Jan 142025

Generally, I don’t know who reads this space. For the most part, I don’t need nor want to know since I pretty much write for myself to sort of track my life; and if it helps or entertains others, then that is a great addition. However, by not knowing and not receiving much feedback on my posts, I do not always realize the changes in the type of posts or their impact, if there is any.

Usually, M says he reads this when he is worried that I’m upset with him or about something and haven’t shared it with him. Or, he cannot sleep at night and maybe reading my words helps him go to sleep. On occasion, he also comments on what I’ve written, which is helpful. His latest feedback after an insomniac night was that my posts aren’t as “deep” or possibly thought-provoking as they used to be.

I think he’s right.

But, why or how has it come to be? Well, one reason is that I increased my writing on here to twice a week and sometimes I don’t have that much to say so I struggle for content that will take me to another level. Another possible reason is that I find myself lacking the headspace to allow my mind to drift into the darker corners where I find the topics to ponder upon. Also, perhaps, I’m just so happy that these heavier thoughts just are no longer at the forefront of my brain that I need to give them airtime so that I can focus on other topics or activities.

Probably, it is some combination of reasons that cannot be expressed in one summary.

Something that comes up for me as I write this, and consider explanations, is that I have gotten out of the practice of philosophizing because others around me do not seem interested nor willing to join the conversation. When you do not have an outlet, then it is easier to either avoid or dismiss the thoughts when they come. Perhaps, this is the most accurate influence of them all.

Recently, I have found myself craving intellectual pursuits.

I’ve researched a bit about PhD programs in philosophy or psychology. I have applied and will be starting a 12-week pseudo-MFA program (PocketMFA), in which I will get mentoring and support to, hopefully, keep me going for my fiction book. I am taking on teaching yoga, breath, and meditation. I will be soon starting a two-year program to become a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. So, just from these activities, I can see the theme of teaching and learning coming back to the forefront of my life.

The heart of these activities is in stimulating my mind so that I can re-open the head spaces in which I like to mull around for pondering, philosophizing, and contemplating the state of the world, society, and mostly, the human condition.

People are a mixed bag for me: fascinating, curious, disappointing, discouraging, inspirational, confusing, uplifting, and more. This is what makes humans an amazing race compared to the other animals, though it may be that we just don’t understand their language and they are just as amazing…. Yet, in my belief that humans can achieve absolutely anything and everything they may desire, I must also accept that often most do not know it, let alone achieve it. This is where my disappointment lies. This is where my “dislike” for people stems.

So, I have decided – at least for today, this month, year – to do my own part in making the world a better place by helping humans/individuals to learn their capacity, make plans to go for it, and ultimately achieve whatever they can dream up. It means that I may be more disappointed at times, but it also means that I may be awed more than usual.

In this pursuit, I may write less regularly. I may write less frequently. Or, I may go through periods of posting a lot or not at all. Whatever the roller coaster ride of life presents, I shall endeavor to ponder deeper. Of course, I’ll still share my trips and other superficial activities, cuz that’s fun too!

~T 🔥🐉♋️

Jan 062025

We are home at last. Despite our goals to stay put for a while, it’s not to be so steady until the end of February, but at least we are around the area and at home for longer periods. M should be actually at home more than me, which is good for both of us! 😅

Since I am not one to leave unpacking or cleaning up until later, we spent the first afternoon dividing and conquering. Christmas decorations needed to be put away, suitcases unpacked, and, unfortunately, kitchen cleaned and reorganized, along with the mounds of laundry – not just from us but sheets and towels left by our guests.

While I cannot reasonably complain about the difference in cleanliness and houseguest standards, I feel this is a necessary vent since it is my space here to do whatever I want, right?! 🤪

We had two lots of guests over the Christmas and post-Christmas into the new year period. They took care of our pets in exchange for a free stay in our home. In general, we are pretty free-minded and open with our things for, after all, they are just things. However, I forget that my expectation that the house will be left as it was when they arrived – clean, objects in the same space, etc. – is always a set up for disappointment…. 😣

Now, I admit that I am rather stubborn, and possibly obsessive, about my organization and level of cleanliness. However, I am also very conscientious about other people’s possessions. I respect the fact that they had to work to get the money to buy the things they have. Therefore, I treat their things and space as I would my own. The difference is that people treat their own things at different levels than I, and this carries over in how they treat mine/ours. Furthermore, because I have a reason for why things are located where they are in my own home, I try to remember where I get items from in someone else’s house. Strangely, or not, this doesn’t seem to apply for others.

In the grand scheme of things, it is not important nor worth this much thought even in a blog post. Yet, I am a deep-thinker, philosopher, observer of society, and participant in this world. So, I cannot help myself from pondering on the theoretical and social norms, especially when I feel as if I am the only one who is then considered “abnormal”.

Is it a matter of respect? Is it a matter of just not being aware? Is it a lack of caring? What is it…?

I imagine that if I were to ask these people directly, I would get an answer something like We just felt so comfortable that we made it like our home. Or, You’re always so kind that we didn’t think it would matter. Or, You should have just told us. So sorry. While these would all be valid comments, they aren’t enough for me because I believe that it stems from something deeper.

Probably, I’m just pondering over nothing. Probably, it’s not that important. Probably, no harm no foul is the way to go. Probably.

Still, my point to anyone who reads this is that just because things aren’t important to you, being in someone else’s home isn’t about YOU. While you may be someone who doesn’t mind unpacking slowly over a week or some unknown period of time, or perhaps you don’t notice or mind a bit of unclean spaces, it is valuable to understand who your host is – especially if you’re friends and/or have visited multiple times before.

Truly, there is nothing more frustrating than having to spend hours cleaning and reorganizing along with days of laundry when returning from travels. It’s not important that the trip was one of luxury and relaxation. It IS important that this is not your home and would you really want to have to come home from traveling and spend days trying to get things back to how you would like it to be?

I think not probably, but rather definitely!

So, the next time you’re a guest in someone’s home. Leave it as clean, or even cleaner than when you arrived! Make sure you have enough time to do the sheets and towels before you leave (find a nearby laundromat if you have to!). Make sure that if you moved things around, you return it to where you found it (take a picture before you move it!). Theses are my wishes.

And, if you read this and are visiting me, take notes! 😬😅

~T 🔥🐉♋️

Jan 012025

Words for 2025: Focus, Stillness and Simplify

As I sit and reflect by the pool or Caribbean Sea, I am grateful for the amazing life that we/I lead. We are fortunate to be able to travel as much as we do, experience the things we do, and enjoy life’s many luxuries as we do. We have worked hard to make this possible for ourselves. This year was definitely about fully embracing the rewards.

Through our slowing down as the year comes to a close, we/I have come to feel that it is time to recoup. M feels more strongly about staying in one place than I do, but we have agreed that less will be more in terms of travel and activity next year. With that in mind, my reflections are that while this year was fun with all the travel, the fact is that I cannot remember many of our trips. Perhaps, we really did move around too much. It was definitely true that being home was too short for us to get our footing in regularity, routine, and rest. 

So, here are my goals and plans for the upcoming year as we bring focus and stillness as we simplify our lives in 2025.

Health and Wellbeing 

*Starting the 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program
*Meditate 5/7 days a week
*Treadmill and gym daily
*Yoga daily 
*Teach yoga and meditation 


*Generate more independent income through business/work activities
*Pay off school loans
*Jag F-type in red


*May – Umbria on a Whim Vol 3: Where to live published
*June – Blue eyed Monkey manuscript finished 
*August – Beacon of Light poetry book published
*Work on biographies

Relationships: Personal

*Reinstate date nights
*Remove contact with those who bring negativity to my mind and heart 
*Vibrate higher with those who aspire to do the same 

Relationships: Business

*Decrease online work to just content creation 
*Increase editing work
*Increase book coaching 

I feel that most of these work toward bringing more focus and stillness, but may perhaps require more reflection to consider the simplifying aspect. I know that my personal relationships will be simpler and more meaningful, so perhaps that will be enough.

For the most part, I feel ready. Next year feels like it will be a quiet one for recuperating our energy and finances so that we continue to work toward creating the kind of lifestyle we desire that balances all of the aspects of life that bring us joy and peace to our hearts.

With that, to whomever reads this blog, I wish you a very prosperous, productive and purposeful year in 2025! Thanks for reading and perhaps drop a comment now and then so I know you’re out there. 😅

~T 🔥🐉♋️


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