Aug 112021

Summer heat and being on guard for the potential blood-sucking fire starters on my skin keeps me from my usual blissful eight hours of subconscious escape these days.

In the early morning hours when my mind is not quite exhausted, yet not fully present, I find my thoughts drift in and out of relived conversations.

My husband strangely threw out that he didn’t take me as reflective or aware, which made me question just how well he knows me and recalculate his own seemingly self-absorbed arrogance to think so little of my consideration of others while holding himself in perfect esteem. My more rational self presumes that perhaps he was kidding or just trying to be inappropriately funny as is sometimes his wont, but in a tired fog my mind still whirls around with numerous possible, and probably incorrect, reasons.

There are times when I see just how much he takes for granted and wonder what other ways he finds himself inaccurately superior to me and my ways. I think that he confuses my sharing out loud the thought processes of my mind as the same kind of personal judgment and actual beliefs in my core. It is in these circular meanderings that I can easily find myself uncomfortably aware of our differences.

Fortunately, I know that none of this is that significant and once I’ve had a chance to let my mind refresh all will be just fine.

Unfortunately, many of our married friends and various stories that we read have centered around the actual inability to refresh their relationships. The past year and a half have put extra stress on all partnerships, but even more so for those that may not have been totally solid in the first place.

The fact is that all relationships constantly require work whether in marriages or friendships or businesses. It is a balance of give and take, which ultimately means compromise – not competition. It may seem as if it is easier to give up, but one must truly determine if the grass is going to be really greener or not without rose-colored glasses 👓.

For me, life with M is worth any and every compromise I have to make. Before, with L, it was not and so I was willing to walk away. Although the consequences of a decision are not always easy to experience, the decision itself should be easy. Will life truly be better without the person in question in it? If the answer is yes, then by all means work toward making as clean a cut as possible.

However, if the answer is no, then consider what compromises you are willing to make to ensure that you do not lose him/her.

Often, we can get stuck in being stubborn and trying to prove a point. But, the truth is that it might be worth the so-called ‘win’ in digging our heels in.

Many marriages suffer as a result of lack of money 💰 or sex. Most partners will say that they still love each other, but one of the above causes stress or does not interest them. Usually, it is also a misled romantic idea that having both or either one will solve problems. Actually, not having either one (and both) can be the cause of problems.

Lack of sex

I’ve written about Japan before and how almost 100% of marriages end up with the woman no longer wanting to carry on their sexual relationship with their partners. In the same post, I think, I wrote about Matthew McConaughey’s statement about the need to continue to maintain a sexual connection in a marriage.

As a woman, I completely understand why women might stop making an effort and reject advances regularly. Our hormones go crazy and affect our sex drive. We are tired from playing multiple roles throughout the day. We may even not really ever enjoy the experience anyway. So, of course, we want to say NO, especially if we aren’t even going to benefit from the effort in the end.

Unfortunately, men can only take rejection so many times before they hit step one – get mad, then step two – get pushy, and finally step three – give up, which often leads to looking elsewhere. While they do not have to follow this trajectory, it is a little bit understandable that many do. (By the way, I’m not at all condoning affairs, etc.) Therefore, women do have some responsibility in this to figure out how to avoid this pushing away, but hoping they don’t go pattern. To put it bluntly, sometimes we just need to spread our legs and take it (obviously, only within a loving relationship)! It is but a few minutes (at most) in our day – every few days at most – and it gives our man relief and acknowledgment / appreciation of their manhood in our lives.

I realize this may sound somewhat barbaric or conservative, but I look at it as meeting basic human need and a necessary “giving” in the give and take balance of a partnership.

Lack of money

In most cases that I come across, it is the woman who worries about the financial stability of the household. Many men barely know how much things cost and so they just focus on the making of it.

Men trust themselves to be able to make money, survive, and/or take care of their families. They also “trust” us women to keep everything else moving along so that they can do their part.

Unfortunately, what I see in marriages/relationships that are struggling financially is a lack of trust for one or both sides to “do their part”. I’m not saying that it has to be the man who makes the money, but this tends to be the more common dynamic in the circles I live in. I imagine it is the same no matter who is the so-called breadwinner.

Trust has to be there in the agreement of the partnership. At some point, whether through discussion or default, a conversation/understanding has to be reached in who is going to be the higher earner. Therefore, when money becomes tight, there needs to be trust that both parties are working for the good of the household and trust must be there that indeed ‘everything is going to be fine’.

As a far too young couple, L and I had our struggles not just as married 20-somethings, but my trust in him was lost and consistently chipped away in every area to the point that it made my belief that life would most definitely be better without him an easy decision for walking away. However, with M and I, we had our struggles very early on in our relationship, but have continually built trust with each other in all areas – especially sex and money – so that every compromise is worth it for both of us.

To me, life has often been in clear shades of black and white. Sometimes, I acknowledge grey areas. However, in love and marriage, I truly believe that even in the foggy morning hours, choosing to take actions that satisfy my desire to be with my life partner is simple.

~T 😀

Aug 062021

There’s a vibe that wafts of creativity and reverberates an awakening deep within the soul. The inner creative envies the artistic skill of those who can draw the lines that reflect the curves and personality of an individual. Yet, at the same time one is inspired to weave together words and phrases that can similarly touch the unspoken.

It’s the smiles and appreciation for a craft that appears easy in the hands of the one holding the pencil, but knowing that there are hours of practice and never to be seen paper that goes into the art.

My first time in Montmartre began with a touch of the spirit in Sacré Coeur where historical significance overlooks the sprawling scourge of man’s seemingly successful attempt to destroy the earth. The juxtaposition of human ability to create both beauty and destruction is not lost on this “art mountain” (not its real meaning).

Yet, the energy that flows made me open up a likable perception of the city that had thus far eluded me in its attraction as one of amour 💖. What was revealed is that every city of scale can spark a flame once the right area or scene is found.

What is irrefutable is my adoration for the French/Parisienne architecture and iron balconies. Ever since I lived in the Middle East I have had an appreciation for a good balcony. Perhaps it originated from the tree seat my father built many years ago in an attempt to get me out of the house but still allow me scribble and read. The feeling of peace and calm I find in sitting high above the world and observing what is going on below is like no other. I feel connected to my spirit animal, the eagle 🦅, in its regalness and strength as it soars in the higher skies when I am on a beautiful and wide balcony.

So, when I wander streets I am often looking up and appreciating the facades that provide a space for observation, often saddened that those living inside are not taking full advantage of what they have.

When I see the world from the bird’s eye 👁️ view I realize how much mankind lives with their heads down missing all of the beauty and wonder that the world around provides. Like worker ants who only have singular missions for survival, I am discouraged by the unfulfilled potential of humanity when so many refuse to just simply look up and around.

I suppose that we cannot all have our heads up in the skies, but I prefer to dream, imagine, and work to create a reality filled with beauty, awe and inspiration. In this, I believe everything and anything is possible.

~T 😀

Aug 032021
  • Happiness is the waking of the dawn
    when the birds sing their song
    to catch their bugs and worms,
    when the air is fresh and there are no terms
    when it’s quiet before human activity begins
    to overwhelm and override their sins.
  • Happiness is that feeling of familiarity
    seeing the world with comfortable clarity,
    knowing what’s around the bend
    and hoping the peace never ends.
  • Happiness today is the sense of release,
    the built up stress can temporarily cease!
  • Happiness today is the sun shining through the wind,
    sitting in the warmth of its rays welcoming whatever the universe will send.
  • Happiness today is the yoga mat
    where one can be sat
    focusing on breath, body, and alignment
    with the mind, soul, and physical to find a balance and be content.
  • Happiness today is being present in the here and now
    without worrying about the what, when, or how;
    breathing in, breathing out; I am here, now.
  • Happiness today is my morning cup of coffee
    what lies inside and ahead we cannot yet see,
    but that is what makes the adventure;
    creating our greatest future.
  • Happiness today is companionship and love
    in the form of soulmates and kindred spirits sent from above;
    through laughter, food, and wine
    we shall enjoy the passing of time.
  • Happiness today comes with a purr,
    the warmth and softness of their fur;
    patiently waiting for me to wake
    for the food they are dying to partake.
  • Happiness today is in the rain coming down
    as it means a period indoors aside from a quick trip to town;
    cats are napping thanks to the grey,
    but even that makes me smile, I have to say!
  • Happiness today is the cup of English Breakfast tea
    made as part of the morning routine for my husband and me;
    it’s the compromise of our blending – English and American –
    first there’s tea, then coffee, sometimes made by me and sometimes by my man.
  • Happiness today is the adrenaline rushing
    in preparation for nearly 200 people watching
    an online event for adoptees,
    who were all sent overseas.
  • Happiness today is the feeling of making a difference
    when another being can sense
    they are not alone,
    but through their tribe, are at home.
  • Happiness today is the color green
    and the gift of all that can be seen;
    sometimes we miss or take for granted
    a view that may be slanted
    on the spectrum toward grey,
    but there are so many colors in a day.
  • Happiness today is feeling awake
    besides getting up early by mistake,
    with a restless night’s sleep,
    a nap in the afternoon sun will be no leap.

~T 😀

Jul 292021

As I mentioned in my last post, we took a road trip to break up our drive back from Paris in June. Since I really haven’t seen much of France, it was the perfect chance to stop into, drive through, and explore just a few of the many amazing small villages and lesser known cities on the eastern part of the country.

My favorite stop was Dijon. It was a college town, which seems to be my wont in terms of vibe, layout, and people.

On the other hand, Grenoble is also a college town, but was rather grungy for my liking. It reminded me of my image of what Berlin is like, though it’s just my imagination as I have yet to make an experienced judgment.

The drive through the French Alps, where Annecy is located, was absolutely beautiful. I hope that we can go in the winter for some skiing and see the area with snow as well.

So, just a short post as I’ve already put up pictures on Instagram, but I’m definitely enjoying my European life!

~T 😀

Jul 212021

Well, it’s been a hot minute since I last updated on our status between France and Italy. My last post on this left us with an upcoming trip to Paris to sort out what we thought was going to be an easy and straightforward application for a Type D (multiple entry) visa. So, here’s an update.

The Type D Visa Application – Round 1

So, June 10th came. We decided to do a road trip to Paris and return slowly with the expectation that we would have visas in hand. We drove straight up and arrived in late afternoon to do some sightseeing in Paris.

Paris has never been a major attraction to me. I visited in the winter of 2012, I think, and was not impressed. While I’ve had the writer’s romantic dream of sitting in a French cafe and writing all day as I observe the people passing by, I did not fall in love with the city as many have done before. M has always warned me that he would show me the romance of the city when we go together. Well…he was partially correct.

I tried an e-scooter for the first time, overcoming my fear of two wheels and speed for short bursts as we scooted around the city. We had fun together, but I still did not fall in love with it. 😬

We arrived early for our visa appointment with M feeling very confident and me feeling less so because despite his sense of knowing I was the opposite. Turns out my instincts this time were the more accurate. 😜

Unfortunately, we got a lady who made all the rumors and stories of French bureaucrats being rude and unhelpful a sad reality. While we had thought we had all the paperwork, she refused to even move forward with our visa application based on her opinion of our situation and a problem with the type of visa that we were ultimately applying for – something I still believe was out of her actual purview of decision-making knowing that there is a chain of command and she was superseding hers.

As she gave us excuses and refused to hear us out, the conversation ended with her picking up her phone and pretending to talk on it moving as far away from the window as she could. So, we took our paperwork and left confused, frustrated, and at a loss.

We continued with our road trip through the center and east side of France anyway since there was nothing more that we could do.

The Type D Visa Application – Round 1.2

After a great trip (a later post on that), we arrived back to regroup.

Although we were told not to worry about it and those helping us in Italy said they’d get their lawyer on it, currently that still hasn’t happened and we are six weeks post-visit.

I did manage to sort out what our paperwork issue is through someone at the consulate who has been helpful through emails. So, we still have a couple more hoops to jump through and will hopefully have everything in order before our next appointment date of August 5th.

France vs Italy

Tomorrow, we may have some positive news and finally a movement forward as we keep swinging back and forth on whether or not to give up on the Italy portion of our living.

Initially, we wanted to do it because I didn’t have my French visa. However, that came through a few weeks ago, which has taken a load of pressure off of my mind. I can also move on to sort out health coverage and licensing paperwork, but there is also some hesitation on whether or not to bother because we might be in Italy….

If we don’t have a real step forward by the end of the week, then I want to pull the plug and stay in France to remove the instability. Both of us are at about the end of our threads with patience in not having a place of our own. So, fingers crossed 🤞🏽 that we have the good news we want ASAP!

~T 😀

Jul 142021

One of the images that I have always had of the Provence area has been of lavender.

Somehow, though, I had completely forgotten about the season and so when my social media started showing pics from others of their forays into the fields to get that quintessential shot, I determined we needed to make a visit to try our hand at our own picturesque moments.

Apparently, there are two types of lavender and only one is actually used for the lavender products that we find for sale. You can Google about it if you’re interested in details. More importantly, I learned that blooming season is rather long from the end of June into August. (If you want to get the sunflowers 🌻 as well, then sometime in July is recommended.)

My research found that while there are a number of fields, Valensole is the most popular and it was closest to where we were staying.

It was well worth the trip and we did catch the sunflowers as you can see. I’ll do another post on Sunflower Season as we caught fields of them in Italy as well. 😀

Although we may not have gotten the glamour shot, we enjoyed experiencing the fields and see with our own eyes what the fuss is about. ☀️

~T 😀

Jul 052021

One of the things that always made me look forward to aging is that I would be able to openly talk about a number of topics that most consider to be off-limits or somewhat taboo. For me, I always saw the benefit of being “old” as no longer needing to care so much about what might offend, embarrass, or put off someone, because the fact that we have had more experiences and longevity in life gives us that freedom/right. As a younger person, I never understood why we weren’t supposed to talk about things like sex, the body’s functions from periods to menopause to bowel movements, and the like. Some cultures, groups, or persons arbitrarily decided that it was uncouth to have conversation around the most natural and common of topics.

Thus, as part of my middle-aging process, I have decided – let’s talk about these things!


If there is ever any tension between me and M, that is not related to my fluctuating hormones or the effects of being together nearly 24/7 for the past year plus, it is usually over sex. He wants it more than I.

When I got married the first time, my dad told me that sex, money, and love (maybe – can’t remember the third thing, actually) are what can make or break a marriage. Without money and/or without sex, the love goes.

While we lived in Japan, the ongoing theme that came up frequently especially for foreign men married to Japanese women was that the sex had gone out of the marriage once kids entered the picture. So many couples stay unhappily married, even Japanese couples, because one partner has decided to no longer maintain their sexual connection. Upon further discussions, it seems that it isn’t necessarily just a Japanese female pattern, but that of many women (in particular) as we age. While Japanese culture has evolved to accept this natural deterioration and accepting that affairs or satisfaction may be achieved elsewhere, it is not so accepted in the Christianized West.

Recently, M and I listened to Matthew McConaughey’s book Greenlights (so good with his dreamy voice reading it aloud). McConaughey writes about ensuring that he makes time to physically connect with his partner not just because he likes sex, but also because it makes you feel closer to each other, because it makes you feel amazing, because it is what makes a marriage rather than a friendship – or words to this effect.

For whatever reason, we tend not to talk about sex unless it is with innuendos or the help of an inhibitor relaxer like alcohol 🍷. We tend to roll our eyes🙄 at the boyish remarks made about flirtatious behavior or sexual attraction to another. We tend to get embarrassed 🙈 by the talk unless it is in a joking manner. But, why?

In my view, I don’t particularly like the comedic factor because I used to take it as a personal attack on my lack of desire for the activity. It wasn’t from a lack of attraction, but mostly due to a number of excuses (yes, I mean excuses) for why I said “no” 🙅🏽‍♀️ to any advances made.

However, recently, I have increased my magnesium and Vitamin B intake, which has altered my responses to such advances and even has me making my own. While there is no hard scientific evidence to prove that this increase has contributed to my response, I can only anecdotally assume that it has had an effect. This leads me to the other topic that we don’t often talk about especially as women.

Our cycles

When I was of age to begin my journey into womanhood, I was taught about the physical reproductive systems in school and then left to my own discoveries without discussion from the women in my life. My mother’s surprised expression was a disappointment to my young self when I put “tampons” on the grocery list after having used hers for months.

As I now face that joyful peri-menopause and menopausal phase of life, I am again reminded of my disappointment that my mother, or any female older than me, had not shared about their experiences. Looking back on a period of time when my parents were not on the same wavelength, I later pinpointed a major contributing factor was my mom’s transitioning into the third phase of a woman’s cycle.

Once I did ask, or perhaps more realistically – accused -, my mother as to why she didn’t warn/tell me of these physical shifts that only a woman can relate to. The response must have been either avoided or unsatisfactory as I have no recollection of what she said. It’s possible that, like many reasons of her generation, it’s just not something that was/is talked about.

However, as I find myself spending time with more women and young girls, who are just starting out with their monthly cycles, I want to encourage us all to talk about it. It’s not like it’s a secret that we bleed 🩸 out of our vaginas once a month or that someday we will stop doing so. Therefore, why not share and commiserate as we transition in and out of these phases? 🤷🏽‍♀️

As you can probably tell, a running theme in my ponderings of late relate to the things we do and don’t talk about. While I may not talk to just anyone about everything, I still think that everything should be talked about to at least someone. 🤪

~ T 😀

Jul 012021

Communication is the thread that connects all of us together. It is when we cut the lines or allow them to get tangled up that almost every problem arises.

These days, I am one hundred percent convinced that too much is shared with the general public. We have confused the concept of “open communication” with “transparency”.

The truth is that no one really wants transparency as a two-way street ↔️. If we did, we would all live in glass houses and be content for everyone to be all up in our business. When people cry for transparency, it is almost always a one-way street ➡️.

Instead, I suggest that we have open communication.

Through a dialogue, we can work through our differences and come to an understanding, even if it is to respectfully “agree to disagree” 🤝.

With that said, I do draw the line in the sand when it comes to certain topics with people I barely know or when there is drink involved or when it is clear that the other party’s mind is sealed around their own point of view. It is in these instances that I tend to not take my own suggestion.

A few weeks ago, I watched and listened in awe as M had a lively discussion with someone regarding her vote for Brexit and conservative, patriotic view of the English empire and influence in the world. It was a respectful and open communication in every way.

On the other side of the table was her partner and another friend of theirs, who were mumbling their own drunken opinions that were more assumptive and presumptive of M as the debater against her views and further wanting to interject unhelpful comments. The man then turned to me asking why I was not participating in the discussion or engaging with them on the topic. I politely explained my steadfast rule of not talking about politics, money, or religion with people I don’t know very well especially when alcohol is involved.

He expressed frustration by saying, “Surely, you must have an opinion though on these topics.” To which I replied, “Of course, I do”. Then came the main point –

Him: “You might be able to change someone’s mind if you share your opinion.”

Me: “I do not need to change anyone’s mind and it really does not matter.”

Him: “But, why not?”

Me inside my head: “Because I do not care if you agree with me or not.” Instead, I just smiled and said, “I am happy to listen and respect the opinions that others want to share.”

He was not pleased with my answer and proceeded to stare at me in frustration and confusion that I would not engage with him or the discussion. Granted, he had had a few drinks 🍷 and I was completely drunk on water 💧. 😜

This exchange has given me a lot of contemplation, 🤔 though. Because, while I am absolutely an advocate for open and honest communication, I realized that I definitely have requirements on the conditions in which I feel this can happen.

As someone who doesn’t particularly like people in groups or en masse, I find that I struggle with allowing opportunities to connect with others if I do not see any future interaction or engagement with them. My jaded past and nomadic lifestyle has taught me to filter out the passing of people in and out of my life. Therefore, I have an inhospitable tendency to dismiss a chance to communicate openly and honestly with those I think it not worth the time and effort to have said open and honest discussions.

However, there have been a number of instances (especially of late) proving that the world has become smaller and the chances of never seeing that person, or someone who knows that person, again are much less than they used to be. So, perhaps I do indeed need to recalibrate my tendency and give people more of a chance and be more open to the opportunities to have deep, thoughtful, and possibly mind-changing discussions.

It will likely take me some time to get the balance right, but that is the joy of life – continuing to learn how to grow as a person and keeping the threads aligned through open and honest communication.

~T 😀

Jun 272021

With the average lifespan of a woman being about 81.1 years according to 2020 stats, I’m more than halfway through my walk on earth. However, I consider myself good to at least 90 or so; therefore, I shall call this year mid-life.

There’s no crisis in thought like there was around my 40th when M mentioned that I had another 40 years to go. The past five years have given me perspective with the last two or so really providing me the ability to appreciate my life so far.

Someone told me recently that I must feel so wise and experienced compared to others after I had given her a brief on how I’ve spent my adult life so far and the choices, either made for me or by me, that led me to where I am today. I replied that it is not a hierarchy or about comparing. We are all handed a certain deck and it’s all about how we play them, which can be somewhat based on luck of circumstances as well as how we create our own realities.

For me, I’m certain I was born with my stubborn streak. My baby “resting bitch face” pretty much makes that clear. 😬

My “luck” was that I was provided with influences early on in life that weren’t what one would consider to be the most positive, so my stubborn streak guided me toward being “good”. After all, I have been told my Korean name “Sun Hui” means “good girl”. However, the truth is that I could have just as easily gone the other way had I not been naturally inclined to contrariness. 🤪

In any case, I sit today in pure contentment with my life. As I write, there is a soft breeze blowing in the perfectly tempered sunny afternoon of southern France. I spent the day by the pool in the company of my love 😍 at the easy pace of zero expectation. After a week full of activity and birthday celebrations that started early due to plans that remain fluid, as always, it has been an amazing day of quiet 🤫.

The thing is, upon reflection, it has not been an easy journey to get to this place of peace and calm (and continues to be a daily balancing act). While I am very grateful for the ability to lead the life we lead, I do not underestimate or devalue my own participation in creating the lifestyle of my dreams.

It hasn’t been all sunshine ☀️ and champagne 🍾 .

When I hear others talk about the things they want in life or envy the life I have, but are in the next breath unwilling to sacrifice, compromise, or persist in the activities and mindset required to make their hopes and dreams a reality, I am dismayed and disappointed. We are all fully capable of creating the kind of world we want to live in. It is easy to complain or give excuses or blame others for the reasons why we aren’t living the life that we want, but an honest look at ourselves will probably reveal the unwanted truth of our own responsibility, fear, and laziness in why we are discontent. We need to own that truth and decide what we want to do about it.

One thing I have never fully been able to understand is the mentality that many I have come across in my life hold of the world owing us something. Sometimes, that ‘world’ is attributed to parents or friends or people of our past. Although we are beholden to others when we are children, as adults all of that responsibility becomes our own. Dwelling in the what-ifs or finger-pointing is a complete cop-out to me. Every one of us (in the fairly privileged first and second worlds at least) have the ability to change our lives.

If we want to have more money, then we have two choices – change our jobs or work more jobs. If we want to have more free time, then we have two choices – accept having less money or make more money to provide the ability to work less. Whatever it is we want, there are basically two choices – do something about it so that we can have it or accept that we don’t/can’t have it.

No one else is responsible for those choices or wants. Once we have our basic needs met, everything else is on us.

This is how I have led my life.

I didn’t want to stay in Oregon after finishing university because I realized there was a whole world out there I knew nothing about. I hated Japan when I visited, but my options at the time were to go back to Japan or stay in Oregon. I didn’t want to continue being married to the man I had committed to after realizing that he wasn’t going to be husband I deserved. I hated the thought of divorce, but I hated the thought of living life being miserable even more. I didn’t want to become an English language educator because I had imagined a different career. However, I wanted to travel and I didn’t necessarily want to spend more than a couple of years training or working my way up to be able to travel and see the world as I have. I didn’t necessarily want to get married again because a legal document does not make a committed relationship. Yet, upon finding the person I could see myself growing old happily with, I preferred to compromise than be alone or in less contented relationships in the future.

Life could easily have been different. It is not hard to justify an argument that I entered life with a rough start. It would have been easy enough to blame my birth mother, my temporary families that abused and traumatized me, my seemingly unlucky start to life. I could have taken a different road and view of the world. However, thanks to my stubbornness and a bit of lucky elements I have survived and worked very hard for this 45th birthday of contentment.

No sad piggy tears for me!

~T 😀

May 272021

Below is a piece that I wrote in a short three-week “Adoption Writing Experience” class that I have been taking. Today is sadly the last of the series, but it has made me fall in love with writing again. So, thank you, 🙏🏽AP! 💞

“Within two days on my own, I feel as if I’ve let out my breath from holding it for the past 16 months. My husband is lovely. He’s a cheerful labrador, but I prefer to liken him to a poodle on crack. His energy consumes while mine diffuses. As I exhale, he inhales, but I inhale his exhale.

As a couple, the teeter-totter balancing act is what keeps the adventure of life going; sometimes one is up, others times it’s down. However, like being at the bottom while trying to carry something up a flight of stairs, the weight can become heavier and heavier. 

I think now, this was me over the last couple of months.

Perhaps Lady Universe heard my sighs and heavily whispered pleas for a break, because I finally have found a way out of the heavy load. My breath can be my own again.

Solitude and quiet recharge me. It’s in the quiet that I can filter the noise and find my own voice. Like sifting through the cereal box to find the special toy, I need space to pour out the box and move the marshmallows and bits that distract from the prize.

When I can write and hear my own voice, I can be what I need to be for others. When this is overridden, I struggle and all the other voices in my head start to make me feel like I’m going crazy.

So, it is nice to say Hello to me again and to let myself know that I’m not losing my mind, but rather finding it again.

My resolution for when my lovely bouncing ball of energy returns is to gently let him know that I need the space and time daily to hear myself so that we can continue to teeter-totter together with joy rather than let the burden get heavy again.”


I wrote this last week and then M came home. It was a strange feeling having him back as four days was just enough for me to get into my own rhythm and settle into my ways. There was an inner turmoil in me that I had to observe as I think that I had an increased load on my sympathetic nervous system. 💪🏽🏃🏽‍♀️

Inside, I felt unjustifiably bitter that I was letting go of my newfound routine just because M was back. However, logic and reasoning returned to remind me, “Tara, you’re an adult, nothing is stopping you from doing what you want. Just be reasonable.”

So, I did.

My yoga and meditation time returned easily. My writing time, though, still needs some work to compromise on the head/energy space. We both like to be outside in the sun when we can, but he likes/needs to talk or have noise and I do not. Therefore, a schedule is probably needed on my part so that I can find that quiet space, whether in the sun or not, and still have time to enjoy the extroverted lifestyle each day.

In any case, I’ve been given another couple of days of quiet to keep working on the balance and defining the priorities. So, thank you Universe! 😇☀️🙏🏽

~T 😀


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