to catch up with them – haven’t seen two of them since we got married! Visiting with family always has a comforting aspect to bring perspective into our lives. ❀️

Despite their visit, I still went away for the weekend. My friend in France, P, and I met up in Lucca (near Pisa and Florence) to see Ed Sheeran.

It was a lovely weekend and the concert was ace! He is extremely talented as a musician and his songs are always fun to sing and dance to.

So, all is absolutely grand in the world around here. β˜€οΈ More fun to come!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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