Jan 222021

It has been ages since I have written about my ‘ups and downs’ as I think that they have been much less extreme since the “new norm” involved being at home more than out.

If there ever was a doubt that I am an introvert, I think that the past nine months have wiped away any inkling of that as truth.

So, there really haven’t been any ‘downs’ lately. It’s not that I don’t fight the urge some days to sleep all day or spend a day on the couch, but thanks to a new environment and plenty to keep me busy I have been able to channel any darker energies into something productive.

More than the ‘downs’, I notice my ‘ups’ more because they are slightly extreme in that the amount that I get done in a day seems a bit outrageous. Being a list-lover, I can easily see how much I do and even shock myself – no brag.

Still, being around someone who is naturally high energy, or really ADHD, I tend not to think of my ‘ups’ as all that abnormal. However, there are times when I start to feel a bit exhausted or my sleep gets interrupted that I realize that it might be time to slow down a bit more.

Thanks to meditation and exercise, I know how to handle myself, but it’s important for me to check-in and regulate. Thus, all is well, but will note if there is a ‘down’ on the way any time soon or not. 😛

~T 😀

Sep 072020

It is becoming popular to say “2020” sucks because of COVID-19. It is becoming acceptable to complain and then blame it on the year that so many claim has not happened nor looks like it will before 2021 arrives.

I am curious to know if there is a common introverted vs extroverted response to the evolution of this year, or if optimists react differently than pessimists.

As a realist, here is my take.

The abnormality of this year has been like hitting the pause button on a movie. As someone who actually gets overwhelmed by all the motion and noise of the world, this pause has been like going figuratively out into the woods to take a long deep breath of fresh, clean, pure air.

So, when I hear all the moaning of the noisy minority I think I feel a kind of personal affront to who I am because to be perfectly honest, this has been an amazing year for me. I will be remember 2020 as the year that the world stopped long enough for some of us to take a long deep breath.

In a way, we have seen a division in personalities.

There are those who have told me that all the negative realities of the world are overwhelming them mentally and physically that they are struggling to face the days. There are those who have told me that they feel trapped by the lack of travel or free movement. There are those who have told me that they are bored with their lives because they cannot “do” anything.

My response to those who are overwhelmed by the negative realities because they tend to spend the majority of their time on social media or watching mass media feeding their brains with all the negativity: turn off the noise!

My response to those who are feel trapped: exercise, plan an amazing trip for next time and save up all the money you can now so that when the freedom is returned you don’t look back and wonder why you didn’t prepare for travel and moving again. Be proactive and prepare!

My response to those who are bored: get over yourself and DO something for others. So many restaurants, organizations, programs are struggling. Look them up and offer to DO something or donate if you’re one of the lucky few who has the income to do so. There are a million things to DO in a day that there is really no excuse for this statement.

Now, before my reader says, but: Do you follow your own responses? I preemptively respond with a YEP. And, though it may mean I have to toot my own horn, here is what I have been doing that addresses these perspectives.

1. I have screen time set to turn off every day from 7pm to 5am and it’s off all day on Sundays with the exception of one or two apps that I might use or that I use with my family in case something comes up. I also look at social media twice a day for a max of about 30 minutes or I look for the sole purpose of the magazine to get more followers or contributors. None of it is allowed to be processed too deeply on a regular basis. I do not watch or read the news, so most information comes via word of mouth or an occasional headline that I might see.

2. I admit that this is a little unfair in that we are preparing to move countries and so I have this to look forward to sooner than most. However, as someone who is used to traveling every few months, it has been a challenge. Instead, I have focused on building up our savings account and ensuring that we have a fund to splurge out – plus that fund is allowing us to not stress over the big move.

3. Aside from starting the magazine, I have donated to a homeless organization, used smile.amazon.com to support a ‘charity’ organization every time we purchase something online, bought from local venues, sent random gifts to others, made gifts for others, and more. So, despite not being an overly charitable person, I have made an effort to push myself to be more generous.

I’m not trying to sound arrogant, but I am trying to say that I am no one special and there are numerous times in my life when I could have said that I prefer the path of darkness, self-pity, anger, bitterness, and wallow in the murky waters. I could have found a number of people to support that way of thinking and to tell me that I deserve to feel that way. However, as Robert Frost wrote: I chose the road less traveled by.

To me, it’s the easy and lazy way to go with the belief that life sucks. It’s simple-minded to say 2020 is the worst year ever or to blame a year – which has no personified qualities whatsoever. Instead, it takes character, integrity and strength to find a path forward that inspires and leads to the best version of who I can be. I want to look in the mirror every day and be satisfied with the person looking back at me instead of dodging the mirror altogether or playing a negative tune at the reflection.

We all have the ability to be and do more. Just do it – one step at a time.

Aug 102020

Generally, I limit my social media interactions. For the longest time, I thought it was just because I do not care so much about what is going on in other people’s lives that I need to be updated regularly. However, just as its use has evolved, so has my reasoning for why I’m bothered by about 90% of what is out there these days.

Some time back someone recommended an author to me who writes about the peri menopausal/menopausal conditions of an aging woman from a rather humorous perspective – Nora Ephron. I read one of her books and it was indeed relatable and entertaining, but there was something that rubbed me wrong as I was reading her book “I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman”. Initially, I thought it was the experiences she relates as a white, middle class, empty-nesting mother. Or, I thought perhaps I am just not yet old enough to appreciate it.

However, as time passed and I contemplated it more, I have found that the same niggling that bothered me about Ephron’s book is what irritates me about most social media posts (in particular, FB).

Some people are like me who post the various things they do in a day with a more upbeat tone. I try to share things to let those who follow me – particularly my family whom I don’t get to see often – that I’m still alive and enjoying life, for the most part. I do not post to have political discussions or to commiserate about the woes of my life. My outlet for that is this blog and it is one-sided mostly – as in, almost no one comments and even then there isn’t a back and forth dialog that happens on FB.

It is that aspect of commiseration that bothers me. Ephron’s book is one long commiseration for others in the same mindset and phase of life as the author. However, the tone of the pity party isn’t to uplift or to inspire, but to wallow and help others to feel okay about wallowing as well. In other words, the message is “Don’t feel bad about feeling bad, others feel bad too.”

While I understand the need to acknowledge that sometimes we just need to vent and have at least one person out there make us feel accepted and not alone, I do not think that this should be done on social media. Along the same vein, I do not think that social media should be used to present our lives as better than they are to give others a false sense of who we are.

People have sometimes asked me if my life is as good as it seems when I post pictures of my holidays or what I see and do. I always answer, YES my life is THAT good. It is. But, when I do have my down moments, I look to those around me to offer support and love or I call home to connect and address my homesickness. I do not put it up on a platform to make myself feel better by getting words of commiseration from people whom I may or may not really know and continuing a cycle of: not feeling bad that I feel bad because others also feel bad, so let’s all feel bad together….

The fact is that many people out there are truly struggling. Perhaps they can’t find work. Perhaps they can barely put food on the table. With quarantine and pandemic rhetoric, there are probably people suffering from depression, and isolation may not be serving them well. Therefore, posting about our inability to travel or go out regularly or having to cope with the ‘new normal’ – I hate this phrase, by the way -, we are promoting a negative message. For some, they may think, “If this person, who seems to have it all together, is moaning, then how will I ever get out of my own spiraling personal hell?!”

The truth is that many of us are quite privileged – we have the luxury to eat fully, bake regularly, work from home, order food if we don’t want to cook, see friends nearby, video chat with family from afar, and so much more. So, I feel that we should be sharing the little ways that we find joy in our days – a colorful butterfly, a flower blossom, ducklings on the river, the smile of a neighbor, moments to write or start new projects, etc. Spreading moments of joy and happiness provides others with hope and may inspire them to also see light in their version of darkness.

I’m not saying we should pretend that our lives are grand. I’m saying that the old adage of “If you don’t have anything nice to say/post, then don’t say/post it at all (especially on social media)” should be put into place, especially as we navigate our way through the current state of the world. If we all work toward bringing a little bit more light into the world, then even our own clouds of grey can be swept away.

~T 😀

Jan 082020

I wonder if it is a blessing or a curse that the world has become more open to reflection, self-awareness, and mental health.

It’s interesting to listen to younger people dismiss the current talk of mental health in the same way that the older generations ignored it. At the root is the common belief that we can fix ourselves or that it’s something for others – who are weak; who are lacking in some way – never for us.

This is the very way of thinking that brought us to where we are now in the conversation and why those of my generation are drawing so much attention to the topic. And yet, it seems unique to the 20-somethings to respond with feigned annoyance to the seemingly over-emphasis on mental health that frequents advertisements, podcasts, and other social media platforms.

Over the past few months, I have found myself silent and slowly becoming opaque. In groups, I chose not to talk much. In writing, I chose to avoid.

With these main avenues of expression blocked due to my own fear, frustration, and futility I created a dam that inevitably would burst at some unknown and unexpected point of time.

And it did.

My poor unsuspecting husband received the trauma of my explosion. At the time, I could not pinpoint the source of the mighty geyser bursting through my tears and crazy tantrum. With a rawness from the emotion, I could not process sensibly where or why a small poke became grounds for defcon five.

Yet, as I reflect in the still tender parts of my heart and mind, I begin to unknot the threads that have unraveled in my sanity.

There is no specific starting point, but rather various bumps and pushes that build up like the tectonic plates of the earth that if rubbed too much in the wrong way result in a massive earthquake.

Because I chose to build up walls preventing any release of these feelings and emotions, believing they weren’t that important or that no one would really care, I created a preventable “disaster”.

Although, on one hand, I can justify the outburst with various rationales, finger-pointing, and the like, I’d rather reflect and understand so that a repeat offense is avoided.

While I am proud to be able to say, generally, that I know myself quite well, I am also more than aware of the sad reality that I can completely forget who I am; just as if I have had no previous knowledge or wisdom in the self-awareness category.

For example, sometimes as in introvert, I try to pretend that I’m not. I buy into the voices that tell me I don’t really need ‘me-time’ or that I am fine being amongst others 24/7. Or, I allow myself to struggle with the fact that I’m an adult and can take time out for myself if I want to, but fall into an unwarranted sense of pressure to not be ‘anti-social’. Yet, every time I listen to these voices or forget who I really I am, there is a downward spiral.

Eventually, I hit bottom, and like a grenade, can wound anyone around me from the shrapnel that flies with the explosive landing. Then, I have to climb my way back to even ground by rebuilding the scaffolds I destroyed on the way down, but are necessary to support my existence in the ‘balanced’ world.

To many, it is boring and horribly predictable to be so-called balanced. In every day terms, this means going to bed around the same time, getting up around the same time, eating a healthy diet, avoiding toxins whether liquid or human, etc. As many who know me are aware, I achieve this by setting alarms for these regular activities. I also plan, organize, make lists, etc. That’s not to say I don’t plan for spontaneity! 😛

For those who enjoy a more “chaotic” way of life, (and I imagine are extroverts) this may seem like a ridiculous way to live. Yet, for me, it is comforting. When I step out of the soft boundaries I have created, the unstable waves of the never-ending ocean begin to make me dizzy. If I pretend to be fine or ignore the symptoms, I eventually end up sick and tired (literally – I fall asleep when motion sick). Like when sick, I lose my voice and ability to stand to be seen.

Therefore, my mental health and sanity depend on reflecting and being self-aware. I think it’s important to share and know that we are not alone in how we feel or make our way through the world we live. While our experiences may be unique, we are never truly alone (much to an introvert’s dismay! 😉 )

My takeaway is, that no matter how much I might try to protect myself by building walls for whatever reason, in the end no one really benefits. Thus, with that, I am releasing my voice and bringing myself back into color and focus!

Watch out! 😛

~T 😀


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