Apr 062017

__Station Eleven_ by Emily St. John Mandel

This book hit the popularity scale a couple of years ago, but I have been a bit slow with reading what is popular. Mostly I have been reading from the AWN Book Club list, but as I was away on holiday, I thought that I would expand. πŸ˜›

It is an interesting story of a pandemic that basically ends the world as we know it. A few manage to survive the Georgia Flu and the story revolves around a few central characters both before and after the Flu hits the world. 

Although it has hints of Atwood and other dystopic worlds, I felt as if whatever message was trying to be relayed did not quite get there. Or maybe I just somehow missed it…?

Anyway, I do see why it was popular, and am glad that I finally managed to read it. I recommend it as a better than a usual trash novel holiday read, but not necessarily intellectually challenging… πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€


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