May 172013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

_Gone Girl_ by Gillian Flynn

A couple of colleagues and friends from work asked if I was interested in joining in reading this book with them since one said it was a book that you want to read with someone to be able to talk about it. Intrigued by the idea and never really having done a ‘book club’ type thing before (unless you count Bible studies), I thought I’d give it a shot. Plus, it was a good excuse to avoid academic reading now and then.

Well, I totally got hooked, plus a little bit competitive at J’s speed reading skills. So, I finished the book probably within a week’s time. It was a good distraction, but I’m not convinced about it.

So…the story is told in alternating chapters from the perspective of Amy via her diary entries and her husband in real time. The story tells the tale of their relationship and the inner struggles from both sides. There are a number of twists that I do not want to comment on in case you are planning on reading the book. Each of the twists were well played and the story itself was quite well-written.

Unfortunately, be warned that all three of us were quite disappointed by the ending. We felt that Flynn just sort of gave up leaving a very anticlimactic feeling. I have not read other reviews or gone to see what the general feelings of others have been towards the ending (I mean I do have a dissertation to write after all, haha! ;)), but feel free to comment should you read the book and let me know how you feel about the ending yourself.

Anyway, it was fun. We didn’t do a proper ‘book club’ style of discussion and all that, but it was nice to all have read something together and then to have a chit chat about it. Maybe we’ll do another one soon.

-T πŸ˜€


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