Nov 212013

Yes, I am celebrating after three straight days of waking up early to write! The writing production itself is not quite happening yet, but I have successfully submitted a number of proposals for possible writing jobs in hopes of making some mulah in writing! I realize that I definitely need more practice. With the practice will come more confidence.

However, now that I’ve put in some proposals, I am geared to get The Universal Asian going. Plus, I am even planning on refocusing on the PhD to get it over and done with. No promises on the time frame, but I am not worrying about that just yet. πŸ™‚

If I watch only two hours of TV a day and the rest of my time is spent writing or studying, I should be unstoppable! hahahahha! See, these early morning sessions make me giddy.

Now, it’s time to get ready for work. πŸ™ My dream is to never have to say that again from my condo in Hawaii. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:13

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