May 312013

This past week was a rather busy one and thus I did not write too much. Yesterday in particular was not a great day from the beginning , but gave me a bit of a jolt to recognize that after about seven weeks on Cipralex, it does seem to be working.

1. Life dramas – It has taken me some time and I often have to remind myself that the man I have chosen to be with is not very typical, nor do I truly want him to be. However, his atypical ways can sometimes cause tension when it comes to going out and doing things as a couple like ‘normal’ couples do. While for the most part I do not mind going out and doing things without him because he does go out now and then with people that we both enjoy spending time with, it makes it a challenge for me to have to explain to others why he is not out with me all of the time. I do not think we have to go out together all of the time, actually. Neither does he. The problem is that other people do not understand and tend to badger me with questions as to his whereabouts or to explain his ways when it is not for me to explain or have to feel awkward for going out on my own. We have trust and we have a shared view on socializing. People should respect that it is different or talk to him directly as to why he doesn’t accompany me more. The reality is that as long as the two of us are okay with it, then everyone else should be as well.

In having to deal with this I have remained quite calm about it. I have dwelt a little bit on it, but not over-thought it as I might have done before. Score 1.

2. Near death experience – Each day our commute to work is a lesson in appreciating life. We are often lucky to arrive to campus or home without having an accident, near accident or just plain road rage at the insane drivers on the road. Yesterday, I left quite early for work and took a different than usual route. It was going rather smoothly and I was just a little above the speed limit in the left lane. I was cruising along when a luxury sedan came speeding up behind me flashing his lights as he approached my vehicle. I maintained my speed and happened to also be at the same speed where coincidentally the person behind me could not switch lanes due to another vehicle on the right. After more flashing of lights, he decided he couldn’t handle himself and went into the left emergency lane. As he was passing me, he decided to try to bully me and move back into my lane knowing that there was nowhere for me to go. While this was happening, a large Nissan Patrol came speeding up behind me as well flashing lights and decided to also take the left emergency lane to pass. Both cars were too big for the non-existent lane; thus barely passing me. Anger was boiling within me as I was laying on my horn.

There was a moment where I thought that I could swing my wheel to the left and send us all flying leading, most likely, to my own death or severe injury and perhaps only partial damage to the other vehicles. In my state of mind seven weeks ago, I probably would have let anger and apathy for life take over and I would not be writing about it now. However, the moment passed as the anger boiled and I continued on to work to pass the day in a foul mood. It was not the near-death experience that traumatized so much as the sheer bullying/threatening behavior of the drivers. It was almost as if they had taken a gun to my head by their actions as the result would nearly be the same in threatening my life all because they needed to break the speed limit and hurry to do nothing important.

Of course, I probably should not have been in that lane. I probably should have changed lanes rather than be passive-aggressive about their speeding up behind me. I probably should always drive like an old lady to ensure my safety. So, for that I take responsibility. At the same time, the roads here are very unsafe and the shitty drivers have no repercussions for their actions unlike someone who would if they threatened me with a gun. So, every time I get into a car I have to pray for my survival – whether it is me or someone else behind the wheel. It’s ridiculous.

However, the meds definitely kept me alive and so I guess I should be satisfied with that. πŸ™‚ Score 2.

Needless to say, I am more than looking forward to the next 24 days to pass when I can get a break from this crazy place! πŸ˜€


Apr 272013
Istanbul - Tulips originated in Turkey not in the Netherlands as commonly believed...
Istanbul - Tulips originated in Turkey not in the Netherlands as commonly believed...07-Apr-2013 11:49, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 3.3, 6.3mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 100

It’s been a very strange year in the desert with the weather and shakings of the earth. It really makes me wonder what is going on in the environment and if perhaps the true end times are near (if you believe in that kind of thing).

For the past week the weather has gone from clear blue skies to grey and now today there is rain. Now, I am not the biggest fan of the extreme heat, but there is a reason why I live in this kind of climate – I hate rain!! So, what is going on here?

I suppose that I should not really complain given that the heat will surely come. It is still warm out strangely enough, just with rain. So, I will try to enjoy it and use the gloomy outside to motivate me inside to do some work. Yesterday, I organized articles and found some books that I can get from the library.

Today, I will try to read some of the articles before going out to relax in the afternoon with a bit of pampering. πŸ˜€

-T πŸ˜€

Mar 232013

Now that I’ve gone down the scary dark road, I’m trying to return to the lighter ways….

Last night, a friend and I went to dinner and our second Andrea Bocelli concert. It was a really lovely night out and just what I needed in terms of conversation and activity.

The concert was just okay. We missed the first half due to enjoying our delicious dinner, but the second half was spotty in terms of good songs. Bocelli has a really amazing voice, so I’m glad that I got to see him again.

22-Mar-2013 22:00, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 4.2, 37.8mm, 0.077 sec, ISO 400
22-Mar-2013 22:00, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 4.2, 18.9mm, 0.04 sec, ISO 400
22-Mar-2013 22:09, NIKON COOLPIX S51, 4.2, 30.2mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 400

The best part, really, was catching up with B and our really fantastic Japanese dinner at Kazu. I didn’t get pics of all the food, but here are some –

Tasty tempura at Kazu pre Bocelli
Tasty tempura at Kazu pre Bocelli22-Mar-2013 20:09, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 800
Seared salmon at Kazu pre Bocelli
Seared salmon at Kazu pre Bocelli22-Mar-2013 20:09, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 500

So, that was my night out and onto happier tones!

-T πŸ˜€

Mar 102013

Another Vine Mixer was not to be missed! This time the theme was Old World food – France, Spain, Italy and Wales – versus New Zealand wines. The food was definitely much more to my liking, though the wines did not quite live up to their fame. I’ve had a lot more pleasant wines from New Zealand, but they chose a different area than I usually buy from.

All that aside, we had a lovely time, of course!

-T πŸ˜€

Mar 092013

A while back, P and I went to a Korean restaurant in the Cristal Salam Hotel after getting massages. It is a new Korean restaurant and, of course, I wanted to try it out. It is good, perhaps the best in the city at the moment, but still not the real deal. It’s close, though.

Anyway, while there, they also were advertising their new wine bar – Vertical Wine Bar. We weren’t interested at the time, but I found their FB page and liked it. So, a few weeks ago, they started a competition of naming their tapas to win a free Spanish dinner. Thanks to Google, I won the first week. However, they only give you dinner for one…. Seemed like a strange way to do a competition because who goes out to eat by themselves and why would I want to split my winnings with a date? πŸ˜›

The following week was another competition, so what did I do? I signed up P and got my other friends to enter as well. They won! So, we all went out together the other night to claim our winnings. πŸ˜‰

It was a fun night out. The tapas were pretty tasty, but the rest of the meal wasn’t much to write about. The pics will tell the rest of the tale. πŸ˜€



SpanishNightWinners_Feb2013Feb 27, 2013Photos: 8



Feb 282013

For some time I’ve been playing in my mind about this topic and wondering how I could write about it clearly so that it made sense – even to me.

One of the things I dislike the most about living in the UAE is the fact that I am constantly ‘pursued’ by the male gender. The other day a good friend of mine said something her boyfriend had told her when she first arrived – “Don’t talk to the taxi drivers or anyone because men here don’t understand the concept of ‘friendly'”. I sort of wish someone had told me that sooner.

It’s sort of ironic that I often treat people suspiciously when I go home because they are so friendly – in fact too friendly for my taste. However, my raising has also stuck in me so that I still believe in treating people kindly. This, is what gets me into trouble.

If I am in a taxi, and the driver wants to have a chat, I don’t want to be rude and tell him to stop talking to me. After all, maybe he’s just ‘being friendly’. Or, if someone says hello to me randomly in the store or on the street, my first reaction is to smile and say hello in return.

All of this ‘kindness’ in this part of the world means that I’m showing interest in them and women are not equals or even really human beings to them. Rather, women are for pleasure or child-bearing.

Given my childhood history, I am also often very suspicious of men. Sometimes I wonder if I am overly suspicious and just playing the victim as it’s a familiar feeling. Still, I’ve not had any really bad or dangerous encounters (Egypt aside) that should cause me to always be on my guard.

Yet, the other night, my friend and I were coming back in a taxi. We had both been drinking, but she was more ‘happy’ than I was. The driver was singing and being silly. My friend kept giggling and carried on a conversation with him. I ignored them both whilst having a very high sense of alertness about what was going on. Everything was fine and perhaps the driver was just in high spirits taking home two lovely ladies.

Considering what her boyfriend had said to her, though…I’m wondering if my craziness isn’t all that crazy after all….

-T πŸ˜€

Feb 252013

Wow, it has been way too long since I last updated about my little garden this year.

It has been a bit of a slow start this year due to the rather irregular weather with sandstorms, fog, rain and whatnot. Usually, the warm weather is starting in full force at this point causing my tomatoes, especially to go wild, but at the moment they are just starting to produce.

So, here are some pics – I’m just going to post the whole album this time since it has been so long since I last posted. πŸ˜€

Container Garden 2012-2013
Container Garden 2012-2013Oct 19, 2012Photos: 42
Feb 232013

VINE MIXER - Spain vs. Chile artwork Abu Dhabi 9892

Some new friends of ours have been talking about this wine pairing event for a few months. It has sounded fun and interesting, plus oh so posh, to do, so when the next one came up, I was totally in! So, a small group of us from the ZOO went together and had a really lovely time.

This month’s was pairing Spanish tapas dishes with Chilean wines. The event was held at the Westin Golf Resort & Spa at their lounge bar called Lemon & Lime. The event starts with a welcome drink, which was a light or dark sangria – yum! Then, after some welcome words, etc., the first glass of wine is brought out so that you can whet your taste buds in preparation for the following tapas. This occurs four times and after each pairing the emcee asks which we liked more – the wine or the tapas. There are also a few prize drawings throughout the event just to keep things fun. After about the second and early third glass of wine, no one pays much attention to anything! ha.

Sadly, the dishes were heavy on the seafood side and the particularly smelly seafood. Therefore, I didn’t eat much, which made the wine hit much harder than it should have. It was also a weeknight with an early start the following morning, so I was a bit out of sorts. Thankfully, Thursday is the end of the week and I can pretend to go through the day. πŸ˜€

Overall, though, it was a lovely time and we’re all looking forward to the next one!


Feb 142013

First, sorry for the font changes. I wanted to change it, but can’t seem to find one yet that quite fits…. So, there may be still more changes until I find it. πŸ™‚

This week has been…both good and bad.

I had yet another run-in with management people and seem to just be sealing my fate to not get along with them. This is one negative motivating factor to push me to focus more and get this PhD written and done with. It has pushed me to make a few decisions –

*I will not roll over and let incompetence be allowed at the expense of my own integrity. If people (aka management) cannot take responsibility for their errors and would rather that I take the blame, then I’m afraid I will have to take the black mark rather than allow myself to be walked over.

*When the degree is finished, I will find a job that allows me to shine and will appreciate the many talents and energy I am able to give. It is not out of arrogance that I have confidence, but rather I know what I am capable of and I know what I have done over the years that have positively contributed to any workplace I have been a part of. Any manager worth his/her salt will see what I have to offer and utilize my energy positively. I may have to leave this country to find this place for me, but I will find it.

*I am trying to renew my faith in the idea that the ‘good guys’ will eventually win. If I continue to behave professionally, and take the higher road, then someday it will be to my great advantage. In other words, one day, karma will come around. It may sound a bit vindictive, and may be that is how I mean it… I’m not sure, but this is where I’m at right now.

So, I’m on the market for a change. I will not apply for any more language programs like this other than the couple I already have out for Japan. Japan is a bit of a different situation, so I am still not closed off to teaching language there. However, from now on I will look for the kind of job that is best for me in consulting, training or professional development in a way that promotes true integrity and positive motivation.

Until next time…

-T πŸ˜€

Nov 092012

Lately I’ve been a bit bored running on the treadmill. I’ve started doing the random incline, which makes it a bit more challenging, but overall I’m getting a little tired of the walls of our gym. Since I’m too cheap at the moment to pay for a gym membership elsewhere, I thought I would see about running around in the neighborhood.

Last weekend, R and I drove around the neighborhood across the street as it seemed like a reasonably relaxed place to try. So, I decided to take a walk over there this morning to see if it would be a good alternative for me when the gym isn’t great. The first kilometer and a half was pretty good. As it is Friday morning, the streets are quiet and not many people are out and about.

However, as I went further into the ‘hood, I realized how many subcontinent men were around. Some were hanging out in their cars, others were walking around, some were just sitting outside the buildings. The buildings are generally run down and though some of the cars parked in the streets are nice, it’s basically a ‘ghetto’ area. As I continued walking, a car came up behind me and was driving slowly. The driver had his neck craned to stare at me. I ignored him, but took note of his license plate as I’ve started doing since I moved here.

He drove off and I continued on. In the next block, I saw that he had circled back to have another look at me, so I turned down another street. Just in the next block when I was trying to decide if I should go one more block further into the ‘hood, I noticed a car coming up behind me. Guess who?

I shook my head, made sure he noticed I had my phone, and headed back towards home. It was really frustrating because it could have been a nice alternative to the treadmill, but I will not put myself into an uncomfortable position regularly for the sake of exercise. Luckily, he stopped following me and I managed to get just over 4Ks in with my walking exploration. Sadly, I will not be doing that again.

So, my only alternative is to drive down to the Corniche where it’s generally safe to run or find a way to enjoy my free gym….

<big sigh>




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