Nov 182013

Well, it has only taken me about 4 days to recover from last week, but after a lot of sleeping the past few days I am now starting to feel ‘normal’ again. πŸ˜€

Either I did not know how much stress I felt from the Apple stuff or I may need to take a better look at my diet. Perhaps I am not eating enough protein and this is making me tired. I am not sure yet, but will take a closer look now that I know it is not about the sleep. πŸ˜‰

Overall, I am feeling much better. However, I need to get myself back on schedule and focused again or it will be easy to let myself slide into comfortable laziness. πŸ˜‰

Maybe I will even start to be able to get up and do writing as I had planned! One can always hope.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:05

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