Nov 062020

If you’ve been reading this blog or following me for a while, then you probably already know my love of schedules. No, more than a love, they are a necessity in my life.

Strangely enough, most of the people around me are the absolute opposite including my husband, who has an almost allergic aversion to creating habits for keeps. πŸ˜›

Anyway, now that we are three weeks and counting in our new lifestyle I felt that it was time for me to start “scheduling” myself to reset my focus and ensure that I am accomplishing the goals that I have set out for myself on a personal level that coordinate with our physical move.

One way that I reset is by creating a detailed hourly schedule for my day-to-day activities that are regular.

As a new freelance worker (freelancer), I have to check in to my “work” every day. Even though I might allot time each day to conduct the required work, I admit there is flexibility in the timing of the schedule depending on the workload.

Still, the mere fact that I have a time schedule helps me to focus. It also gives me a sense of satisfaction when I complete everything in my day by noon (as in the past couple of days) – that’s with my schedule already ensuring that I finish by 3pm anyway.

Of course, this may all go out the window in another week or two as more activities get added or something changes, but during life in lock-down it is something that grounds me and gives me purpose for each day.

I had a rare comment exchange with someone on a Facebook group that I am in. Usually, I ignore people who appear to be trolls, or generally negative folks. However, for some reason, I felt the need to engage this person. She did not see the point in spending time making vision boards. She started with “who has the time?” and then asked “but what’s it all for?”. Finally, she tried to back-off with summing up that she just takes each day as it comes and doesn’t need such things. I challenged her with, obviously such things are not for everyone, but vision boards do create purpose and motivation and direction. As for me, I’ve already got two major things in process, which is because of my making it happen – because I believe in the law of attraction and that the Universe is working for me to help me have the things I want. In the end, I also nicely replied with, “what is it all for if someone just lives day by day without goals?” Thus ended the exchange.

I don’t know if she understood the other viewpoint or not, but I understood hers as someone who is probably not a scheduler. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but most people who do not plan find it meaningless to do so or that it is too controlling over one’s life to live by a plan.

Now, I don’t live and DIE by my schedules and plans. I KNOW life is not something we can control completely, BUT I DO KNOW from experience that we can absolutely control certain things in our lives.

One of those things is how we spend our days. Every morning, we wake up and make choices that will determine how our day will end. It is well-documented by some of the most successful and happiest people that they achieve this status because of planning, scheduling, and setting goals. Of course, there must surely be plenty of successful and happy people who don’t – I just haven’t heard of them! πŸ˜›

So, as I have plenty of other goals to achieve, I want to ensure that I keep myself focused on them. The first step to doing that for me is by making a detailed hourly schedule. πŸ˜‰ And, the bonus was that I applied my love of The Home Edit by color-coding it rainbow style!

~T πŸ˜€

Jan 222020

It may sound weak and pathetic, but just over two weeks after returning from winter holidays, I am just finally starting to feel like myself again.

It seems that my tolerance for being busy, social, and the like has greatly decreased so that it is taking me longer to recoup. For the past couple of weeks, I have been having to force myself into the real world again.

My introverted voice reminds me that it is just that my batteries πŸ”‹ ran on low πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈ for too long so it is now requiring a bit more time to get them charged back up to full πŸ‘ΈπŸ½. On a normal week or schedule they never run much lower than 50%, so it’s merely a matter of using my working from home days to return to full capacity.

Unfortunately, last week required me to teach πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ« three consecutive full eight hour days with only a short lunch break to refresh. So, the weekend was not quite enough to get me back on track.

Another major and important factor is my gym πŸ’ͺ🏽 time. While many may have other outlets to charge themselves up, I find that spending time at the gym lifting weights πŸ‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ, doing yoga πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ, and working on my C25K programπŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈis as effective as being at home on my own. The added benefit is that I feel physically healthy as well. So, this week, I have been able to return to my regular gym visits. πŸ‘πŸ½

By the end of the week, I imagine that January will have sorted itself out for me – just in time for the second month of the year to start already! πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

~T πŸ˜€

Oct 052016

So my post the other day on working vs not working also brought up some ponderings on my regular visits on the topic of schedules, discipline and structures.

My tendencies for ups and downs are really being challenged lately as I find myself lacking consistent structure. I still keep a schedule. I still am planned day-to-day or even weeks ahead, but I am required to be a bit more flexible and am finding myself a tad busier than I would like to be. At the moment, it is okay as my busyness is in networking, which I need to do to promote the business. I am hoping that in a short time I will be able to decrease the networking activities and be busy with clients or my other aspirations.

Still, I am finding that my writing is getting pushed aside again. While I am maintaining this blog reasonably well and trying to stay up with my business blog and social media, my personal writing has greatly diminished. Although I was working on my novel quite a bit over the summer, it has been weeks if not a couple of months since I last worked on a chapter. It doesn’t help to not have Internet at home, but even when I am taking time to be on the computer I am usually focusing on other activities.

The question then is whether or not I need to return to a more structured schedule. Perhaps I do. Perhaps this will help me to keep my boundaries clear with time on activities and do what is not only productive, but also beneficial. At the moment, I have a full schedule:

Sundays – focus on work to promote new teacher training course in Abu Dhabi & afternoon tutoring

Mondays – Yas Mall walking, coffee with ladies & afternoon tutoring (sometimes networking event)

Tuesdays – morning run with ladies, pottery, afternoon tutoring, yoga client and sometimes networking

Wednesdays – morning golf and coffee, evening photography or networking

Thursdays – Yas Mall yoga, coffee with ladies and a free afternoon/evening (sometimes photography)

Fridays – morning yoga client, brunch or evenings with friends

Saturdays – morning and afternoon tutoring, evenings to relax

So, every day is quite full. I am still trying to wake up at 5am to meditate, though I am struggling with this. When I do I feel good, but then I feel quite tired. I am going to sleep later than usual these days, though not exhausted as I would feel from a full day of work at the university. We have taken the week off from the gym, but I am still doing yoga at home most days and then next week we will be back to the gym for weight training. πŸ˜›

I am not sure how the days pass so quickly and I definitely do not miss my old life by any means. Yet, I do wonder – wasn’t I supposed to be ‘retired’??? πŸ˜€

In any case, I just need to stop to take note, breathe and make sure that I do not over extend myself so as not to lose energy and get worn out. Still, I am enjoying each day fully!!!

~T πŸ˜€


Oct 032016

Now that I do not have a typical 9-5 job I should suddenly become a night person and be able to stay up late since I have nothing I have to get up early for. Or so I am told. 

It seems I am not meeting expectations properly by continuing to follow my natural patterns of sleep as an early riser and morning person. 

The problem with this theory that I am told I should be following is that, first, my husband does still have a 9-5 (and then some) job and still gets up early. So, it’s not like I can just start a different schedule even if I wanted to. Unless I would like to never see him, which as a newlywed I am not yet (if ever) a interested in. πŸ˜‰

And, I don’t want to. I am a morning person who likes to go to bed early. I sleep better when I do and get more done, which means I am a happier and healthier person. For me. 

I do not believe that the majority of the world are night people. I do believe that society has made people become night people even if they do not want to be so. 

We justify staying up late by feeling a need to enjoy our lives outside of work as much as possible because we do not enjoy our work during the day. Therefore, we have people everywhere who are sleep-deprived and unhealthy because they think that working is the answer (or because they don’t have the luxury to not work). 

Also, I disapprove of being told that I am not working just because I no longer have a typical 9-5 job. Worse than that is the suggestion that I have nothing to get up for other than a job that I may or may not like. 

I would hope that we can get up in the mornings because we like to be alive and are excited about what the day has to offer. I would hope that we stay awake or go to sleep when we like because we know our bodies and minds well enough to know what is healthiest and happiest for ourselves. I would hope that our uniqueness in these areas does not merit a jealous statement that suggests one way of life is better than another because of our own misconceptions or unhappy decisions to stay in discontent circumstances. 

So I will continue to follow my early bird schedule. I will continue to work as a usual self-employed business owner works (or less actually). And, I will continue to ignore those who try to tell me otherwise. 

If you know me and want to see me, you know my awake hours. πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€


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