Jan 012025

Words for 2025: Focus, Stillness and Simplify

As I sit and reflect by the pool or Caribbean Sea, I am grateful for the amazing life that we/I lead. We are fortunate to be able to travel as much as we do, experience the things we do, and enjoy life’s many luxuries as we do. We have worked hard to make this possible for ourselves. This year was definitely about fully embracing the rewards.

Through our slowing down as the year comes to a close, we/I have come to feel that it is time to recoup. M feels more strongly about staying in one place than I do, but we have agreed that less will be more in terms of travel and activity next year. With that in mind, my reflections are that while this year was fun with all the travel, the fact is that I cannot remember many of our trips. Perhaps, we really did move around too much. It was definitely true that being home was too short for us to get our footing in regularity, routine, and rest. 

So, here are my goals and plans for the upcoming year as we bring focus and stillness as we simplify our lives in 2025.

Health and Wellbeing 

*Starting the 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program
*Meditate 5/7 days a week
*Treadmill and gym daily
*Yoga daily 
*Teach yoga and meditation 


*Generate more independent income through business/work activities
*Pay off school loans
*Jag F-type in red


*May – Umbria on a Whim Vol 3: Where to live published
*June – Blue eyed Monkey manuscript finished 
*August – Beacon of Light poetry book published
*Work on biographies

Relationships: Personal

*Reinstate date nights
*Remove contact with those who bring negativity to my mind and heart 
*Vibrate higher with those who aspire to do the same 

Relationships: Business

*Decrease online work to just content creation 
*Increase editing work
*Increase book coaching 

I feel that most of these work toward bringing more focus and stillness, but may perhaps require more reflection to consider the simplifying aspect. I know that my personal relationships will be simpler and more meaningful, so perhaps that will be enough.

For the most part, I feel ready. Next year feels like it will be a quiet one for recuperating our energy and finances so that we continue to work toward creating the kind of lifestyle we desire that balances all of the aspects of life that bring us joy and peace to our hearts.

With that, to whomever reads this blog, I wish you a very prosperous, productive and purposeful year in 2025! Thanks for reading and perhaps drop a comment now and then so I know you’re out there. 😅

~T 🔥🐉♋️


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