Apr 212013

Strangely, I feel less hazy on the higher dosage. Maybe by this afternoon that will change as I notice I do get a little bit more tired. In any case, no side effects that I can see so far and I think I am calmer, but can’t say for sure. I will just have to be more watchful.

Anyway, this weekend passed so quickly. I feel as if I still need another couple of days to rest at my own pace. Friday was good for that, but then yesterday got me a bit wound up again. So, hopefully that won’t stick.

This morning, I got up and used the treadmill again for the first time in a while. I’m thinking I may do a mix of the walking/running followed by a quick swim since the weather is rapidly heating up. I need to get myself back in shape at the very least before summer. That way I can feast while at home! Haha.

‘Tis all for now…

-T πŸ˜€

Apr 162013

Day 4 was the best day since I have been back from my trip. I think I am mostly recovered from the food poisoning and the three hour nap the day before along with an early sleep helped with the tiredness. So, it seems I am adjusting.

My head still gets hazy moments, mostly in the afternoons, so am hoping that is just a phase or I guess I will get used to it. I decided to do two more days on 5mg just to allow more time for my body to adjust. Not like there’s a rush in the timeline.

(Lost the rest of my post somehow…can’t remember what I wrote…oh well….)


Apr 152013

This morning I woke up at 4:30 and could never really go back to sleep until I finally had to get up around 5:30 for work.

Clearly, I am still stressing out about things as that is the general reason why I end up awake or can’t sleep through the nights.

However, either because of the lack of sleep or being hormonal and/or the cipralex, I was in a daze most of the day. It was clearly apparent when I hadn’t heated up the coffee enough and forgot to put some dressing on the salad I took for lunch, plus the general state of being hazy and tired. Luckily, I only had to teach one class today and was able to spend the rest of the day inside my office.

We came home early (it is an early day after all) and I took a 3-hour nap, which has definitely helped improve my mood. Yet, now I feel that haziness returning. I think it’s the cipralex as the only other times I have felt this way is when on other meds like allergy medication or from pure exhaustion. Although I could still be quite tired, I’m gonna go with door number one as the possible reason for my dazed and confused state.

On the other hand, I do sort of feel as if my brain is slowing down a bit. At least I don’t totally jump from activity or thought to another as much – today at least -, so maybe that is good. Still, I should be writing my chapter at this moment, but instead I am posting here. Hahaha πŸ˜€

Well, that’s today’s update. I will probably have to wait until the weekend to get to the Turkey post updates as I am trying to get a bit of work done on the chapter before I chat with my supervisor on Friday…eeek!

-T πŸ˜€

Mar 222013

Me and vodka do not really go well together. Whenever I have vodka drinks I end up feeling very very dark.

With my already dark tendencies, especially of late (as you may notice in my posts), I get really hopeless about this life.

Anyway, I have really been unhappy with everything and everyone lately. One of the reasons that I want to go home this summer is to be someplace that I feel safe and surrounded by people I think love me unconditionally. I am even considering looking for jobs in the States because I just don’t feel like this is working for me here. Perhaps this feeling will pass, but right now, it’s how I am feeling.

The truth is that I do not believe that my absence from this world would be all that horrible. I know some would be upset, but their lives would continue on just fine. Since I do not have children and am not married, I do not really have much attachment to what I do in this world. Nothing really brings me great joy except eating… πŸ™‚ I feel as if I just get by day-to-day.

R said it is the bipolar in me talking. Maybe he’s right. He suggested again that maybe I should reconsider medication. Maybe he’s right.

The problem is that it still doesn’t answer my question of “What’s the point? To what end do I live and do what I do in this life?”

So…I don’t know… I have to wait until May before my next appointment with my therapist as she’s on holiday. She said I could call her and she would come in, but I feel bad about that and who am I to interrupt her break? Don’t I live for my holidays?

Well, this is a bit depressing of a post, but writing helps me and maybe someone will read this and understand without thinking I’m crazy or telling me to just get my misery over with… πŸ˜›

-T πŸ˜€

Mar 142013

Whenever I hear Lady Gaga’s song, “The Edge of Glory” I somehow feel like it’s talking about my life mantra. I am always looking for the next best thing because I am somehow dissatisfied with my current state. It is probably my own state of mind that I should be looking to improve, but in any case that’s a long process.

So, the other day, I went to see Dr I and expressed my feeling of being ‘on edge’ not ‘on the edge’, big difference! For the past few weeks I have felt frustration, maybe deep anger and mostly impatience with everyone and everything. It doesn’t come out too negatively towards others, but I feel it brewing inside of me to the point of annoyance. She said I just may need a good cry to release the tension or to consider how to have some balance and let go of the impatience.

Just three weeks ago when I saw her last, I was on a good path, though feeling lowish. This week is a different story. I began to consider what elements in my life had changed…

* I stopped yoga for a period of time due to a change in the teacher. Now the original one is back and we are all very happy.* R hurt his back and required more from me. Not that he demanded in any way, but I felt an increase of pressure.
* Friends and new friends seem to need more effort in terms of organizing getting together or wanting to meet up, which adds to my stress

Something else interesting that Dr I pointed out was that if I am only focused on me and organizing/structuring me and my time, I seem to be okay and balanced. However, I seem to not yet know how to incorporate others into my structure and keep a balance. This is very true.

One thing is that I try to accommodate everyone else. This throws off my routine and my ways, but not others’. Then, I become frustrated that I am the one who seems to be accommodating at my expense, but gaining little in return. While I do little for the return, I do need to feel as if I am in control of my own balance and ways…. So…this is my latest self-revelation!

-T πŸ˜€

Dec 112012

Last night I had a visit to my therapist/counselor/head shrinker – whatever one calls professionals who help us maintain mental health. πŸ™‚ I gotta say that I really like mine and that’s saying a lot since over the years I have not been able to find someone that I could be comfortable enough to share things with. Sometimes it’s like she reads my mind….

Anyway, I was having a random thought about why we call psychologists/psychiatrists ‘shrinks’. For me, Dr I definitely helps my head to shrink in that all the jumbling thoughts and feelings I have going on tend to calm down and become a manageable ball of yarn instead of a mess of threads spreading out all over the place. In this sense, I think it’s definitely not a rude term to say I go to a ‘shrink’.

The main thing is that I’ve been on a low trend lately. I noticed it clearly when all I want to wear is my pajamas and I am tired, but can’t sleep as much as I would like. Usually, when I am depressed I am tired, but never sleep…. So, I’ve been working on maintaining a healthy balance of exercise, pampering and trying to stay calm. It’s somewhat working, but it’s not yet under control.

Lately, I’ve had this trapped feeling that is starting to make feel a bit claustrophobic. Sometimes I just want to go away on my own. For example, a few weeks ago when I went to Paris on my own and I quite enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it was tainted by my work dramas, so I didn’t get to really take in the joy of being on my own, doing my own thing.

On a related, but side note, we have been watching the TV series “Homeland” and the main character played by Claire Danes is bipolar II. In one of the last episodes of the first season, she has a bit of a meltdown showing both the highs and lows. I could totally relate even though I do not have such manic extremes as that. When I’m on my high, my brain is going a mile a minute and I seem to ‘see’ things clearer and (what I think is) better than others. For me, it’s in organizing things and putting everything into a system where my brain works. I see how people and pieces fit together. I see how the behaviors of one can affect many. It’s all a bit eerie, but it is what I see and it is stronger when I’m on the ups. This allows me to be very productive and very active. On the other hand, when the lows come, the world is out to get me and I feel as if no one understands me. I start to feel very tired from all the energy I used up on the ups and I also realize just how much I overextend to the benefit of others, but not myself. It becomes very stressful to me to keep on giving and doing…. This is a hard extreme to handle when the ups are so high and the lows are so low. It’s not easy to manage the happy-medium in-between.

Most people cannot fully appreciate or understand. Most people don’t even know that this is a world I live in. Even those who are closest to me. I can share this easier on a distant blog, but not in person. It’s not healthy or right, so I’m working on making it more of a reality in my oral life. It will take some time.

For now, I’ve had a bit of a release by my visit to Dr I and shall see how I feel a month from now. πŸ˜€

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 022012

I thought it might be good to start off with a post on my “ups and downs” as it has been a while since I wrote anything about it. By the way, this is what I call my ‘bipolar’ tendencies. My therapist and I have agreed that I definitely have a pattern and whether or not we put a label on it doesn’t really matter – so I prefer this term for now.

While I have considered for the past few months possibly going back on some drugs, I think that until I finish my PhD serious consideration will have to wait as I need to be in a mental place where I am prepared for the ‘daze’ that might set in. Since this is my writing year and I really want to complete this degree (finally!), I think it best to continue trying alternative and natural ways of dealing with my ups and downs.

In the last session I had, my therapist reminded me of making lists that properly prioritize the things I need to get done. It’s a three-tiered list with “Things I have to do (now)”, “Things I need to do (later)”, and “Things I should do (eventually)”. She called them ABC, but I prefer this way of separating and prioritizing. So, when I am feeling ‘up’, I should focus on the As and Cs. When I am in the middle, I do As and Bs. When I am ‘down’, then I just do the As. In this way I am not trying to accomplish everything, but focusing on what I can do as well as being in tune with myself and what I feel able to do.

So, this seems to be working for me at the moment. Sadly, there have just been too many As to get through that I’ve nearly given up on the listing…but as routine starts to kick in, everything will start to sort itself out….

Interestingly, the hardest part I have is in controlling the ups and downs. I’m supposed to achieve the midlands consistently and yet a part of me wants the ups and downs…

It’s all a work in progress…later, I will discuss my thoughts on the genetic disposition I might have with all of this….

-T πŸ˜€

Jun 172011

It has been a long journey the past six to eight months. In some ways I wonder where the time went and who that person was living my life during this time. Now that I am on the way back to being me, but a renewed me, I realize just how much I needed to go through this phase and am grateful that it wasn’t a longer episode.

Lemme ‘splain….

Sometime late last year I felt myself falling into a depression that began to take a physical toll on me. I was regularly experiencing feelings of despair and if left alone too long, I would have panic attacks that left me in shambles. I wasn’t happy with anything and only the support of a few people kept me going.

By the end of December, I decided to take the step to seek therapy and consider taking anti-depressants to get me back on track.

Despite trying a couple of different medications, I felt myself constantly frustrated with the fog that seemed to have taken over my mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything for very long and I really didn’t seem any happier/relaxed than I had been before. I was like a zombified version of the depressed me. The only thing that was helpful were the sleeping pills to help me get rest at night as I wasn’t sleeping well and felt exhausted all the time.

Along with the meds, I began to regularly visit with a psychiatrist. The first one was quite supportive and wonderful, but sadly she left the country just around the time where I wasn’t sure about the medications or the counseling…. However, I had committed to at least three months of consistent therapy to try to beat this state I was in and so I agreed to continue with another psychiatrist whom she recommended to me. I am soooo glad I did. Dr I is so great for me and I think I have come a long way with her in a relatively short time.

On my own, I did decide it was time to go off the meds a couple of months ago. They were just not working for me and I really need to be focused and productive to find happiness in myself. As I started this process, the news of Catherine Zeta-Jones came out.

When I was younger, I was convinced that I am bipolar, but I never could fully believe it as I do not have manic highs even though I have the same lows. So, when news came out about another type and lesser-known bipolar disorder, I began to realize that I just might have been right in my self-diagnosis.

Working with my therapist, I have begun to see that my highs might not be manic or cause an extreme in a negative sense, but I constant on-the-go and productivity can be considered the highs that I don’t think I am having since it seems like such a positive thing. So, I am working on building habits that try to balance out my need to be overly productive with ‘chill’ time each day so that I stay on top of what might cause me to hit the lows and consider how to adjust my behavior to either keep the lows from being overwhelming or prevent them altogether.

So…it feels great to be back to me. I am getting more done.Β  I am seeing my friends again. I am re-establishing my independence and with a new sense of confidence than I had before. It’s been quite a journey thus far and it is far from over, but it feels great to be more aware of myself and to understand better the sources of the feelings and emotions that I have spent years learning to suppress and control out of fear of what they may mean or bring to my life. I am old enough now or in the right mental place to start to deal with my past and move forward as the woman that I am meant to be. πŸ™‚

This long post is the beginning of my re-awakening and more posts to come!

Until next time,



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