May 262020

A while back one of my relatives on Facebook posted a video of this father-daughter duo singing “The Prayer”, which is one of my favorite songs.

For years, we have watched Claire and Dave Crosby sing. The cuteness factor along with the sweet naivety of a daughter looking up to her father were the main draw. We still enjoy watching them out of nostalgia, but the talent level is in a growing phase….

Therefore, the real beauty of The Shaws is that the talent between the two of them is pure. Also, the start of their fame has come from the basic desire of just wanting to sing. Even as you listen to their Q&A session (above), there is such humility and joy in what they are doing.

It reminds me of the joy I used to have singing. While I let myself be held back by my own shyness, fear, and introvertedness as a youth, I always felt free and peaceful when singing. Of course, I could still join a choir or sing more formally, but that’s not of interest at the moment.

Still, I think the joy of turning on some beautiful tunes, belting them out with all of my might creates a purity in the soul. So, maybe it’s time to blast the speakers and let it out! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

Jul 252016

Day 30: Β What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?

When I first thought about the answer to this question, my mind came up with my ability to problem solve. Generally, I am the one who brainstorms ways to get out of a pickle and then takes action to make it happen once deemed the best choice in the moment. This is indeed a great skill to have especially during the past couple of months. However, when I consider the very moment what I am actually grateful for in my skills is that I can speak, read and write (sometimes) in Japanese. Why? Well, for some reason that I shall not question nor complain at all about, I have found tutoring opportunities in Japanese. That’s right, not English, but my second (err third?) language. It will be fairly lucrative if the lessons hold and the fact that I have experience learning the language, speak English well and can teach are highly in my favor to maintain these chances. So, while with all tutoring, nothing is ever for sure nor consistent, I can still say that I am grateful that I have this skill to give us a chance to make a few extra dirhams in our time of ‘need’. πŸ˜›


Well, today is the last day of the 30-day Gratitude challenge and I must say that the days went quickly. It was excellent for me to focus a bit each day on finding something to be thankful for as there were/are some days when I can easily choose to go the other way in my thinking.

However, the light is drawing closer at the end of our tunnel. We are starting to really see and feel hope for our lives to return to a sense of normal. It has not quite been the summer that we had planned on, but the truth is that if we needed to go through this period of our lives and marriage, now is definitely the time to have done it. There is much to be grateful for each and every day. The more that we focus on these positives the more it comes our way – it seems.

I have realized the importance of the words, tone and attitude I use as well. While I may say something positive, if my tone and attitude are a bit cynical or even a little sarcastic, then it diminishes the uplifting value of the good that is happening. Instead, I want to grow into the ideally graceful, generous and inspirational woman who emits love, compassion and happiness to those around me.

While I, like everyone, have many talents and skills to offer the world, what I truly desire is to offer an example of what it means to live life full of joy, love and contentment with the world doing my part to making it and others better. It may have taken me a while to get to this point of my life, I am here now. My new aspirations in life are to really live fully with these elements emanating from me wherever I go and with whomever I meet. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€


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