Jul 082024

Well, my plan to ponder this weekend turned into a mix of thwarted plans and utter laziness.

My plan on Saturday was to just chill, watch a lot of sport since rugby was on and then the Euros 2024 soccer matches were scheduled for the evening. However, a friend needed a ride home from the hospital and an overnight stay as he transitioned out back into the real world again after 10 days. He’s doing alright and went home yesterday. Still, that meant my Saturday of sports TV was turned into about 4.5 hours of driving and then “hosting”. We did manage to get back in time for the soccer kick-off and watch England save themselves enough to move into the semi-finals, which I will be watching on Wednesday night!

This also meant that my plans for Sunday to be about organizing my head and all that good stuff were also waylaid. In the end, I caught up on TV shows including some of the Olympic trials for gymnastics and lots of napping.

Although I do not feel particularly tired, I definitely am worn out from the heat and humidity. Even though I did sit outside for a bit, I found that it didn’t particularly help my mood as sweat instantly surfaced all over my body. As I have aged, I have found sweat pores (pours) in weird places – like the back of my knees! So, my heat tolerance has really decreased which makes me a less than enjoyable companion.

The only pondering I managed to do was to consider where I can escape to after my ankle surgery tomorrow, and how I can avoid this weather next year.

To be honest, I’m sure it is not that bad in terms of temperature and even climate for most. However, menopause has not endeared warm weather to me. Hopefully, one of these days I’ll enjoy it again. In the meantime, I’m very seriously considering spending summers in the UK or Scandinavia! We shall see….

So, while the heat-induced irritable side of me might want to moan some more, I am trying to appreciate the fact that I had the luxury of spending just about an entire day lazing about and resting. Of course, more of that to come in the next few days as I go in tomorrow for my ankle surgery (to remove the metal they put in about a year and a half ago). Hopefully, it’ll be enough chilling for me to refresh my motivation.

~ T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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