Apr 112017

This yoga training weekend we had a workshop on the chakras. Although all seven of the main spinal chakras are important, the third eye chakra has a unique and more prominent presence in our lives.

First, what are these chakras? 

Chakras are considered balls of energy that form by the crossing of the three main medians or lines of energy that flow through our body. The Chinese believe that there are something like 72,000 medians that run through our body. We might understand them as the blood vessels, veins, nerves, etc. However, there are considered to be one main central, right and left median. These medians are said to cross at various locations on the spine five times with two that are around the head. These crossing points are said to be balls or wheels of energy that affect various aspects of our lives and minds. 

The two that are around the head are the third eye and the crown chakras that connect us to others and the spiritual realms. 

The third eye has been given the most presence in our world dating back into history across various cultures around the globe. We might consider the eye on the top of the pyramid that appears on the US dollar bill or the blue talisman made famous in some countries. There are numerous other carvings or drawings of the third eye which is also known as the all-seeing eye. Even the Lord of the Rings series uses the Eye. 

We get our perception and intuition from this chakra. The chant of Om comes from this chakra. When there is an imbalance in the third eye chakra then one may have eyesight problems, poor memory, headaches, etc. It is important to maintain a balance of this energy by tapping on the place between your eyebrows lightly and sitting quietly bringing attention to this space imagining light entering your body.

Spending regular time on seeing the light enter your body can work to help prevent illnesses in the brain – even if you do not believe, what would it hurt to give it a try?

~T πŸ˜€


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