May 212019

Share your favorite writing outfit

While some people say that dressing up each day is a way of having respect for a ‘work at home’ profession, I say ‘bollocks’ to that. 😜

I dress nicely when I go to the office because other people see me and I have an image of sorts to maintain. πŸ˜…

However, in my own home I prefer to be as comfortable as possible. Even on warm days, I find myself in a comfy sweatshirt and lounge pants on the cooler days.

My favorite color is purple so these are my favorite pants. Recently, I got a #lovesea sweatshirt and am in love with it!!! (Sidebar: I highly recommend it. You also contribute to saving marine life and help me as a brand ambassador. So, lemme know if you wanna get one!)

Anyway, it’s not usually about the clothes I wear that affect my productivity but maybe another prompt will address that! πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

May 202019

Favorite writing blog or social media account

Honestly, I barely find time to write on my own blog or read headlines on the news each day that the idea of following other blogs is a bit overwhelming to me. Therefore, I am not really a blog follower these days. Though, I am open to ones that are amazing πŸ˜‰.

As for social media, I admit that I am rather egocentric when it comes to social media. I post with the belief and hope that people read my words to be interested in MY life. 😜 I half joke.

I follow a lot of social media accounts, but none in the world of writing ✍️ specifically. Recently, I did start following Elizabeth Gilbert on Instagram and would like to spend more time finding accounts like hers. So, I guess I’ll take today’s prompt as a push to do just that.

It’s going on my to-do list this week. πŸ“

So, learning point made! More to come!

~T πŸ˜€

May 192019

Favorite book(s) on craft

I read Writing Down the Bones years ago, but I still remember it like yesterday. In fact, I should probably read it again as it might help motivate me.

More recently, I read Cameron’s book and, although I didn’t follow it exactly as suggested, I found it one of the most useful books of the craft I’ve read yet.

So, for the prompt I couldn’t choose just one. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

May 182019

Favorite writing podcast

Despite the many podcasts I listen to, the only thing they have in common with my writing is that they are true – true crime.

I have tried podcasts on different topics like Paleo or health or yoga and I soon get distracted from them except on long car rides.

So, I have not tried any podcasts on writing. Maybe through this prompt I will get some recommendations to try from others. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

May 172019

Favorite music to write to

Most of the time, I prefer to work and write in silence or to the buzz of people around me.

Yet, there are times when I need a bit of focus and for some reason I am most productive when I listen to country music.

For years I have loved country music, though admitting it freely only came in the past decade or so when the fear of people’s judgement disappeared.

However, there is something comforting about the simple lyrics and tunes. Perhaps it is because it reminds me of my childhood listening to it with my father on drives or while out working on the farm. Perhaps it is my romantic notions about life. Perhaps it is my yearning at times for a simpler life on so many levels.

Mostly, I love the stories that country music tells. Some pop music achieves this, but not much. I also love rap and R&B, though not the best to write to.

Unfortunately, classical music puts me to sleep when I want to concentrate. Every genre has a time and purpose.

For writing, I choose country. Judge away! 😜

~T πŸ˜€

May 162019

Describe your writing style in three words.

Although I could say ‘creative, nonfiction, stories’ or something like that, I also think that most of my published writing has elements of comedy – because life is.

So, these are the three words that describe my writing style as I try to show the realities of life, which is funny! πŸ˜€

Nothing more to say about that!

~T πŸ˜€

May 152019

What are you currently reading?

I have two books on the go at the moment.

To diversify my listening material from true crime podcasts, I’ve started listening to audiobooks. So, I am nearly finished with the amazing memoir of Tara Westover.

More slowly, I’m reading before bed Sapiens, which is interesting in understanding humans more.

My 2019 reading list is long, so I’m enjoying the input so far. πŸ™‚

~T πŸ˜€

May 142019

Favorite quote from a female writer:

We are each responsible for all of our experiences.

Louise Hay

I’m not actually a quote kind of person. I used to look in awe at professors at university and graduate school who could just quote a Shakespearean line or two or three off the top of their heads.

In school, we used to have to memorize a poem or something that ‘inspired’ us. Yet, I always struggled.

It’s not that I am forgetful because I can remember birthdays or numbers or other things that I deem worthy of remembering just fine. However, I’m not a name-dropper and I don’t quote.

One reason is that I am not a sycophant in any way. In fact, I’m probably too cynical for my own good that I do just about anything I can to avoid being a cliche or a juice-drinker of trends whether in words, thoughts, products, etc.

I like to think that it’s what makes me unique, but lately this is something I’m contemplating and perhaps a more in-depth post is to come from it.

For now, this is the quote that suits me well. It encompasses taking responsibility for your own actions and consequences – whether positive or negative – in those actions.

~T πŸ˜€

May 132019

Share your view.

Usually my writing view is of a coffee cup or people bustling around in a cafe, but I thought I’d share this view that is on my desk at work because it makes me happy to see some spring life in the office.

I look at it and daydream of another universe where I’d be writing my novel instead. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€


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